
Lord Nagafen Raider
US West is a bit better than East but you still get them jajajaja'ing all game about 20% of the time it feels like. And losing mid to weaver and such.


<Silver Donator>
I only play US East and its non-stop Peruvians and Brazilians, as a rule they're terrible players I have no clue how they have that MMR. I've actually been considering queuing European West to see if its any better.
EU west is full of russians, so not much better no. Granted afaik russians also play US east, so that's probably the bottom of the barrel since there's both russians and south americans there.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Lol I usually have fun when there is a Russian playing with me because usually they're not so much bad as they are stupidly aggressive. Ive also been playing around 4 est and im not usually on that early. Ahh well It was made worse bc I was right at the 3k mark and fell to under 2700. I think I'll just play normals for a bit and try to learn invoker and maybe the meepo


Russians are bad, but they're stupid aggressive. Which works for me as firm agro support / pusher. The hispanics are just stupid bad and blame others regardless of what's really going on in the game.

I'd also take Russians over the putas.


<Silver Donator>
The russians aren't just stupid agressive but good, that'd be great, a lot of them are awful. And every game has a russian picking pudge or invoker and calling mid, most of them failing terribly. Russian mid is 3/4 of the time enemy mid getting fed.


If you are in the MMR trench and feel that you are way better than the teammates you get just instant pick a carry that can 1v5 a team and farm untill its time to kill a rax. Don't team fight unless you are forced into one. Don't tp to a team fight unless they are tower diving and you are certain you will get kills, otherwise push a tower. Creeps + towers are almost always going to net you more gold. Assume that all of your teammates are awful, don't count on them being anything more than a meat shield that gives the other team gold. Constantly telling your teammates not to team fight unless you are with them can win you a lot of games. As depressing as it is going into every game with this mindset has made my win rate skyrocket.
Of course if you get that rare teammate that communicates, talk to them to achieve your goals, and if they play well friend them. 90% of the time they will add you and then you can play 2v5 DotA!!


Trakanon Raider
Constantly telling your teammates not to team fight unless you are with them can win you a lot of games.
This is the only part of your advice that is good advice, and quite frankly if you communicate with your team enough that they only engage in favorable team fights then by the fact alone that they are favorable you should win with the game with a string of favorable fights.

I looked through your string of victories just to see what hero(s) you were playing. Looking at most of the games - wins included your team just being dominantly ahead in total kills, most often including the mid heroes, viper, pudge, invoker or even a 10/2/20 io. You had great scorelines certainly in wins, and you have a large amount of farm - so given that your 4 teammates haven't lost you the game by the time 40-50 minutes rolls around being huge wins you the game. I would suggest that playing a hard carry might just be leveraging your best in game skills and minimizing your worst. Skeleton king is one of the best late game heroes from a scaling standpoint if a game drags on long enough for him to fill up his inventory, his passives are like an extra inventory slot, and his new ult is substantially better - he can "carry" an aegis while 6 slotted. It seems like you had a really good streak of teammates regardless of the fact your post makes out all other players in your bracket are retarded.

I have multiple friends who just lose if they are on a support role when they solo, they don't find it fun, they don't really care to improve at it. They are all convinced that if they don't pick mid or carry that they automatically lose. Which is true, but that's because they never play anything else and when they are forced to they do not play at whatever level their current mmr is which they built playing other roles.


This game 2 of Starladder's DK vs. IG is probably the worst drafting I've ever seen by a top tier team. IG drafts a 0 stun lineup against a 5 stun lineup that INCLUDES an enigma. Proceed to lose every lane, are shocked when they can't get kills against anyone because DK just walks away.


This is the only part of your advice that is good advice, and quite frankly if you communicate with your team enough that they only engage in favorable team fights then by the fact alone that they are favorable you should win with the game with a string of favorable fights.

I looked through your string of victories just to see what hero(s) you were playing. Looking at most of the games - wins included your team just being dominantly ahead in total kills, most often including the mid heroes, viper, pudge, invoker or even a 10/2/20 io. You had great scorelines certainly in wins, and you have a large amount of farm - so given that your 4 teammates haven't lost you the game by the time 40-50 minutes rolls around being huge wins you the game. I would suggest that playing a hard carry might just be leveraging your best in game skills and minimizing your worst. Skeleton king is one of the best late game heroes from a scaling standpoint if a game drags on long enough for him to fill up his inventory, his passives are like an extra inventory slot, and his new ult is substantially better - he can "carry" an aegis while 6 slotted. It seems like you had a really good streak of teammates regardless of the fact your post makes out all other players in your bracket are retarded.

I have multiple friends who just lose if they are on a support role when they solo, they don't find it fun, they don't really care to improve at it. They are all convinced that if they don't pick mid or carry that they automatically lose. Which is true, but that's because they never play anything else and when they are forced to they do not play at whatever level their current mmr is which they built playing other roles.
The pubstar "advice" of going mid/carry every game and ignoring your teammates seems to be getting a lot of air time these days. To be honest, I think it has a lot to do with these MMR "experiments" where high level players hop on a low level account and crush their way back to the top on these kinds of heroes. Its fast for the experimenters because theyreally arestrong enough players to snowball out of control almost every game. When ordinary dunning-krugers try it, it just leads to bad games with 5 players on one team all playing cores, acting like they are some kind of special dota-snowflake.

There is no easy infomercial path to 5k. Get good at the game and your mmr will follow.


Trakanon Raider
This game 2 of Starladder's DK vs. IG is probably the worst drafting I've ever seen by a top tier team. IG drafts a 0 stun lineup against a 5 stun lineup that INCLUDES an enigma. Proceed to lose every lane, are shocked when they can't get kills against anyone because DK just walks away.
Yeah, that was like the definition drafting yourself into a corner


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hooooly shit what a game.
even with EE and RTZ playing like dogshit, Zai and Universe carries them to victory


Lord Nagafen Raider
The pubstar "advice" of going mid/carry every game and ignoring your teammates seems to be getting a lot of air time these days. To be honest, I think it has a lot to do with these MMR "experiments" where high level players hop on a low level account and crush their way back to the top on these kinds of heroes. Its fast for the experimenters because theyreally arestrong enough players to snowball out of control almost every game. When ordinary dunning-krugers try it, it just leads to bad games with 5 players on one team all playing cores, acting like they are some kind of special dota-snowflake.

There is no easy infomercial path to 5k. Get good at the game and your mmr will follow.
I don't think it has anything to do with smurfing (if that was the case I believe you would see the recommendation for snowball / gankers), but the ultra-high MMR players are finding that in order to have a positive winrate they need to be the one actively winning. This makes sense, the supports can only try to setup their cores to win the game (or attempt to shut down the opposing cores) but at the end of the day the cores are the key, if yours are bad you will rarely win.

This holds true for those of us at middling MMRs too (e.g I'm 3100) but at best this will help you move more quickly towards your appropriate MMR for the role where you will plateau. I've observed for me that its actually important for teams to pick greedy, its pretty unusual that the opposing team will draft or play well enough to punish it (jungle Doom seems to be a great example). Strong ganking heroes are also very powerful, Axe seems to be equivalent to pre-nerf Spirit Breaker (who is often still quite strong).


Trakanon Raider
So, who am I supposed to cheer for now in Starladder ? EG has 2 biggest douches in EE nad Arteezy, so I gues I'll go with DK.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Navi was executing Team Liquid level shit in these finals. I hope they find their mojo for TI4.

DK is just so good right now. I'd be very surprised if they don't take the top prize.