Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Cracks me up when reading articles stating that in DAI you will be able to play a Qunari for the first time. Guess none of them actually played DAO and freed Sten...

Anyways this and the Witcher 3 are the two games I am actually looking forward to next year. Witcher 3 in May and then DAI later that year, can't wait.


Trakanon Raider
Cracks me up when reading articles stating that in DAI you will be able to play a Qunari for the first time. Guess none of them actually played DAO and freed Sten...

Anyways this and the Witcher 3 are the two games I am actually looking forward to next year. Witcher 3 in May and then DAI later that year, can't wait.
Well, it's that you can have a qunari as the player-character, not just have one in the party.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, it's that you can have a qunari as the player-character, not just have one in the party.
I know, I know but you could still play him solely if you wanted hehe. The qunari in DA2 had this really obnoxious voice. It was like some heavily modulated faux Klingon crap.


Was there ever a stated reason for the change in the Qunari between 1 and 2? I remember thinking Sten was just a different culture or nationality, never realizing he was a different race until reading something that said so much later. In DA2 of course they were clearly different.

Was this just an art change?


Lord Nagafen Raider

The change in qunari appearances have practical roots as well. "Art wanted to create more space between the races so we changed the way the qunari looked," says senior artist Matt Goldman. "We have also changed the way elves and dwarves look for that matter, but qunari seem the most dramatic because you only ever saw Sten in Dragon Age: Origins."
Since the qunari have this supposedly mysterious past and appeared all of a sudden I am also going to guess that it will be revealed that they are originally from beyond the fade. Hence their more demonic looking features in DA2.



Dragon Age: Inquisition - Community Gameplay Styles and Preferences Survey


Registered Hutt
I took it. My focus is on tactics customization and smoother gameplay. I want the tactics stuff to be more comprehensive so I can just operate my dude. I don't like to pause and swap and set up custom shit. Every time I have to pause I feel the tactics have a weakness, and that's often. We, as a group, should be able to work out our methods so that they flow in a complimentary hurricane of death. I'd also like support characters to position themselves better. Having to custom control a backstabber in order to get backstabs at all, is fucking dumb. But the bastards don't position themselves right.


I saw that survey, its a load of shit. There is no way the development/creative team released that this far into development looking for actual feedback. This was released by the PR department to support their decisions they have already made. In the future when their customers complain about a bad system they implemented in DA3, they will point at this survey and say "this is what the majority wanted" and maniplulate it in any direction they want. Its decietfull.


Vyemm Raider
That's what third party mods are for, so you can finally sex Shale.

No really, you can.

(she crushes your dick)


Pretty good video calling out Bioware's (and others) crap:Sexual Failing | Jimquisition Video Gallery | The Escapist
If by crap you mean the 'meaningless "gameplay" added in and misnomer in the description therein', sure. Out of the hundreds of critic videos out there, this one had very little 'bite' to it -- especially considering all of BioWare's "crap" in game development. In reality it was a pretty weak critique of putting sex in games for the sake of.

The thing that get's me is that you thought it was a good critique of BioWare (and others) crap, when it mentions nothing but sex/"romance". Does the sex in the games offend you or is it especially bad in relation to say... reused resources in DA2 or the dumbing down of RPG-features across their catalog of games, Sean?

Or is it just sex in general that you have an issue with? I find myself strangely intrigued at the reasoning behind the video choice.


A nice asshole.
He must have never heard a female fan talk about the romance shit in bioware games. That stuff is their endgame.

My problem with bioware games' romance is their railroaded romance options are completely lame. I can't believe I couldn't bone Dr. Chakwas.
No shit, friend of mine loves Garrus to the point that is her sons nick name.