I just finished watching the grand finals. Individually VP played much better although I didn't think OG played as well as they can.
You can tell where VPs strategy falls apart. They get super aggressive, get ahead and then brute force their way to stay ahead. But they fail to see when that strategy won't work. Best example is game 5. They actually outdrafted OG but didn't see the path to victory. All they had to do was keep troll of them but instead they itemize down the brute force way. Ench going for MKb was a mistake. An offensive attos, defensive cape on OD, etc would have gone a lot further. Same with alchy...selling a defensive item and going for satanic was retarded. Atos, force staff, Euls l, etc would have been infinitely better as well. It really shows their inability to adapt to the game. It's bruteforce/slam your dicks or nothing.