
Blackwing Lair Raider
Below red line, pre-patch



<Silver Donator>
PL was kinda fine before, he was buffed, probably too strong now, he'll get nerfed back eventually. Interestingly a few years ago PL was considered a really late game pick and only that, but also a few years ago people didn't manage to farm as much as now(both due to skill, playstyle and mechanics, you get more golds nowadays from assist bounty mostly). In today's playstyle even the old PL would probably be considered decent, and that's partly because kotl is also very en vogue(or was last time I checked, probably still is since he just got nerfed) and PL+Kotl is like butt buddies 101.

Anyway this shit comes and goes. He'll get lycaned/morphlinged soon enough.


Nerf PLs lance a tad and he will be fine. Given how strong his strong late game is, he shouldn't be able to simply get a soul ring and take over his lane. None of the other hard carries can really do that.

Illusion sieges also need to be nerfed. They aren't fun to play, and are particularly un-fun to watch. It doesn't matter if PL is doing it or SD+3AM or any other combo that gets around. Its dumb to watch a tower or rax be slowly eaten away at no risk to the attacking team. This tactic is particularly at odds with Ice Frog's current trend of trying to promote high action ganks and fights, so I can't see it sticking around into the next major patch.


The best suggestion I've read about would be to tether his illusions the same way Syllabear works. If he wants to split push with his army, he has to be with. He could still send illusions up with Radiance burn, sure, but it eliminates one of the major problems. Also he wouldn't be able to farm the entire jungle while also safely farming the lane at the early game.

Also it would work to give his ult a range so that 3-4 illusions cannot become 15 to keep the push alive.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Also one of the overlooked things about PL is his Illusions give ZERO GOLD, which is ridiculous. Look at a hero that's supposed to have a play style like him, Broodmother. Her Spiderlings (spawned from her Q) give 11-13 bounty and her Spiderites (spawned when Spiderlings kill a unit) give 16-21. That's actually fucking huge. Imagine each PL illusion giving 16-21 gold. He charges in to a base with 8 of them and the enemy carry farms them up and bam that's a free 160 gold. The only problem I would see with having this happen is you can't really control the illusions spawning like you can Spiderling/ites.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone else with an ATI card experiencing this?

computer installed a service pack (not sure if it was drivers) because it said service pack, restart computer try dota, looks like this in game.

id just roll back, but i guess i never set that shit up, my only restore point is from today.

every solution i find is like this.

"WARNING: Do not use this method if you have an AMD processor/chipset. This guide is only for users who have Intel processors and AMD graphics. Using this method on an AMD chipset will cause vital chipset drivers to be deleted and create system instability."

and yeah i have an amd processor.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Looks like the latest release for HD 4850 is 13.1, have you tried updating those? From the site, not the POS Device Manager auto update feature.


Molten Core Raider
Looks like the latest release for HD 4850 is 13.1, have you tried updating those? From the site, not the POS Device Manager auto update feature.
thanks for the help bro, this didnt work but i eventually got fed up and just hit the factory default settings thing, and randomly it works, i have no idea what kinda setting must have changed with the service pack, to make the textures break like that, i was curious so i went and fucked around with my settings turning various shit on and off, went through pretty much every option and nothing made it bug out, wish i knew what it was but this worked for now.


Been losing more games than winning, feels bad man. Need to levelup in skill.
A lot of DotA is psychological. If you're on a losing streak, you starting going into games believing you will lose before they even start. That shit infects your play and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. You run when you shouldn't, you don't press when you should, you dick around just waiting for that inevitable team wipe. Best thing to do is to just step away, come back a few days later and start fresh.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Seriously. I pretty much just play AR. Sure, sometimes the other team has the RNG gods smile upon them in terms of hero picks/composition, but overall I think it evens out the playing field and forces people to try to find synergies.

I also find a lot less rage in AR games, probably because people know what they are getting into.