So any opinions from someone with what you consider wardrobe issues is automatically disqualified? Huh, I guess all of Furry 's posts are automatically crap due to the fursuit.Substantive criticism from a guy who might as well be the fucking poster child for edgelords? Razorfist is literally Captain Edgelord. He's perpetually stuck in the fuckin' 1993 emo scene. Any adult male who wears fucking leather gloves unironically is Commander of fucking cringe. He's basically trying as hard as he can to be the American version of Yahtzee.
"Hurrrr durrrrr I'll string a bunch of word vomit with curse words together really quickly for 15 minutes and then raise my voice on the punchlines! I'll do this in black and white, with sunglasses and leather gloves on, indoors, while rocking a hair metal cut that went out of style 40 years ago and shitty ass posters can liter my wall likes it's 1986. Hell, we could even open and close the show to some edgy hair metal too!! Because that's how edgy I fuckin' am!!!!".
I'm fine with people thinking BR2049 was shit, especially if you weren't a big fan of the original. There are plenty of things to hate about BR and BR2049. The movies, to me, were always more about the atmosphere and cinematography though. The dialogue, "story", etc. always came second. That's why it's an especially shitty take to throw shade at the score when that's probably the 1st or 2nd best part of 2049. Hell, it's the same in the first movie too.
Wait... that's actually true.
That doesn't change my opinion on BR2049 though. I'd go into more depth about it but I'd have to go rewatch it to remember all the finer points about what happened and I'm not willing to watch a movie merely to shit on it. Also, the post I was replying to was someone who couldn't fathom that a fan of the original would hate the sequel, of which I provided an example. See Razorfist's hour long breakdown vid of the original for evidence, it's quite good. Points I agree with Razorfist on 2049:
It isn't noir, at all. Huge points against as the original is a standout of the genre.
It didn't need to be made. Sequels that take more than about 4 years to make are almost uniformly a bad idea and a sign that it's just a studio cash grab and pointless.
Jared Leto is a waste of skin. Fight Club is automatically elevated because he's beaten to within an inch of his life in it. Sadly that didn't take.
The plot is total nonsense nihilistic hot garbage.
The dialogue is worse than the plot.
Holograms are fucking stupid. Asking me to sympathize with a robot who 'falls in love' with a hologram who is apparently smarter than he is is insulting.
Robin Wright is almost uniformly annoying in everything she appears in with a few exceptions here and there.
The main villainess chick is the standard '100lb waif who kicks the shit out of everyone' trope which I hate, combined with the soulless robot trope. Not exactly a compelling antagonist.
Points I disagree:
The music was fine but nothing special and I generally like Hans Zimmer a lot.
He doesn't like Gosling, I generally find him likeable though NOT a particularly talented actor.
ANYWAY though, since this is the Dune thread and not the 'anyone who disagrees with my obviously correct opinion on a movie must be either an edgelord or trolling' thread, I'll leave 2049 alone from here. But I am fully justified in finding Villanueve a hack based on this, and many of the things I've listed in fact point to him as being a studio stooge that is entirely willing to push all of the modern sins of 're-imagining' classic IP's in the name of wokeness. See the visuals of the Harkonnens as white devils, making Liet-Kynes a woman for no reason, and now apparently Lady Jessica is going to be a warrior rather than a savvy operator?? What a joke.
All of this sentiment about 'ooh, you couldn't make some of the [subject matter X] in current year' is horseshit. You absolutely could, they just won't because whatever they happen to talk about violates the current narrative. If you did Dune right with say, a 10 episode series that is faithful to the material in every meaningful way and then released it on one of the streaming services it would be a massive hit. You wouldn't need to dumb it down from the books if you just added in a few action scenes that are merely glossed over in the books. The thing about idiots is they don't care if there are intelligent aspects of an IP as long as they are catered to with their popcorn action scenes (and maybe some titties a la Game of Thrones) to some extent.
I mean, I may be a cynical asshole, but all signs point to my cynicism being entirely justified when it comes to this movie.
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