
Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
So I've spent most of the day drinking Vodka and playing against bots solo trying to learn how to last hit / deny. I'm "significantly" better than the other day when Daly graciously gifted me a key. Now I'm trying to learn how to use the courier / shop and get a couple of build orders learned. Mostly been playing Luna and really really like her, but a few times I just random select to gain some familiarity with other Heroes. Now I'm at the point where almost want to try a PUG game, but don't feel like getting yelled at by 13 year olds. Either way, just a couple days of playing has helped put a lot of watching TI3 Qualifiers in perspective, which is really all I was going for (although playing is more fun than expected).

*edit: Not really liking the a + left click for deny, wondering if it is a good idea to just change that to simple left click with an autoexec edit or what the preferred long term method for deny is.


Also just go play MM if you want, you're not going to get yelled at by 13/yo kids (well, you might of course, but whatever). You will get paired with new players. They will be equally as shitty as you. You might possibly get paired with an experienced player on a new account, that happens sometimes.


<Silver Donator>
You can definitely change it if you want, I don't think valve will remove scripts/console commands, even if they do you'll just have to relearn it at that point. It's definitely a bit weird and takes some time to get used to it but at the same time the attack key is useful not only for denying but also for attack moves, which lets you move to the targetted position or attack the first viable target in the way, whichever comes first. This is useful when chasing someone in the fog if you want to attack them as soon as they appear on your screen without requiring an additional click which might be too slow if they fog you again and such. Also useful for jungling with additional units like spiderlings, chen creeps, illusions and so on, attack moving on the map so you don't have to micro as much.

On courier and shop, mostly what you want to do is have a key for the courier(and one for your hero) so you can swap selection without moving your screen or your mouse, then buying depends on people, you can use shortcuts, you can type the name, you can click the menu, you can set a quick buy beforehand and so on. After that it's just mechanically pressing the buttons for take items(if you didn't have the courier selected when you bought), bring item, turbo. Rest is mostly automated anyway, courier goes back to base once it has delivered. For the shop it helps to setup stuff in advance say you want to buy a meka next you shift click it, it adds all the parts to your quickbuy menu for when you get the money, you can do that when you're healing in base or dead for example. You can only setup one full item at a time though.

I also recommend checking guides. In the top left corner of the screen, I think 2nd button from the left(first is to go into options), there's a guide button. It opens a list of guides for your hero, you choose one(generally the highest rated), click it and it'll change your recommended items list and stuff, as well as have some explanations. It also shows you which skill to train next with more explanations. It's a pretty useful feature to learn new heroes as the base recommended items are fairly awful.

As for pubs, you can play against bots in coop mode, assuming you get lucky you'll have an actual full team of real players and not just people afking for items and you can see how retarded people are by getting yelled at for playing bad against bots but mostly how people tend to move, the mistakes they do that bots don't and shit like that. After that though yeah it's real games and it'll most likely be awful for a while.


Molten Core Raider
non trolling question honestly. the west coast qualifiers have been the same dozen or so champions shuffled across different players and that gets almost mirrored in pubs. naix, pl, batrider, nyx, and mag in every other game of mine. and never on my team.


<Silver Donator>
non trolling question honestly. the west coast qualifiers have been the same dozen or so champions shuffled across different players and that gets almost mirrored in pubs. naix, pl, batrider, nyx, and mag in every other game of mine. and never on my team.
While there's a few "off" heroes, a lot of the shit not being played is still absolutely balanced and worth picking. They don't get picked because of meta shifts and trends, but there's so many viable heroes it's actually hard to pick something that is truly worthless. Huskarr, Bloodseeker, Medusa are the only heroes I'd consider inherently weak and all 3 can still do fine in pubs under the right circumstances. Everything else was competitive only a few months ago or has potential to be competitive.

I think gyro is a bit too strong, naix might also be but overall the game is very balanced, it's just that when you want to execute a particular strat, certain heroes fit the job better than others. But in pubs a lot of this shouldn't have an impact unless playing against a stack or a bunch of tryhards and even then, skill with a particular hero will eclipse the power difference between heroes. I'll take a Ferarri or Dendi invoker mid over a magnus/puck/bat pub anytime of the day.


Avatar of War Slayer
non trolling question honestly. the west coast qualifiers have been the same dozen or so champions shuffled across different players and that gets almost mirrored in pubs. naix, pl, batrider, nyx, and mag in every other game of mine. and never on my team.
the meta relies on a few stable heroes, sure. but i don't think that's an indicator of balance because teams always find new strategies. a few months ago people used to pick chen and enchantress a lot to push down towers but that's since changed. recently it seems we've seen a resurgence of the usefulness of treant protector and slark, even though they were thought of as not worthy of pro-tier. hell the stats for the western qualifiers indicate that the teams with mag have lost more often than won.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I am so uncomfortable watching this Alex guy next to Soe... he just looks like such a creeper.


Trakanon Raider
Well I got the most picked and banned heroes, but most of my other picks are completely jacked. I think my East picks will be a lot better.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lifestealer is way too strong. A free BKB and mini-Satanic with less CD than either of them. I'd say PL late game is also in need of some revision. Other than that I feel the game is pretty balanced, with Medusa needing a nice buff. I think if they made her Ult disarm it would be a nice change.


Trakanon Raider
These are the most one sided games I've seen all qualifiers...


Here's to DD making a come back for the sake of keeping things interesting.