
Avatar of War Slayer
My rating is like 3900 with 600+ wins 52% winrate, and today I got a teammate with a guy who has 4 wins and 1 loss. Needless to say, we lost. -.-


Molten Core Raider
My rating is like 3900 with 600+ wins 52% winrate, and today I got a teammate with a guy who has 4 wins and 1 loss. Needless to say, we lost. -.-
how does that even happened in ranked, I thought you needed to be a certain level?


Avatar of War Slayer
The only difference between Ranked and Normal brackets is that Ranked shows your MMR whereas Normal hides the MMR. The matchmaking algorithm should be the same. In what fucked up algorithm is it okay to put a person who played 5 games into the bracket I was playing at?

The opponent team went 20 kills to our 5 kills before I was allowed to leave. I had 4 of those kills and 1 death as the solo offlane. That's a totally fucked match.
The only difference between Ranked and Normal brackets is that Ranked shows your MMR whereas Normal hides the MMR. The matchmaking algorithm should be the same. In what fucked up algorithm is it okay to put a person who played 5 games into the bracket I was playing at?

The opponent team went 20 kills to our 5 kills before I was allowed to leave. I had 4 of those kills and 1 death as the solo offlane. That's a totally fucked match.
Well, almost the same, ranked has a minimum number of games played so, there is that... Which kind of solves your issue.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Well, almost the same, ranked has a minimum number of games played so, there is that... Which kind of solves your issue.
I'm 3500 solo rank and one person on my team claimed that they had only played 2 ranked matches and were as yet unranked.


<Silver Donator>
He said minimum number of games played, not ranked games. Obviously you don't need to play ranked games so you can play ranked games, that would make no sense at all. If you play ranked, you won't get someone who had 5 games total played, cause you need whatever amount of games before you can even queue for ranked. Removes the people with new accounts and high uncertainty playing in matches they shouldn't be in because they happened to win 2-3 games before. That said early ranked will still have high uncertainty so you might get someone with a fair amount of MMR off yours in your team if it's one of his first 10games.


Trakanon Raider
I have mixed feelings with the ranked queue. When I solo queue or just queue with 1 other person I find the games are usually stomps either way. It only takes one shit ass player on either team to bring everything crashing down. More often than not when I 4 or 5 stack with friends the games are usually very competitive and enjoyable whether we win or lose. All that being said, I fucking hate all pick at this point. You're almost guaranteed to see people sit on their picks to counter and atleast 1 of 5 of the same annoying heroes every game. All draft where r u?


Shit Gamer
This just in. MOBA matchmaking is bad
I think MOBA matchmaking is probably pretty damn good, especially for DOTA. You guys are just fucking whiners holy shit. Like obviously you aren't going to have a perfect team every game, why would you assume that you are entitled to that? Obviously when the system has a low amount of certainty about a new player's skill level its going to experiment with slotting them in at various levels of MMR (even 3800 OMG!). Obviously some good players are going to occasionally fuck up, have a bad day, play a new character, face a tough lane, etc. Obviously some random fucktard is going to be the same type of bitter dickhead you are at some point and leave/troll a game. Its like in real life - if someone is a jerk to you, then they're an asshole, if everyone is a jerk to you then you're the asshole - if you have the mentality that every game you play is shit, then you're probably what's toxic about the community. Its like the type of people who gravitate towards this game are inherently the kind of people who are unable to take responsibility for their own mistakes or their shit attitude, they need the other 9 players to blame it on, otherwise they'd be playing Starcraft.

tldr: holy fuck the MOBA community is the whiniest community I've ever played in, l2play n00bs



Matchmaking | Dota 2
Might just be your ranking or try different server, I always wonder why I have so many retards in my game and then I remember that I forgot to uncheck US east after playing with people from here. Captain's draft takes like 3min on each side, give it a shot.

Enchantress might be my next hero I really want to learn, so many things you can do and she can snowball pretty hard if you just rush Midas->Threads->Agh and many people don't ward obvious ganking paths, only runes, so you can often get first blood and completely destroy their short lane. The biggest problem is to keep track of all the things in a fight, micro creeps, hit your abilities and use items.
Lol that's really fucked up. If you look in there how they handle groups of 2-3, they adjust the MMR according to the average. However, if you look closer you'll see that the adjustment is barely anything; people go up/down ~10 points at most. My MMR has fluctated by 100+ over the last few days just by winning and losing games. The advantage that a team gets by having a grouped duo on their team is worth much more than the few paltry points they assign. Just reading that blog reaffirmed what I've recently noticed as I went from solo que (where this shit doens't happen) and the ranked matches. They either need to have solo ranked que or adjust their adjustments.


Trakanon Raider
I've talked about this forever before ranked was even an option. The games in dota that are the most difficult to matchmake are ones where friends group queue and have a massively divergent skill rating in the system. If you're playing normals and you get someone with 5 wins, they definitely queued into the game with someone - or they got lucky and just happened to win the first 5 in a row. I would suggest that 99% of the time its a stack or group. BrotherWu(sp) just asked for a guild invitation like 2 days ago in the thread (he had like 30 games played), I invited, he asked for a game, I played one with him to give the matchmaker a shot. We group queued as 2, and this is the game the matchmaker shit out for us.

Just as expected. I had no business being in this game, but that's not the matchmakers fault its an impossible problem, the second game would have probably created the reverse outcome. I would have had to carry against a team of players basically individually higher rated than everyone but me on my team. If you end up as the filling player in these situations they can suck for sure. The only surefire way to mitigate this problem is that the lower ELO players need to pick less farm dependant ranged stuns, but that often rustles jimmies to even suggest. It is what it is though. And in normal matches especially, there is no reason to bitch about it because games like this will always occur. Sometimes you'll be the solo, and sometimes part of the stack.


Matchmaking will never be fixed the way you people all want it to for one very specific reason: Everyone's skill varies IMMENSELY depending on the hero they pick, the lane they will get, and what their teammates will in turn pick / combo lanes with. The fact you pick your hero & lane & combos AFTER the mmr did its business matching you up in the first place makes it impossible to have perfect games.

The only way to fix it is to revise the entire system to rank people based on each heroes and each role and have them be decided prior to matching, and that will 99.9% most likely never happen.

Just random every game and immediatly trade the trash random to an unsuspecting teammate for maximum pleasure in dota.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You guys hit on my point. Well technically I didn't have one or make any sense. .. I just didn't want this thread being shit up by people complaining about match making. That's for the loltards thread.


<Silver Donator>
What do you guys recommend for duos? I have been playing with my cousin some, often times with us both in the same room and we've had fun with...

- Death Prophet / Shadow Shaman (hard push)
- Blood Seeker / Tusk (hard troll)


Trakanon Raider
Shadow Demon into many things is a strong killing combo - SD/Leshrac, Bane Mirana (sleep arrow), Veno/Jugg Gale into spin, There are many combos that will function. The less farm dependant the heroes the faster the killing potential will come online. Those combos are all lvl 1/2 kills - assuming you're against a lane with less early potential than your own.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've been doing alchemist and vengeful spirit roam. If mid even come up to the lane they're dead.