They do have total knowledge of all info available, they use special APIs and stuff and don't use actual "human-like" visual recognition. The whole thing is skewed heavily towards the AIs already with all the limits, so the fact they win now isn't really telling much imo. The AIs currently just analyze the data that's available to them and formulate a plan that's the most efficient, but they have no way to "guess" or analyze the lack of information, which is why they restrict everything that'd give humans an information advantage: invis, summons, illusions, wards, courier vision, various heroes unique traits like NS night vision and so on. You could beat the current bots with a team of fuckboys with just one of them playing Riki/BH and sitting on the bot asses all game to scout them and warding(not smart warding either, just your basic ward all the high grounds).
It's kinda like you had a team of bots playing CS:GO, but you removed all grenades and the ability to walk. Then the bots would just move all together with instant perfect aiming and complete knowledge of where the humans are if they ever move in range where footsteps can be heard and even if the humans camp, the bots will have perfect teamwork and accuracy so the moment they enter an area, humans might kill one bot but all their positions would be instantly revealed and they'd be killed. Humans might be able to do shit like shooting through walls but it's an unfair match from the start due to the restrictions.
Ultimately it just serves as free advertisement I think. Shit's been on the frontpage of Reddit via various tech articles and Bill Gates tweeted about it. But it's so so far from actually being able to beat a human team, not even a good one, in normal terms.