Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
This is probably a stupid question, and I missed something obvious...but how to you tell what level monsters are on the PS4? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.


Trakanon Raider
Alright the Oasis is beautiful to look at, but its annoying as fuck to traverse. I was considering just jumping down from the top until I found a safe way down.

So far from what I can tell, Hinterlands is semi interesting but very boring compared to the rest of the game. The only "oh shit" moment I had in the Hinterlands was the
the dragon flying around and knocking the rocks off the mountain.
I've had several since I went to other zones. Unfortunately, if you don't do most of the Hinterlands you might get pooped on in the other zones.


<Silver Donator>
This is probably a stupid question, and I missed something obvious...but how to you tell what level monsters are on the PS4? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.
When you lock monsters or when you use the tactical view it shows their levels. There's a soft lock and a hard lock, I assume it's like R3 or L3 as in most games, can't help you with the details but that's how you see it on PC too, it's not displayed when you soft lock.

My internet died the night 2days ago, but I was pleasantly surprised to see this game somehow launches in offline mode without an issue(yay origin?), so I got to play it yesterday a bit. There's some stuff that was annoying me and it took me a long time to find a class I liked, but mage is kinda alright. I went Fire mage, with 1pt blink and 1pt shield which is kinda an obvious choice. Only lvl 5 though after several hours, I feel they could have tweaked the leveling curve some, it's especially jarring due to the lack of skills early on.

With a cooldown system and crappy autoattack combat, it makes it really boring to play. Add to that the absolutely unnecessary melee woes and while I really liked my DW rogue damage output, I just couldn't stomach playing as one. Shit gets knocked back, down or simply move away from you while you're stuck in stupid autoattack animation, movement is sluggish unless you spend stamina to do the roll thing(which is almost a necessity for any sort of melee) and it's just not fun to autoattack as a melee class anyway, and then positional and eating random aoes/weapon splash damage. Shit's alienating. If they wanted to do twitch combat, they should have done just that. This weird half assed hybrid fucking sucks as a melee who needs to stay in range of shit to hit.

I had thoughts about playing the tank instead since I kinda liked the skills, but then you end up in a situation where you can't do anything rift related while tanking, because herpderp design what is it.

So mage and archer look by far the least annoying classes to actually play.

Anyway game's pretty decent otherwise, though the UI is mindboggling retarded and I wonder who designed this. And I don't mean the PC port issues, those are relatively minor overall. I mean just outright overall UI decisions. Map looks like garbage and you can't put annotations, tactical camera is a mess(as mentionned before, it's usable mind, just clunky as fuck), minimap doesn't have alternative positions or a lock for north(which makes it confusing as all fuck to navigate), inventory is too small/items too big, upgrades are a nice system besides the fact you need to constantly move your upgrades from one item to the other which apparently requires you to go to an upgrade station, creature research is in the "sell all" inventory for whatever fucking reason, having to spam the search shit over and over. Then PC stuff is mostly the mouse not updating what's under it until you move it off and back on something if the mouse was on the thing before it popped(conversations to see the type it is or inventory management mostly), not being able to bind mouse 4/5(autohotkey fixes that fine though), but overall the UI issues are just UI issues in general.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I knew it was something obvious, it's the hard lock thing I missed, fights were not that hard so never bothered with it, heck if even shows weaknesses. I feel like a total noob.

Thanks Pyros.


<WoW Guild Officer>
It doesn't connect to paypal?
I'm not sure why it's relevant. I'm not going to mess around with proxies just to save a couple of bucks. I only want to know if the digital deluxe is worth it or not. It's about not rewarding EA for $10 worth of fluff, not about saving money.


Vyemm Raider
I'm like 25 hours into DA:I, and I just finished up the Hinterlands as far as I can tell. Currently level 10. I really wanted a new environment to play around in, so I figured I could at least try the level 12 stuff (dragon/rifts). Dragon was a no-go, but the rifts weren't so bad, except for some weird shit going on.

I instant traveled to the camp near the mercenary fort, then called my horse. Rode to one of the southern forest rifts, dismounted, and my party was nowhere to be found. I click Sera to switch over to her, and I discover that the party is way up north fighting the high dragon again for some reason. I ran the hell out of there, instant traveled back to the camp near the rifts I wanted to close, rode the horse back to the rift, dismounted and the party was still not there. Switch to Sera; fuckers are fighting the high dragon AGAIN. Escape again. Instant travel back to the camp again. This time I just ran to the rift with the group (getting attacked by a bunch of bears and mabari on the way...) and closed the rift. Talk about wonky!

I really hope they patch this game soon. I'm having a lot of fun, but the annoying bugs are starting to pile up.
You can do that high Dragon at level 12 np and the one in Western approach i smashed at L14. I would suggest leaving Hinterlands for now and advancing the story to the point you have your new base unlocked so that your team has its specializations. Cassandra is beastly in my squad so much that no dragon scares her, shes like a walking fortress. Some of the Hinterland mobs are higher than you'd think so you cannot do them your first or maybe even second trip.

I roll with Tank, Archer, 2 Mages atm - Sometimes i drop a mage for Iron Bull but he likes to sponge damage at times.


FPS noob
Gaming Heads

$329 for this, what a terrible pose. looks like she's practicing her karate kid moves

also apparently the CE for DAI is a real piece of shit, with like 85% of them having broken parts and overall extremely cheap plastic quality. Be warned, the same people who made it are making the Batman CE (the $200 batmobile edition etc)



<WoW Guild Officer>
Does taking screenshots with print screen work for you guys? Just gives me flat black nothing.

Edit: Nevermind, found em


Played this for about 2 hours on the PS4 last night, wasn't that impressed.

Hope Capcom does a Dragon's Dogma for the PS4 eventually.


Vyemm Raider
I like this as much if not more than DD atm, that aside has anyone figured out how to fight the Dragons on the Storm Coast and in Crestwood? By figure out how i mean how to access them?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Played this for about 2 hours on the PS4 last night, wasn't that impressed.

Hope Capcom does a Dragon's Dogma for the PS4 eventually.
The game really doesn't open up till quite a bit later once you get to the end of the first act (you know when you get there). It's definitely a very slow burner considering all the shit they added in.

Doing the tempest quest for my archer but I can quite find how to "gather materials for a smoke bomb" yet? Anyone know how to go about this. Some of the quests in this game are a bit obtuse. There is so much to do in this game, I feel overwhelmed but in a good way.


Vyemm Raider
Im going Artificer for the rapid shot endline, and Alpha Quill spines blow dick to find.


Silver Squire
The intro to the game was pretty meh. Right after you get out of Haven for the first time though things start to pick up and once you get a little ways further things get excellent IMO. Definitely a slow burner at the start. Overall the game is Very Good.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Have a 150 Archeage founders account with 5400 credits and lots of gametime if anyone wants to trade a copy of DA I for it let me know.


Vyemm Raider
35 hours and L16 - Still cannot finish subclass quest, why? Because its terrible! I only need 3 mobs who are impossible to find or super rare! - Fuck you Alpha Quillbacks! That aside game is a 9.5 now with very few complaints.


Anyone have a map with the locs of stone quarries or logging camps yet? I've come across many of the latter but now I need 8 bajillion of the former and I am likely just not looking in crannies enough to grab them.

Also, Blackwall come on strong to my fem Inq and now I have to end the romance and he's making me feel BAD. Fucking pixels man.


Trakanon Raider
Gaming Heads

$329 for this, what a terrible pose. looks like she's practicing her karate kid moves

also apparently the CE for DAI is a real piece of shit, with like 85% of them having broken parts and overall extremely cheap plastic quality. Be warned, the same people who made it are making the Batman CE (the $200 batmobile edition etc)
Why did they make Morrigan into a transgender? This SJW stuff has gone too far.