Draegan sold the site to MMORPG.com


Jhodi_sl said:
He's already come to grips with the fact that his hopeless flailing away at me on the other forums hasn't salvaged his safe space from annihilation, so now he's come over here speaking out of his forked tongue hoping to garner favor with a_skeleton_03 so he'll protect him like Tuco has for all these years.
Wow. You are completely off your nut. Holy shit.


Millie's Staff Member
I would be it's over 100%. You can't have controversial threads like we have and be a large company. Someone will sue you or draw public eye to it eventually, it's a liability.

Them not coming to our boards straight out of the gate and saying things will not change is a pretty big concern to me.
i honestly dont really know about the mmorpg forums outside of this board. i cant fathom why they would censor their forums to cater to people(women) who have little interest in these kinds of games.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Maybe Draegon thought he was doing something good for the community by getting us onto a big cluster.
Perhaps, and perhaps enough of an argument could've been made to convince people thisisa good thing, but he made it look bad by going behind our backs and hiding it. Would we ever have found out about it if not for Tuco? Draegan broke our trust by not having the decency to explain the change and why it was being made, and that outweighs any benefit this change might have for a lot of people. And the fact that the best he can do is post by proxy either because he doesn't care or because he's too much of a coward to face the heat is, I think, one of the driving factors in people jumping ship. Thiscouldhave been a much smaller thing had he been upfront with people, something that might've blown over, but this is the end result of him doing a shitty job managing the forums.


While I'm relieved I have the option to continue to post without your approval for some of my habits, my real question is does your site allow me to edit my typos on my phone without switching to Mobile mode like I used to be able to do here prior to two months ago.
Not sure yet, we will see tomorrow once we migrate to Xenforo which as far as I know is the best forum software for mobile viewing without going to Tapatalk.


Murder Apologist
i honestly dont really know about the mmorpg forums outside of this board. i cant fathom why they would censor their forums to cater to people(women) who have little interest in these kinds of games.
Venture Capital.

There's a lot of private equity swag sloshing around waiting to cream into a high-growth play like gaming. Despite Cursegaming kinda flailing, remember that they've raised$58 million in just four roundsfor a bunch of fansites built around mods they never made... then they used that to acquire a bunch of other sites like mmo-champion and buffed their valuation even more.


Millie's Staff Member
Venture Capital.

There's a lot of private equity swag sloshing around waiting to cream into a high-growth play like gaming. Despite Cursegaming kinda flailing, remember that they've raised$58 million in just four roundsfor a bunch of fansites built around mods they never made... then they used that to acquire a bunch of other sites like mmo-champion and buffed their valuation even more.
see, i dont know what the fuck any of that is. i thought a MMO gaming forum was, "wooot holy shit our guild rox0r, we just took down nagafen with 5 people in full heat resist armor and only a pally to heal us, we used Encs to charm the FGs." "you guys are all a bunch of ebayers and twinks, go fuck yourself for cutting in line other guilds on the waiting list.". i dont understand this other newfangled feels atmosphere i been hearing about.


Not sure yet, we will see tomorrow once we migrate to Xenforo which as far as I know is the best forum software for mobile viewing without going to Tapatalk.
As of right now it would seem to be a no. Site wouldn't even let me finish registering without switching to Mobile (which looks exactly the same) Wtf..


Millie's Staff Member
a_skeleton_03, is it possble to make the text wrap a little better with the screen? its too much in the center and our avatars are teeny tiny.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Lol, you guys are acting like this was a multi-million dollar sale to the Mormon Church. No wonder so many of you love Trump: The same knee-jerk, no thought before speaking garbage is in full force here too.

Go stock your virtual prepper bunker with MREs and survival seeds. If you're right, then you'll be hailed as forward thinking people who recognized the signs.

Or if not, you'll be like real life preppers: A bunch of tinfoil hat wearing yahoos out in the woods waiting for the U.N. to come take their guns and start World War 3.


Millie's Staff Member
Lol, you guys are acting like this was a multi-million dollar sale to the Mormon Church. No wonder so many of you love Trump: The same knee-jerk, no thought before speaking garbage is in full force here too.

Go stock your virtual prepper bunker with MREs and survival seeds. If you're right, then you'll be hailed as forward thinking people who recognized the signs.

Or if not, you'll be like real life preppers: A bunch of tinfoil hat wearing yahoos out in the woods waiting for the U.N. to come take their guns and start World War 3.
whats wrong with being prepared?

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Lol, you guys are acting like this was a multi-million dollar sale to the Mormon Church. No wonder so many of you love Trump: The same knee-jerk, no thought before speaking garbage is in full force here too.

Go stock your virtual prepper bunker with MREs and survival seeds. If you're right, then you'll be hailed as forward thinking people who recognized the signs.

Or if not, you'll be like real life preppers: A bunch of tinfoil hat wearing yahoos out in the woods waiting for the U.N. to come take their guns and start World War 3.
wow. you are an enormous, enormous faggot lol. oy vey being prepared and owning guns. anyway, we'll go to our digital bunker, you can stay in your virtual cuck shed.


Murder Apologist
see, i dont know what the fuck any of that is. i thought a MMO gaming forum was, "wooot holy shit our guild rox0r, we just took down nagafen with 5 people in full heat resist armor and only a pally to heal us, we used Encs to charm the FGs." "you guys are all a bunch of ebayers and twinks, go fuck yourself for cutting in line other guilds on the waiting list.". i dont understand this other newfangled feels atmosphere i been hearing about.
LMAO that's what we were.

But the days of Allakhazam.com and their volunteer crew servicing EQ's 200k users are long gone. Now the MMO market is a 28 BILLION DOLLAR wild west where zero-footprint companies like Curse Gaming can raise $58 million bucks hosting other people's free software.

Now all those things you remember---all the kerafyrm raids, all the Furor rants, all the dickchoppers threatening suicide and all pedos and chubby-chasers and Millie-is-a-guys all that will be reduced to just more ammunition to make as glossy a prospectus to woo the Wall Street sharks that want as big a piece of this as possible:



Ssraeszha Raider
I once rerolled an entire raiding guild, Cybsled. Successfully. Switching forums is nothing.

Ain't no thang.


Millie's Staff Member
LMAO that's what we were.

But the days of Allakhazam.com and their volunteer crew servicing EQ's 200k users are long gone. Now the MMO market is a 28 BILLION DOLLAR wild west where zero-footprint companies like Curse Gaming can raise $58 million bucks hosting other people's free software.

Now all those things you remember---all the kerafyrm raids, all the Furor rants, all the dickchoppers threatening suicide and all pedos and chubby-chasers and Millie-is-a-guys all that will be reduced to just more ammunition to make as glossy a prospectus to woo the Wall Street sharks that want as big a piece of this as possible:

damn i'm old, that makes absolutely no sense to me from the world i come from, shit like that is going to make me wish for the old days of pen and paper gaming.

@seb, when Magister (on Erollisi Marr server) split from Da`Kor, we had to find ourselves a new forum because the old guys who retired didnt want us using their board messing it up with our noob game stuff. we had like a week to move the whole guild before we got the boot. yeah was no big thang, even back in 2001.


I once rerolled an entire raiding guild, Cybsled. Successfully. Switching forums is nothing.

Ain't no thang.
My brother once erased my Final Fantasy VII save data, after I had put much time and effort into it. I had to start that shit all over.

Marmac once erased my Zelda 3 single-life, one-session clear. I did it again.

Switching forums is nothing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I create an account and the politics thread is already linking to The Daily Shoah. Hilarious I tell you.