Some real life twitch tv personality guy I think, or podcast guy or whatever. Apparently started playing dota so people party with him for some free viewers and shit.
Some real life twitch tv personality guy I think, or podcast guy or whatever. Apparently started playing dota so people party with him for some free viewers and shit.
Sort of what I figured. Like he popped out of nowhere to ride the TI hype and grab some views with Bulldog and a few others. Seems super annoying and is arguably worse than me at dota which is quite the accomplishment.
Trainwrecks has no perceivable life-skills, but for energy and enthusiasm. He leans hard into the dumb-ape corner, like being dumb and an ape is a positive thing. He is a parasite that latches himself onto anyone that has the slightest bit more viewers or fame. He is spawn of MitchJones (possibly the worst person ever), who is spawn of SodaPoppin. He more than likely has diagnosable mentally handicaps. His special moves are drooling and intense stuttering.
His Dota knowledge is time-capsuled from like 5 years ago. His skills resemble a paraplegic that has to push buttons using a straw in his mouth. He is a LoL'er.