DOTA: Dragon's Blood

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
The problem this season was the power levels. Everyone is a fucking God now. It's a bit dull.


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't understand how the Moon Goddess of s1 was kinda a bloodthirsty lunatic but at the end she's peaceful and kind, shouldn't she be the insane one again? If Sun Queen can change that up, why couldn't she just rewind a few more mins and keep Davion alive lol
Moon Goddess (Mene) in season one and most of two was "dead" (reincarnated as Fymryn the elf). She was killed by the Blood Moon Goddess Selemene (the Evoker's love/baby mama).

When we jump to the world remade number 12,172 (or whatever it was) midseason, the Evoker made that world where Selemene never killed Mene and became a God. She instead chose to live a mortal life (unlike immortal Evoker). The Moon Goddess in that rendition (12,172) of the world was still Mene, because Selemene never killed her.

When Miriana (the Sun Goddess) remakes the world to "restore" the settings to as they were in the original world (to the exact moment the dragon knight died, early in the season) Fymryn is the Moon Goddess again and Selemene is dead.

TLDR: Mene = good || Selemene = evil

PS. Dragon knight cant die now, because he is linked to the fire dragon. Expect him back sometime in the next season. Season 4: The Search for Davion.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Siractionslacks made some good lore videos to explain the ancients, but you basically have Dire (red) and Radiant (blue). They are aspects of the same primordial mind. Basically think some cosmic brain akin to a god. At some point in the past, they were split apart and are at opposition of each other. Arc Warden (the Mystero looking dude) is a component of that original primordial mind and his goal is to either unite or destroy the split primordial minds. Another way of looking at it are Dire and Radiant both represent instinct or emotion and Arc Warden is basically the intelligent reason missing from both.

As for the time loop/altered timeline shit, the game friendly lore explanation is that if one of the aspects of the primordial mind manages to win, the losing aspect essentially triggers a time rewind to prevent its destruction (aka every match of DOTA you play is essentially the ancients doing a "Dormamu, I've come to bargain" and they do things slightly differently each time with the same goal). I think they were trying to introduce that concept in the anime, in a way.
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FPS noob
Siractionslacks made some good lore videos to explain the ancients, but you basically have Dire (red) and Radiant (blue). They are aspects of the same primordial mind. Basically think some cosmic brain akin to a god. At some point in the past, they were split apart and are at opposition of each other. Arc Warden (the Mystero looking dude) is a component of that original primordial mind and his goal is to either unite or destroy the split primordial minds. Another way of looking at it are Dire and Radiant both represent instinct or emotion and Arc Warden is basically the intelligent reason missing from both.

As for the time loop/altered timeline shit, the game friendly lore explanation is that if one of the aspects of the primordial mind manages to win, the losing aspect essentially triggers a time rewind to prevent its destruction (aka every match of DOTA you play is essentially the ancients doing a "Dormamu, I've come to bargain" and they do things slightly differently each time with the same goal). I think they were trying to introduce that concept in the anime, in a way.

thanks, that makes a lot of sense and i knew i was missing something with all that blue and red shit. yeah, as a non DOTA player none of it was clear or interesting but your and Burns explanation fills in the blanks.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I really enjoyed seasons 1 & 2 in a "cool, its dungeons & dragons and shit" but season 3 kinda lost me. Scenes that seemed like they should be important just had no weight to me since I don't know fuck all about the game lore or characters. Oh no this guy died wait never mind he's back oh no he's dead again, I guess?

I thought they were building up to some giant primal evil being unleashed, characters kept mentioning a Primal Beast or something being imprisoned in the moon but that all was a wet fart? The Invoker kept saying they gotta keep the Ancients trapped but that didn't seem to amount to anything. That prison warden who looked like Mysterio was an easter egg or something? Felt a little too meta-gamey to talk about this is the 12083'd iteration, like its all a video game and Invoker is on NG+ run 12000 lol

Dragons were a big part of seasons 1 & 2 and were neat and my main draw but in season 3 they essentially just served as batteries for the forge. I don't understand how the Moon Goddess of s1 was kinda a bloodthirsty lunatic but at the end she's peaceful and kind, shouldn't she be the insane one again? If Sun Queen can change that up, why couldn't she just rewind a few more mins and keep Davion alive lol

Seasons 1 and 2 were fun enough Season 3 was trashfire. When you go into returned multiverse faggot shit all the weight as you said has no fucking meaning and it gets tossed to the side.