This old Misery team? He's been on so many. I agree, a team always plays most fearless, loose, and in their wheelhouse. The thing I enjoy about Spirit so much is that they patiently move around the map, and when there is an opening to go they don't worry they just go.
The Disrupter / Snapfire support play play reminds me of how EG had AUI techies/Naga. Wings had Tusk. That tournament hero that isn't quite broken or ban worthy in general, but against a specific team, specific player, specific year just requires an unequal amount of attention to beat, or the exposure to top tier play of that hero is lacking.
If Spirit wins. - OG -> VP -> IG -> Secret -> LGD would be their tournament Eliminations. All the combinations of matches and winners tomorrow look promising.
Digital Chaos
1 | Resolut1on |
2 | w33 |
3 | Moo |
4 | Saksa |
5 | MiSeRy |