Dude, where is my hair?


Trakanon Raider
Sounds like most people just let it ride versus spending tons of effort on strange products with strange side effects. I have a friend that got plugs and I know that's something I'd never want to do...saw him lose a chunk once drunk wrestling, it wasn't pretty.

I guess I'm not the first human to have to endure the downsides of aging, but fuck, it sucks! Thanks for the tips, dudes. At least since we're video game dorks we can always go to character select and put that hair back on our heads! live to win


<Prior Amod>
i'm 35, my dad has re-ceding, i seem to have my moms super full head of hair (tiny bit nicolas cage side re-cede), i slivers of side gray, not enough to pass off as cool, so i have to dye. i always ask my barber if he sees any issues, every other visit, cuz you know barbers would be the first one to know.

any of you shaving guys use this?

Amazon.com : HeadBlade ATX All Terrain Head Razor : Shaver Accessories : Beauty

i guess going all bald is preferable to specs of hair, so a wahl wouldn't be much good.


Molten Core Raider
I tried a headblade, not that crazy one you linked, but their standard one. It sucked, their blades are pieces of crap, and it cut the shit out of me. I just use the same razor that I use on my face. That used to be Gillettte Mach 3s or whatever, but now I use a Double-Edge razor. Better shave and much, much cheaper replacement blades.


Vyemm Raider
I am thining hard along the front top. After 5 years of trying to hide/ignore/rationalize I embraced it 3 months ago and cut it all down tight.

Best thing i have done in a while. I feel so much better about myself and actually got a ton of great comments. I wish i had shaved it down this short years ago. only problem is i have to get it cut every 2 weeks now as i am not really ready to do it myself YET, and my wifes hands shake like an alcoholic.

Embrace it bro, embrace it.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
If you shave it down and go for the Jason Statham look, make sure you hit the gym if you're a doughy/pudgy dude. The only way to look good as a fat bald guy is if you're basically a massive, leather-clad biker. Otherwise, you've gotta be somewhat fit to not look like a doofus.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Full head of still mostly dark hair in early 40's like my forefathers. Must suck to be you guys.


Life's a Dream
Just don't do it too early (young). I began really losing my hair when I was around 20. Super super thin. I opted for a transplant ($6k out of pocket). A few years later, it's as if I didn't do anything. The reason is I continued to lose the hair up on top. The transplanted hair stayed, but the rest fell out on its own. As a result, I have the "smiley face of shame" across the back of my head. It's not as bad as it was when I first shaved my head (sun has caused the scar to blend in more with the other skin), but it's still visible.

That's my experience. YMMV.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
You could always get hair implants!


Seriously though, I remember one time when I was like 4 or 5 years old. I went to visit my dad at his work place and his office mate had just received hair implants. Seeing those plugins scared me for life. Fuck that shit. If I ever start losing my hair I'll just do what others here have suggested and just shave.


<Gold Donor>
I was starting to thin by the time I was a freshman in high school, which sucked so much you can't even imagine. This was back in the day when the only white dudes that shaved their head were skinheads, so that option was out for awhile. I did the baseball cap thing for years, which just led to plenty of shocked looks when I finally had to take the hat off somewhere. Finally around 25 (so 20 years ago) I shaved it, and I've never looked back. If I had to do it in today's time, I'd have shaved it in high school. Tons of chicks love a bald head. Tons don't also, but the number that love thinning hair is pretty fucking low, so if you don't have a full head of hair, go for bald.


Trakanon Raider
Many a chick digs the shaved head look. I got more action after shaving my head than I ever did before in my varying degrees of losing it. And it went pretty early for me, by 26 I knew I was in for it. Embrace it, shave it, and rock that shit proudly
This is pretty much me as well. Although I still don't shave it right to the skin. I shave it to the lowest setting on my trimmer once a week. Too lazy to shave with a blade 2-4 times a week, or daily. Fuck. That. Some ladies may prefer a full head of hair, but overall when I started shaving my hair really short before the thinning was overly noticeable, I got a ton of compliments from people who preferred my hair that short. At 33 I still have hair on the top of my head, but it barely grows and is pretty wispy-thin. When everything is shaved short it doesn't even look like I'm balding, but after a couple days of growth it becomes pretty obvious.

Basically, don't fret about it too much, and go bald gracefully. Don't be the asshole spending thousands on pills and creams and wearing stupid fucking hats to cover it up. Just don't.

joeboo_sl said:
Be this guy:
That's pretty much exactly what I'm going for.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I've been shaving(well...buzzing with electric clippers) my hair since I was 16. Save for a couple times that I let it grow long, it's been a 1 or 0 guard shave 99% of the time. Started getting a bald spot in the back of my head about 5 years ago and it's slowly, but progressively gotten bigger. It's annoying, but I've been cutting my hair so short anyway that one part of me says "No big deal" while another part says "You should've grown it out while you fuckin' could!"

Easy solution to going bald: Shave it and get in shape.


<Prior Amod>
question for you shaved bald guys, were you lucky that you had a good skull? like when i picture a good bald head guy, i picture michael jordan, but what if you have an alien head? or lumpy?


Life's a Dream
question for you shaved bald guys, were you lucky that you had a good skull? like when i picture a good bald head guy, i picture michael jordan, but what if you have an alien head? or lumpy?
I don't know. I mean, you're lucky in that your head is a decent shape to be shaved, but not lucky that it has to be shaved in the first place.
And it may not even be a head shape thing. It may just be a matter of you aren't used to it. I certainly wasn't when I first did it. Now I love it, though. I guess the best advice if you aren't ready to go all in with a razor would be to take a clipper to the lowest setting and start there. YES, it will be a shock to your system. But it becomes worth it. Suddenly you're taking matters into your own hands instead of letting genetics decide your balding appearance for you.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm fortunate that my head is pretty well shaped, as far as head-shapes go.

Just remember. This:


...has never looked better than this:
