
Trakanon Raider
She shits on melees mid still. Doesn't feel like she's near as impactful as she used to be in teamfights though, which is interesting since her damage didn't get nerfed iirc. Guess everyone having a blink dagger kinda diminishes her potential. Need to add the HoN buff to the aghanim ult, it would apply the dot from dagger to everything you hit with the ult, was pretty cool, would increase her damage potential a lot and give her some good slow too. Granted it's an aghanim change so that might not help.
Well her damage peaks around lvl 11, which is the time when you are getting your orchid/agh/finishing sheepstick, so the buff to agh's might be something to consider. Then again, Icefrog likes to buff stuff in mysterious ways and he has done similar change to enigma.


The discussion around Na'Vi and XBOCT has been the exact same before every TI.

"They don't practice"
"Their drafts are outdated"
"China / Alliance / X are so much more consistent, they will crush Na'Vi"
"XBOCT throws too much"
"XBOCT can't farm fast enough"

Then TI rolls around and Na'Vi is in the grand finals because they are better than the other teams at creating and handling unexpected situations in a high pressure LAN situation. XBOCT wins several games on his own by doing high risk plays no other carry would dare.

It's not that I don't agree with the criticism, but it's been literally the exact same for the last 2 years.


Tranny Chaser
It's not that I don't agree with the criticism, but it's been literally the exact same for the last 2 years.
I think the issue now is that there are more top tier teams than in previous years, in EU alone any of Navi, Alliance, Empire, Cloud9 and Fnatic is capable of beating the rest, then there's EG and the China teams


<Silver Donator>
Yeah it's typical Na'Vi. XBOCT is a weird player, on one hand he definitely plays like a fucking retard at times and throws games for apparently no purpose other than trying to get solo kills in shitty spots. On the other hand, he's by far one of the strongest technical carry, his farming in terms of mechanical skill and map optimization is pretty insane(like check how often he's actually getting outfarmed by another carry player, shit doesn't happen often even when they're shitting their early game) and his teamfight decisions are among the best if not the best for a carry player(target choice, item choice etc). But sometimes, he goes full XBOCT and just goes feed and you don't fucking know why and what he expected to do even if it succeeded. Once in a while it works and he creates a big occasion, most of the time, just feed.

The weak link of Na'Vi isn't XBOCT imo, even though having a carry that's not consistent isn't necessarily helpful, it's Puppey. His draft is still ok even if he makes weird/ancient choices, the problem is he's just not at the pro level anymore and hasn't been for a while. He only plays a handful of heroes well enough which means his draft often rotates around these heroes or he gives himself some shit he sucks at and relies entirely on Kuroky to do the support shit, which in the recent years has been as important as carries and mids. He's still strategically a great player but skill-wise, he's dragging down the team a lot. He also randomly drafts shit his team isn't good at playing.

But anyway it's Na'Vi, they'll do their Na'Vi shit and probably do fine and get top4. At the same time this tournament has the whole 6lowest elminated right away thing and Na'Vi tends to be awful at the start of a competition, so there's also some decent odds they'll just tank right away and not even make it past the prelims.

I like that no team is dominating like crazy though. DK looked like they'd win TI4 easy a few months ago, but since then they've been losing to a lot of the other high tier teams and if you look at what's going on in china lately, they've been playing Newbee A LOT and they're about on par with them so they're not even the strongest chinese team to begin with. Younger talented teams like EG are popping up too and while not in top form you can never count teams like Alliance out, the rat is strong, so TI should be pretty amazing. Oh and the hero balance is at a great point at the moment.


Trakanon Raider
DK/IG/NB seem to be almost even and from the west it's EG/Alliance. Who knows where Navi or Titan fits in. I can't imagine Fnatic, Empire, Mouz or C9 winning TI. They would have to pull out some real next level shit and be more consistent.


Tranny Chaser
I can't imagine Fnatic, Empire, Mouz or C9 winning TI. They would have to pull out some real next level shit and be more consistent.
I never said they could win it - I said they were capable of beating/eliminating any of the other teams that I mentioned - for example, Fnatic could take a bo1 vs Alliance or C9, and then lose a bo3 to Empire and vice versa


<WoW Guild Officer>
Qop is one of those heroes I love and just cant play for shit... same w tiny but w him im not even sure whens a good time to use him.

As to navi and xboct in particular I just dont understand the heroes ive seen them drafting him. It seems like puppy is forcing him into heroes that just dont fit him


All they need to do is get hot at the right time. If you place 6th or better in the group stage (which at least one of them will likely do), you're only 4 short BO3s from the grand finals.

That said, the format really rewards teams that are consistent in the groups. The top two only need to win a single BO3 to place top 4. Positions 3 and 4 only need to win two BO3s in a row to do the same, but if they mess up their first match in the playoff phase, they'll fall all the way down into the oblivion of the lower bracket in the main event. Any team below 4 has to play flawless over multiple playoff matches just to have a realistic shot in the main event.


Trakanon Raider
DK are better rats than Alliance, g3 vs Newbee in the Vgames tournament

30k xp 20k gold down ? no problem !


Trakanon Raider
I think Na'vi wins from creativity more than any other team, and they have no stage fright. They struggle in group stages because other players don't have nerves and they have no urgency. Once it turns into lose and you're out - the whole team takes on an edge - puppey can draft anything in the dota universe and they play with no fear. No matter how big the stakes, this is the team that went fountain hooking in the TI main event with their tournament life on the line. Who else does that? Absolutely no one but Na'vi. They also bomb out at times, but Puppey does try creative drafts when it matters against teams that matter on the big stage. Few other teams take such risks, and they yeild iconic moments. The fountain Hooked gyro in TI3, and "The play" from TI2. Neither would happen. You take Na'vi's volatility at times with their creativity. They wouldn't be the same team if they only played one stable safe type of dota (Empire style). Even though they got smashed, they took second at d2l, and they can still crush EG at ESL one.


Trakanon Raider
Do you still have creative drafts when about 75% of the hero pool gets drafted regularly ?
Probably not anymore since the meta allows for many options for any given game. TI1 the pool was so small there wasn't much of a choice in the matter of who was drafted. TI2 was all naga/morph and as Danadin said they used their creativity to pull that game out of their ass with "the play". I think in the finals of TI3 puppey drafted a crazy ass lineup for game 1 which fell very flat. So it's really hit or miss with taking chances like that, but I think they definitely go out the box more than any other team.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah since that was posted, they apparently got approved. Weird that it went that fast since the announcement of them getting denied isn't that long ago and it generally takes a while, guess Valve's good word helped. Now they need to get CIS going too.

And yeah on crazy picks now you really need to go VERY far to have a crazy pick. I mean Meepo even though there were many picks lately is still there, Spiritbreaker is way out there, Pudge is still the crazy strat pick, Omniknight is very rare, Undying is outclassed on many levels, Sniper's still too squish(but was picked like today, and lost), Medusa is just too much of a gamble, Troll is still pretty much one team only, Zeus while buffed over and over is still not in favor. But for the rest I'd say they're picked sometimes to often and aren't surprise anymore. To think one day Bloodseeker would actually be a legit pick for anything but a stomp against a tier 3-4team. Not a common pick but still used and has a clear role, a role he's fucking good at.

Not that I don't expect some heroes to have 100% pick or 100%ban/pick rates during TI4, always happens during major tournaments, not long ago it was Mirana for the always picked(and still is picked a lot) and Batrider has been 100%ban/pick for like what 2years in a row? Fucking monster of a hero, and yet he still loses games a decent bit when he is picked. Hope the carry of the tournament is PA, watching PA games is always fun, never know when's she's going to erase someone from existence.


Trakanon Raider
It's gonna be Faceless Void or Naga or Morphling or Tinker or or or ....

Fuck I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Mouz pulled out Naix with Puck again.

DK vs Newbee had Batrider as third pick for one team, I'll be really happy to not see that fucker in every other game.