an accordion_sl

One of the main reasons a lot of newer players do so badly is they are way too passive in their lane early game. Sadly, even some players getting in the better brackets have that mindset. I've seen a hero that would 100% die so many times if my teammate just decided to follow me in and stun/use whatever ability they have, but they're after that precious 1 hit on a mob instead...
6 last hits is more than killing a hero with no streak...


<Silver Donator>
6 last hits is more than killing a hero with no streak...
Well it's quite a bit more than that, I mean there's the deficit for the player who dies(both the gold he loses from the death and gold he doesn't get from last hits while dead) and the xp(both for you and the xp the enemy isn't gaining) and I don't know if you counted the assist gold in your calculation but seems not. A kill is always worth it if you can get it quickly and without losses, even if you lose 2-3last hits in the process. It's sometimes not though if one of you dies or has to go back to base to heal up cause you were out of regen before initiating and such.


So what do I do about phantom lancer besides just prepare my asshole?

Dark Seer with tanky carries works well, just Ion Shell your carry. Axe is also great against PL, Earthshaker can be good (illusions bounce ES ultimate). Do not let enemy team get kotl +pl if possible, that trilane is brutal.

an accordion_sl

Well it's quite a bit more than that, I mean there's the deficit for the player who dies(both the gold he loses from the death and gold he doesn't get from last hits while dead) and the xp(both for you and the xp the enemy isn't gaining) and I don't know if you counted the assist gold in your calculation but seems not. A kill is always worth it if you can get it quickly and without losses, even if you lose 2-3last hits in the process. It's sometimes not though if one of you dies or has to go back to base to heal up cause you were out of regen before initiating and such.
I guess my point was that that other hero in the lane is a carry and usually there are very few moments where it's worth it to actually be past the creepwave harassing the enemy with your support. Missing last hits for thechanceof killing a hero can be annoying if nothing comes out of it. This is even more true in games where no one is queued together and you're unsure of the skill of your lane partner. Obviously it's a different story if the support can harass to 50%-75% life and you know the kill is guaranteed.

edit: for queueing solo vs pl, go dk mid
midas -> sblade -> gank and farm like mad till 16 -> push, gg


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've actually learned a lot from playing with Reth. Not only is he pretty supportive and communicates well, but he doesn't baby foot around. If you mess up, he'll tell you what you did wrong. But he won't put pressure on you and make you feel like a noob for doing it. Example, me and my Jakiro. I was always to passive with this hero. Never initiating with my Ice when I had the chance and worried more on warding and protecting vision in the jungle.

I do think its all about learning matchups, and the variables of matchups you can have in this game is astounding. I watch as many pro games as I can when I have the time, and I like to watch them in the Dota client, but without using wireshark it's pretty glitchy downloading replays.

Another thing I've learned is just because you know what all the heroes do, doesn't mean you finished learning all the heroes. There are little subtle differences like stat gain, starting health (For instance a undying lvl 1 str drain will take ALOT more health from veno/sd than say an alch or a lifestealer lvl1), early game potential, mid game late game ect. If your running with a friend or two, work on a combo. For instance, Tiny/Wisp or Tiny/CK. I use to run CK/Lesh which is also a fun lane and is almost guarunteed first blood at lvl 2 or even 1 depending on who your facing.

Another subtle stat is night tame vision range. I had no idea heroes had different values on this and know why enchantress is still a highly sought after hero.

But the biggest thing that has helped me is keep a cool head. Even when you lose. You have to take notes on why you lose. Don't just use the excuse its because you were playing with noobs, but what did those noobs do to lose it. In my previous case it was because we didn't push our advantage and were facing 3 carries, nobody bought a ghost scepter at the end and I couldn't carry with Tiny without help because of omniknight and them having control of roshan)

The best way to carry yourself out of the lower brackets if your solo is try to get mid, if you get a jungle on your team learn a short (long? people always interchange these terms) lane hero, BM excels especially in this level. My go to mid is QoP and can quite easily dominate my tier with her. Stick with a few champions at first, play SD and RD every now and then to break the monotony, but don't expect wins.

Also best counter to PL in lower tier is Sven, Luna and to a lesser extend Magus. Also having a Tinker to counter push if he is playing right helps a ton too)


Ancient App + CK is way meaner. Iirc the bonus from freezy touch (cast it before illusions) goes to minions but the attack slow does not. Couple that with magic damage buff from slow + double stun (you will get double stun unless you fail horribly at basic motor functions) = gg son.


Dealing with Low Tier PL:

99% of the time he will take the safe lane and farm. He is extremely weak and squishy and you can gank the hell out of him. Choose a hero that can lock him down. Whenever I play with my brother I generally queue down and when someone picks PL, I always counterpick with Batrider. I'll start in the jungle and get 6 up fast. Roll up to PLs lane, dive into him and dust, grab his ass and kill him. Now here's a good trick. That guy is going to come straight back to that lane, so I just hide over by the side shop and let lasso/dust get off cooldown and gank him again instantly. It almost always works, and that will be 2 deaths for him around the 12 minute marker.

The most important part about it after ganking him a few times, and one of the biggest mistakes that happens almost every single game, is do not let up on him. Just because you ganked him twice doesn't mean you can abandon your lane and go fiddlefuck around somewhere else. Once he is behind you have to apply pressure. Don't let him farm. Keep him on your radar. If he isn't farming the safe lane, he's a target somewhere else. Make it known to the PL player that you're not going to let up on his ass. Follow him lane to lane. If he's not on the minimap, he's trying to jungle. Go find him.

As with anything in Dota, a lot also relies on at least 1, or dare I say, 2 of your teammates to be somewhat on board with you. It's very hard to solo shut him down. You need people willing to go for it, dive his ass early under the tower, secure the kill. Trading a support for PL at all points in the game is a bargain.

Against the PL/Kotl lane, you NEED Tranquil boots. They are enough to sustain eating lances in the face. Kotl is extremely weak when he is just sitting there feeding PL, so remove him from the equation. Ward around the sides and watch when he is lurking around looking for a quick illuminate. Punish him for not staying in the lane and nearby the PL. This will soak up XP that PL needs to be getting and makes it easier to kill both of them when you get a gank squad in early.


Molten Core Raider
best thing you can do in newb tier is get a mic and try to rally your team and lead them to victory, most people i have noticed will listen if you try to set up ganks and kinda know what you're talking about.

You have to be the captain because 99% of the time everyone is a mute and trying to mesh well without some kinda communication other than pings gets rough, and take rosh when you can.


By the time Medusa is even remotely useful, PL has reached terminal and the cancer has spread too far. Her ult won't really do much, and even if it does mostly kill off his army, he will have another army almost instantly afterwards.


That's where I think your statement is massively misleading. Naked aggression in lane is no way to win consistently in dota, you have to absolutely understand the powercurve of your hero, your lane partner, and combination of enemy heroes. A simple example would be Mirana V Queen of Pain mid.

At lvl 1, QoP has the advantage, her base damage is higher, she can come with more consumables to lane. If she takes shadowstrike first, its stronger and more useful in this context than arrow or lvl 1 starfall. Mirana can rarely afford an arrow first build, so leap is probably it.

At lvl 2, Mirana is at a base damage disadvantage but she's a little more dangerous having arrow/leap - Even still her auto attack is so weak that a landed arrow will not result in a kill unless the qop is quite low. QoP has Blink and Scream or Blink and Shadowstrike most likely. This is still - slightly in QoP favor.

At Lvl 3, The matchup is more even - the base damage still being the decider.

At lvl 4, Mirana gains an edge on long arrow initiation because of the double strike of starfall, but it is a heavy commitment most likely and is still no guarantee.

At lvl 5, A good arrow by mirana will kill Qop with double level 3 starfall. Qop still does scarry damage, the arrow must hit with reasonable stun time for mirana. Mirana takes the power lead for 1 level substantially under an good arrow hit.

At lvl 6, QoP jumps ahead with her ulti, Mirana is a reasonably soft hero and without one rounding qop she can die in an instant to scream. The only initiation mirana can make are for sure kills, if it isn't for sure it probably means Mirana dies.

Obviously this little scenario doesn't take into account the variable status of hp/mana in the lane, runes, teammate assistant and just assumes the capacity for both heroes to use their skills with mostly full life, or last hits and items in lane at 6 minutes, but it does speak to the greater point. Being aggressive is fine, but understanding the precise timing of when the advantage is legitimate is not simple. It just gets more complicated when you head into duo lanes etc.

Venomancer Juggernaut duo is one of the strongest level 1 duo lanes in the game assuming the veno can hit gale with reasonable distance away from the enemy tower, but such a lane for example gets incredibly weak say vs a shadow demon leshrac at level 2. Disruption can bait out jugs mana at worst, and at best the player isn't hammering spin and gets taken so low that simple auto attacks combined with soulcatcher and or edict finish the job.

The biggest mistake I see made in lower tier dota, is being aggressive, failing, then following that up with yet more aggression snowballing the lane out of control and potentially the entire game. I think its fair to say if you do not understand your lane advantage or disadvantage always error on the side of caution. Or at minimum once you are aggressive and fail back off and re-evaluate the plan.
Indeed it all depends, but a LOT of people don't make that distinction and just turn on the passive switch. this is ESPECIALLY true for jungler that tend to afk for 15 minutes in the jungle without even looking at their minimap for the duration or helping out with runes / stack+pulls. How often have you seen a furion never use his port to kill a 10% hp hero slowly retreating because he's too busy farming his jungle.

What I meant for lanes is really more about maximizing your presence in a lane. For example as a melee carry with no nuking capabilities, your #1 priority is of course getting the last hits. 2nd priority should be going for denies if it doesnt mean missing last hits, and finaly #3 priority should be getting a hit on the enemy if it means not missing priority #1 and #2. I'd say that 90%+ of players in pubs do #1 well, #2 very sporadicaly, and never #3.

When playing with friends that understand this basic concept and laning with them, we will often get kills in a lane we were never supposed to win because chipping away at a hero every few hits you can does add up and can mean that in 4 minutes he has no more regen and is standing at 60% with low mana where you can now safely kill him.

I guess it all comes down to understanding what your situation is in lane, and what is your role. THere is nothing more frustrating than being Shadow Demon, supporting a laning ursa and having ES come to trilane...all vs a Venomancer and seeing your teammates do absolutely nothing to harass venom/get a kill while our 2 other lanes get pummeled. Case in point I was the SD and solo got the venom to 20% three times in a row with 0 agressive play from either to get the kill. I eventualy left for top but game had cascaded to shittown at that point with their top lane getting massively fed.

This is one out of maybe 50 similar situations I've seen lately..


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

Fantasy foot-dota-ball. Giving it a shot with 3 other friends, made our own league within. Same sort of drafting as a football league. Unsure of the outcome, but I suspect something in-game as a reward? Who knows. Officially through Steam though, check it out gang.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wow just had an epic game 4v5 (our team short) as Nyx laning with centaur. We were outkilled by about 15-20 and were down towers and they were cruising. Sadly for them, they werent pushing enough and centaur jungled and fed eventually getting a heart and satanic and eventually bkb and ended up with 28 kills (I had 10) and we came back and won.

Centaur seems like a really good hero regardless of tier.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Centaur is a good pub stomping hero. I don't think he's a viable carry in higher levels. He's a very good support however.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Virtus Pro running carry Vengeful Spirit, finally a professional team plays my favorite hero/build, she is such a rapist.