Slark got A LOT of buffs it seems, just from general mechanics change. Seems he can dispel Hex again and pounce is now a TP interupt, which means there's no escaping him if he ganks you at low hp/you're a support. Also got some minor buffs directly but those are pretty big.
Some of the changes seem super retarded but we'll see I guess. AM reflect on a 3secs cd 1.4secs duration, SD straight up removing 40% health from people for 10secs, Huskar having an aoe knockback+disarm+damage on a 12secs cd, Dazzle having 50% cooldown reduction, Brew drunken haze being way way stronger, Razor having a 500aoe 120damage free nuke every THREE seconds, definitely some wild shit in there. Some of the changes look a lot worse too. Like OD seems even worse somehow?