Dota Underlords


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
So far I really like the 3* meta. I read the patch notes, though, and didn't see anything in there about unit offering rates so I don't understand what change made getting 3* so much easier.

I'm watching the WePlay! tourney on Twitch right now, and half the players haven't adapted.

Today I took first in round 38 at level 8 with 5 3*. I fought 5 rounds 1v1 against a player that had over 50 health while I started at 5, but he spent his money leveling up and building alliances while I just built 5 stars. I had 4 knights and 3 scrappy until round 36 when I put a 1* Alchemist in my lineup to get the 4 scrappy bonus. Basically I had a less than mediocre start and midgame and still destroyed because people are still playing like it is yesterday.


Trakanon Raider
New patch is nice. Quick games, a lot more chance for 3 star units, nothing seems too OP currently from what I see.


That guy
seems like anti-mage + terrorblade is a no brainer for most every comp if you can swing it now

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Am currently at Boss 3. Think there's 4 viable strats at the moment:

-Primordial Mages
-Elusive with AM/TB

Anything with 3* TB is viable as well.


Molten Core Raider
Am currently at Boss 3. Think there's 4 viable strats at the moment:

-Primordial Mages
-Elusive with AM/TB

Anything with 3* TB is viable as well.
Interesting, I never go with any of them, except maybe a brawny setup if I can some good kills happening on one char.
I'm still in Lt 3/4 ish so guessing that might be one.

I do have great success with scrappy, but it hard to start with since most them appear later now. It's vital you keep a levels below anyone else do you get double the bonus, and I typically field full scrappy, using duplicates rather than other alliances so everyone on the field has the bonus. When it works, it works great. speaking of, anyone think 3* tinker cooldown of .5 second is a typo and it should have been 5 seconds?

I also really like savage builds but there always seems to be high competition for them. Getting the summon stone means veno's things, lycans wolves and lone druids bear all dish out even more damage. Needs a good partner like warrior for tanks, or trolls for cc to survive long enough for the dots to stack up and melt shit.

I'm also spending too much time focusing on the achievements which fuck up any real strategy. particularly the one requiring 4 global items, which is just stupid. I end up running with junk half the time and still not surviving long enough to actually get some of them happening

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Interesting, I never go with any of them, except maybe a brawny setup if I can some good kills happening on one char.
I'm still in Lt 3/4 ish so guessing that might be one.

I do have great success with scrappy, but it hard to start with since most them appear later now. It's vital you keep a levels below anyone else do you get double the bonus, and I typically field full scrappy, using duplicates rather than other alliances so everyone on the field has the bonus. When it works, it works great. speaking of, anyone think 3* tinker cooldown of .5 second is a typo and it should have been 5 seconds?

I also really like savage builds but there always seems to be high competition for them. Getting the summon stone means veno's things, lycans wolves and lone druids bear all dish out even more damage. Needs a good partner like warrior for tanks, or trolls for cc to survive long enough for the dots to stack up and melt shit.

I'm also spending too much time focusing on the achievements which fuck up any real strategy. particularly the one requiring 4 global items, which is just stupid. I end up running with junk half the time and still not surviving long enough to actually get some of them happening

Savage is strong early but falls off hard due to the SF nerf and needing to get Necro, LD and SK all 2 stars and they're all 4 gold units.

Scrappy is good but only if you can 3 star Tinker. Since most don't go that build at the moment it's probably not a bad idea as you'll have no competition for Tinker but both Knights and Brawny/Warrior will steamroll it if you get those in your game.


Shit Gamer
I'm Boss II (been hard stuck here for a few weeks) and just had the DREAM Brawny game. My build relies on getting 2* BM with Blink early and using Drow + Pudge for the heartless and warrior bonuses so I can rack up kills from the get go.

Anyway, in this game I got Axe round 1, so started building up creep kills right off the bat. By round 5 I had Axe, Jugg, BM, Pudge and Drow - my dream combo.

By round 10 trap card was fully activated: I had the 2* BM and I almost shit myself when the Blink dagger rolled from the creep wave. I knew it was going to be pure pwnage.

I spent the whole game econing without leveling so I could roll 3*'s. Also managed to pickup the reduced healing by 50% item, since I find the only thing that really counters this build are healing builds that can out endure it since Brawny damage output is relatively low.

In the end, I ended up with 100 kills on the BM! The guy was a fucking Raidboss with nearly 10k HP, teleporting around the map killing everything. Ended up in 1st with 50+ life still remaining, definitely the most fun game I've had so far.
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Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Away camping with the kids, they nerfed TB already? I suppose that makes sense but is the new archers viable?


Trakanon Raider
I have been trying to force scrappy/* and haven't had a single top 3. Still so bad against any decent comp.


Molten Core Raider
I have been trying to force scrappy/* and haven't had a single top 3. Still so bad against any decent comp.
I've actually decided it's better to level up as normal when trying scrappy, so you have a better chance to get the high level characters you need. But you have to manually ensure you have less characters on the board than anyone else, disable the option that automatically adds from your bench if there's room

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
There's only one 1g and one 2g unit for Scrappy. You need to pick supporting assassins or mages and then figure you'll have no competition for those other scrappy units in the mid game.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Current 2 star/3 star meta can get super streaky and RNG like. Not really feeling it.


Molten Core Raider
I'm sat at bb4. the skill in the current meta is avoiding builds that are too contested which often means I'll sit on random 2 starred one costs units through round 13 to 15 while I build a bench.

that is unless I go brawny hunters, which you still have to swap out of if you get bad packs or the build is heavily contested.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Current 2 star/3 star meta can get super streaky and RNG like. Not really feeling it.

I don't know. Having 4-5 different builds and not having to race to 10 isn't a bad deal. RNG was worse when it was just CM/AW or AM/TB. If someone else had them and you didn't it was auto lose on previous patches.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I'm sat at bb4. the skill in the current meta is avoiding builds that are too contested which often means I'll sit on random 2 starred one costs units through round 13 to 15 while I build a bench.

that is unless I go brawny hunters, which you still have to swap out of if you get bad packs or the build is heavily contested.

I think I spend more time looking at the summary page than anything else now ;)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't know. Having 4-5 different builds and not having to race to 10 isn't a bad deal. RNG was worse when it was just CM/AW or AM/TB. If someone else had them and you didn't it was auto lose on previous patches.

Yea the build diversity is great, because it's kind of all about rolling for 3 stars. Maybe that's a good thing. Haven't made a final decision yet. I just kind of wish things could be sold back at original value, not just 1 cost 2stars. Sometimes you can get absolutely fucked mid game if somebody transitioned into something you were going and ends up contesting all your stuff before you even had a chance to fight back.

Also T5 items, why are they in the game? I think I might've made it to the uber trolls once in the past 2 weeks, and I think you can only get T5 items on them if you have smuggler? Pacing is almost perfect, but needs a few adjustments.

All in all I still have fun with the game regardless of how much I bitch about RNG and stupid shit.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Actually I think I just suck at this game.

You have to realize that sometimes RNG just wants to fuck you in the ass and there is nothing you can do about it. Best to just logoff for a while. Had a game this morning were it seemed everybody was going brawny/savage/hunter and I went assassins. Around round 25 I was at 50 health and everybody else was 20 or below. Figured I had this wrapped up. Well nobody went Knights and then two people realized it quick enough to start grabbing all the units, next thing I knew the game was over as I wasn't getting any elusive troops to show up in the shop. Dropped from Boss5 to Boss4 :( Shit happens.


Trakanon Raider
I have been bouncing all around BB as I can't seem to get consistent enough finishes to make Lord.

Last game I had against a 2 star medusa made me want to uninstall.

I had 3 starred all 8 of my units playing 6 knights with antimage and terrorblade.

I lost 5 rounds in a row solely from a single medusa locking my team up repeatedly with zero chance of me getting to her before she ults and then getting mowed down by the other hunters back row. Annoying af.

Finished my proto pass finally so probably going to take a break and try out TFT.