Almost certainly.Did they just make an offer based on site traffic and a bunch of video game keywords?
Almost certainly.Did they just make an offer based on site traffic and a bunch of video game keywords?
He said he's working on getting vbulletin now, the current site is proof of concept and something he slapped together in a weekend just in case this happened.I'm hoping a_skeleton_03 has time to clean up the new board soon. It's eye cancer right now.
I want to say this is the same general theme that we've had since FoH. Hopefully he can replicate it.
Yeah. Just getting shittier and shittier the longer nothing is said. Like some con artist who took someones money and just disappears.Also, I'm kind of annoyed that he won't even face us. What a fucking piece of work.
I'll make a beefiest of curtains thread just for you, MistI only come here for the porn.
And to whine.
EDIT: Eleventy Thousandth post
LMAO and what success factors would give you confidence that the new owners would abide the rowdiness of this community?I stand by my decision to wait until the forum was fixed to announce it because if i didnt have any confidence in the new owners i would have backed up the entire forum, worked to create a new home, recreate the content there, build up accounts for everyone and found a way to inform everyone of the new community. It would have been the third time ive helped move the community to a new home, and i wouldnt have had those options available if the new owners were hostile and i spilled the beans when i heard about it.
Keep in mind i found out roughly long after it was finalized.
You should edit it to include tits.EDIT: Eleventy Thousandth post