Draegan sold the site to MMORPG.com


EQOA Refugee
just being out from under the thumbs of draegan and tuco's mod bullshit is worth the whole thing to me. been fighting those faggots and their fuckery for 8 years.
Please. Idk what happened with Draegan, but Tuco hasn't been bad. I suspect the usual cast of Aspie, antiauthority man babies don't like being able to harass others or drop racist tirades at their leisure and are upset when someone calls them on their shit. That's the majority of the shit I see go on around here. And when you get called on it, like kids you try to test every boundary in the most legalistic manner possible. Please grow up.


Millie's Staff Member
I'm tossing my chips in with a_skeleton_03 and Rere, even if I hate Tyen. The "wait and see" approach seems retarded...though I don't like losing the one thread I regularly post in.

I don't get the hate on Tuco, though. I'm a moderator on another website with a much more tame and respectful crowd, and it's a fucking thankless job. I think he's done a good job here, and I don't envy him.
im sure he was peaches and cream if you never been shawed and your name fucked with for proving him wrong

Please. Idk what happened with Draegan, but Tuco hasn't been bad. I suspect the usual cast of Aspie, antiauthority man babies don't like being able to harass others or drop racist tirades at their leisure and are upset when someone calls them on their shit. That's the majority of the shit I see go on around here. And when you get called on it, like kids you try to test every boundary in the most legalistic manner possible. Please grow up.
i never did any of those things, i have been shawed for getting into an argument with people who do do those things (column), but tuco shawed me for getting into an argument over a trump comment. he threatened me to prove what i said or get shawed, i proved my argument and got shawed anyway and had my name altered. was gone for a month and when my shaw was done i came back and my name was still fucked with til this day. so no, tuco isnt so hot. dude has a grudge against me because i didnt want to meet up with him IRL in NYC .


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
i never did any of those things, i have been shawed for getting into an argument with people who do do those things (column), but tuco shawed me for getting into an argument over a trump comment. he threatened me to prove what i said or get shawed, i proved my argument and got shawed anyway and had my name altered. was gone for a month and when my shaw was done i came back and my name was still fucked with til this day. so no, tuco isnt so hot. dude has a grudge against me because i didnt want to meet up with him IRL in NYC .
I actually forgot about that until you just brought it up now. We had a good time without you!


Draegen rolling in at least 15 to 20 dollars after selling this and his amazing venture in fanboying for Crowfall for like a week.

Next week's lunch at McDonalds is def on MMORPG.com.


Draegen rolling in at least 15 to 20 dollars after selling this and his amazing venture in fanboying for Crowfall for like a week.

Next week's lunch at McDonalds is def on MMORPG.com.

Rerolled skeletons in Pantheon are gonna cut deep now.


Poet Warrior
Pancreas, as usual, paints the picture best. These rabbits will always wear glasses.

I also like the analogy that we are a clan of 'old-internet' hold overs. If being endlessly politically correct is good for business, then fuck your business. No offense to you personally, Mr. Craig. I'm sure you're a cool guy. It's just the way we are.

Lithose explains it. It's not that we think you can't be a bro, it's simply that, because we don't know you, we must assume that your handcanbe forced by the market and that is unacceptable to many if not most if not all of the people here. I initially argued that we stay and see how you handle things, but Lith is right. It's notyouthat anyone has a problem with, it's just your position and how it has come to arrive here. It's sort of the same reason I avoid friending coworkers on Facebook and absolutely will not friend anyone in a position of superiority to me. That would change the nature of Facebook for me, in a way that I am not willing to accept.

I also liked Haast's (I think?) analogy of this place being like a pub. This is our Cheers. But we are deciding that we own it now.


Your oil refinery just got nationalized by the proles Craigbro. *shrug*

Hope the hit to your wallet is small enough. We're a rag tag bunch of buffoons so I trust that it is. Sorry Draegan misrepresented himself and this place to you. To be honest you should have walked a turn on the property. Ancient is right, what Draegan said about us is very technically correct. This started from a coalescence of EQ players but it's more than that. Much more. It's not Everquest anymore, it's Gravy now.

I'll make this my last post on RR unless Sooeyneg manages to claim the domain (which would be awesome).

Farewell Pharaoh.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
My official mod campaign on the new forum will be based on renaming Astro Astro on the new board.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
this will be my last post over here. i've stayed logged in on both sites, as i image most of us has, and have likewise posted on both but i think its best we begin to cut ties to let craig and co. know that you can sell servers and sites, but you can't sell communities, at least not this one.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I also like the analogy that we are a clan of 'old-internet' hold overs. If being endlessly politically correct is good for business, then fuck your business. No offense to you personally, Mr. Craig. I'm sure you're a cool guy. It's just the way we are.
There is a nice middle ground between being a SJW PC Nazi and the racist shitrants. The problem with the later is the posters don't even realize they are beginning to fall into that. It's like the annoying 15 year old asshat with a mic in CSGO who spouts racist shit for no reason other than to feel edgy I guess?


Trump's Staff
Don't know what kind of emotions you guys have tied to this domain and it's former asshole owner, change your bookmarks and get the fuck out of here


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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
this will be my last post over here. i've stayed logged in on both sites, as i image most of us has, and have likewise posted on both but i think its best we begin to cut ties to let craig and co. know that you can sell servers and sites, but you can't sell communities, at least not this one.



The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
a_skeleton_03 is just crushing it with this situation. bravo sir, lots of work being done and it is appreciated.


Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
This all could play out like Demolition Man, Sandra Bullock from pristine politically correct society of MMORPG.com finds out that there is such a thing as a filthy sewer of the internet on RR, decides to take a peak and maybe enjoy a ratburger while here...