Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


Unelected Mod
DA:1 was a classic. As far as DA:2, I loved it even with all its problems. The ME games were all awesome.

So yeah, going by track record, DA3 is an obvious buy for any fan of RPGs.


You guys clearly don't know Angry Joe. Had you bothered to check his previous reviews you would know he has no trouble shitting on big budget games and does so quite frequently. I haven't seen a single review he did that wasn't spot on. My only complaint about his show is giving a mark out of 10 at the end. IMO the whole point system is a marketing gimmick thought up by PR firms to help them "manage" customers. Fuck that bullshit. But otherwise he has nailed every single game dead on that I ever watched a review for which is most of them.

Have you seen his DA2 review? You should.


^^ Thank you. And while no one trusts game sites anymore, what they don't understand is the same shit is happening with viral streamers who make their living off making sure publishers are pleased. Sure, Angry Gamer made his rant known with Destiny, after everyone bought it, to gain credibility off the shit we already knew to begin with. Gamespot didn't even put up a review of Evil Within until 2 weeks after the launch window because they were told not to if they had anything disparaging to say and Bethesda holds the cards with press coverage for pre-launch hype of TES: Black Marsh, which obviously generates large amounts of web hits for cash for those sites, so they protect their dollars.

For Fuck's sake. Open your eyes. Good post Bytes.
So ut who you going to pork? Scissor the dyke elf or bone lesbian inquisitor ?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
DA:1 was a classic. As far as DA:2, I loved it even with all its problems. The ME games were all awesome.

So yeah, going by track record, DA3 is an obvious buy for any fan of RPGs.
DAO was created by people that are no longer with the company. It was in development before the EA takeover. Before some idiot decided This Is the New Shit suited the needs of the few. Mass Effect and it's awesome story and ME2's fantastic sequel were all in the works long before the shitstorm. DA2 was a fucking disaster and heralded as such, and the reviews were so falsified it should make everyone bat an eyelash to what this company is about. It was almost as bad as Total War: Empire lengths of paid off tomfoolery. Going by track record you say Khalid? Let's do that. ME3 was a hap hazard nightmare where the ending was squabbled by an EA executive who took control of the game last minute and fucked with the writers true ending that was written long before and changed. We all saw what happened with that. DA2 was a cash in everyone seems to forget, yet somehow you say it was loved with all it's problems? How? I am all for subjective opinion, unless it flies in the face of hundreds of thousands of gamers that admit, freely, it was a pile of shit yet now "I enjoyed it for all it's problems" comes out as the next game comes out as if we are all in a game industry developer meeting and everyone is a fucking timid shit that cannot admit the truth because they need to keep their job within a company, and don't want to step on those toes that created the farce to begin with.

So yeah Khalid, let's talk about that track record. Bought and paid for and the people that made that track record high and out sucking on a fruity drink in the Bahamas. Shit, I would have done the same thing if I were in their shoes. But don't kid yourself. That track record is about as good as what Visceral games used to be. Bullfrog before it. Origin before that. When Peter Molyneux actually made fun games rather than talk about what he wants to do to sell it off his name and cash out high in the sky. Bioware is the corporate version of an individual legend that used to give a fuck.

You are a better poster than this.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So ut who you going to pork? Scissor the dyke elf or bone lesbian inquisitor ?
I'll watch your stream and live the life of Gay Lesbian sex scene choices because it sells and a company wants to seem politically correct, up to you. That is a whole new can of worms.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
DA2 was fine for a game made in 18 months. If they could get their content creation pipeline working a little better so they didn't have to reuse EVERY fucking dungeon, I wouldn't mind putting up with DA2 quality games if it meant actually seeing more of them.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
DA2 was fine for a game made in 18 months. If they could get their content creation pipeline working a little better so they didn't have to reuse EVERY fucking dungeon, I wouldn't mind putting up with DA2 quality games if it meant actually seeing more of them.
Well, it's not fine it was made in 18 months, but yea - the core of it was good enough that if they'd had a proper development schedule (3-4 years, right?) it would've likely been polished into a masterpiece. For how quick they pumped it out it was pretty amazing, but there's no reason they should've squandered the Dragon Age name on something they rushed out. (DA:O was in development forever wasn't it? Like 6+ years or something, right?)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
DA2 was fine for a game made in 18 months. If they could get their content creation pipeline working a little better so they didn't have to reuse EVERY fucking dungeon, I wouldn't mind putting up with DA2 quality games if it meant actually seeing more of them.
EA: we lost some fans with Dragon Age 2 Eurogamer.net

They did more than lose fans. They opened the eyes to a few folks that realize they cashed in on DAO and Awakenings. Frank didn't gain shit for fans. They suckered in some folks that realized the name of the IP and everyone fell for it hook line and sinker. And this will be the same fucking mess. And it will all start over again in 2 years, after the fall out, with promises of more bullshit and you will be here drinking the kool-aid.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm saying there needs to be some kind of middle ground between waiting 3-4 years for a good sequel and 18 months for a mediocre one.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
" Brent Knowles, a veteran lead designer who had been with BioWare for a decade and the central figurehead behind Dragon Age: Origins, decided to resign during the designing process of Dragon Age II and eventually left the company, stating "I'm not the same person I was when I started,and BioWare is not the same company."

Read it, learn it, and quit fucking buying it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I also want you all to never click on these two gaming sites ever fucking again.

"PC Gamer UK magazine highly praised Dragon Age II mentioning the improved combat system, dialogue wheel, skill-trees, and solid storytelling as its strong points. The game earned their "Editor's Choice" award and was stated to be, "The best RPG of this decade? Nine more years will tell, but for now, yes."[44] Official Xbox Magazine gave the game a 9 out of 10 mentioning that although it was slightly altered from its predecessor, the game "offers some of the deepest, nerdiest, most worthwhile 40 to 60 hours you will ever love losing sleep over."[43] Game Trailers gave the game high marks and stated, "Though it does not hold a candle to its predecessor when it comes to sheer breadth,Dragon Age II has quite a bit more soul"

It sure has Soul when you are being paid for reviews on the back end, and a new marketing campaign to lift an embargo a week early to make sure it gets all the same bullshit review coverage DA2 did.

I agree Vaclav. But it was a hell of a lot better than anything "Bioware" had put out recently. Including this upcoming farce.


Unelected Mod
Yes, so does pretty much every game. Personally, outside of the reused textures, I enjoyed DA:2's gameplay more than DA:O. So when I hear the over the top hate for it, I just don't get it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Gameplay means shit. Destiny, such great shooting mechanics. (Like every other shooter ever fucking made)

Can someone tell me why the fuck that matters when Doom had the same level of responsiveness? Gameplay mechanics with an RPG? Color me fancied. The same mechanics we have all seen since we played any Gold Box AD&D game on our Apple 2 GS's. Is this what we have become? Substantiated consumers to give a scapegoat to shitty games because they used the same gameplay mechanics and responsiveness I had when I was playing Super Breakout with a paddle on my Atari 2600? The gameplay of Hearthstone is what engages me. I mean, the cards are so responsive when I click and hold the button on my mouse and move the card onto the playing field. Fucking fantastic. I haven't seen such responsiveness since I played Deja Vu on a Mac Plus.

My point is, since it seems I will have to spell it out, is that this should be a default standard since games were responsive this way since before Christ was born. Yet, in this day and age, the standard for actually controlling a game now gets credit where the game fails. How fucked is that reasoning.


Unelected Mod
Maybe you don't understand what I meant about gameplay. I am not talking about responsive feel to pressing a button.

Compared to DA:O, in DA:2 all the classes were fun to play (not just mages). The skill system was much more interesting, with a balance that didn't make you feel stupid playing anything other than mage. Everyone complains about the teleporting waves, but that was put in to stop the easy cheesing of entire encounters by one AoE in DA:O.

All that and other factors made the actual combat much more fun to me than the DA:O combat. So I am definitely looking forward to their new combat changes, and it looks like they have done the same "type" of skill system that was in DA:2 for Inquisition.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Did you watch the Angry gamer video? Did you see all he was doing was button mashing? Should we scapegoat that like we scapegoated Battlefield 4's shit alpha/beta because it was a "Previous" build that they finally got working a year later because everyone is saying he is just playing the initial parts of the game? Get used to it. What you saw doesn't fucking change.


Unelected Mod
Did you watch the Angry gamer video?
Yes, I watched the AngryJoe video in its entirety, along with some other of the beta videos. It looks really good even on the console, I love the look of the skills and the gameplay looks fun. Shrug.

I don't expect to convince you, but I've already preordered and while the game may in fact turn out to be bunk, all the objective information on the game so far looks good.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Did you watch the Angry gamer video? Did you see all he was doing was button mashing? Should we scapegoat that like we scapegoated Battlefield 4's shit alpha/beta because it was a "Previous" build that they finally got working a year later because everyone is saying he is just playing the initial parts of the game? Get used to it. What you saw doesn't fucking change.
To be fair, I was getting really irritated watching him play, he's horrible.

On a side note, I always thought DA looked retarded. I played/loved the Mass Effect series and only tried DA:O about a year ago because I was bored and didn't really like the game that much. I'm only buying DA:I to play multiplayer with a friend of mine, since it's like DDO (loved it) and ME3:MP (also loved it) had a baby. I may never touch the single player campaign at all.