Egg Nazi
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This analogy seems flawed, since the Dune universe includes literal Jews, as Jews.The Bene Gesserit are definitely the Jews of the Dune universe.
I dont know wtf he was thinking but its in there.
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This analogy seems flawed, since the Dune universe includes literal Jews, as Jews.The Bene Gesserit are definitely the Jews of the Dune universe.
This analogy seems flawed, since the Dune universe includes literal Jews, as Jews.
I dont know wtf he was thinking but its in there.
I find this hard for a Denis movie, he likes little dialogue. I will say he's not the best when theres talkingmain actors are rubbish.
Iirc she understood why Paul had to marry the daughter of the Emperor. She wasn't particular happy about it, but she was a true believer from the get go. I didn't like the bitchy remarks about Stilgar all the time and making fun of their belief. Their fanaticism and the hardships they had to endure was, what made them so dangerous. They should have played it straight, like the books did.Ugh I need to read the books again. Doesn't chani become a side bitch in a way
it's mostly pretty difficult to spot the wokeism. The only parts to me were Liet Kynes and the constant zooming in on Zendaya's angry/aggressive face.
Ugh I need to read the books again. Doesn't chani become a side bitch in a way
Can you explain how shots of an "angry/aggressive" female face are "wokeism"?
Females are not physically strong and they are not intimidating. The opposite of this scene would be zooming in on a pouty faced alpha male.
If they zoomed in on a muscular/fierce looking man making that same face, the audience could envision the aggression and threat that he poses. Zendaya? That girl is 5'10'' 130lbs, what threat does she pose?
If you liked that scene then you're probably a fan of Brie Larson's involvement in Marvel and other disastrous woke attempts at making women appear strong. It's all so tiresome.
I don't know if you're a woman or what your fascination is with strong females. Females are biologically created to be smaller as a result of evolution/nature. They literally have estrogen as a hormone and can't put on muscle like men can.
Putting them in fictional settings where they're strong doesn't change people's perception of them.
It's like casting a retarded person as a math professor, nobody's going to believe it.
I'm not the one obsessing over female facial expressions whilst dodging the question.
By our logic, Aliens (1986) was woke because it cast an array of females in strong, military, action hero roles.
Was Aliens woke?
Pretty woke if you look at the writer/director for aliens and terminator. It was comical in those movies too, but that was before they were actually serious about women being able to beat up men and monsters. It came off as comedy, not idiocy.
You're not obsessing? You're the one who came into this thread crying about my post.
People complaining everything is woke is a recurring theme on this forum. Whilst a lot of modern media is diversity focused and woke, a lot of the accusations of woke are nonsense. Like complaining The Wire is woke.
I'll add "angry facial expressions" to the list
It is always nice to see the new people interact with characters that we have gotten used to over the years.
You two are arguing with a degenerate autist. Good luck!
Pretty woke if you look at the writer/director for aliens and terminator.
It was comical in those movies too, but that was before they were actually serious about women being able to beat up men and monsters. It came off as comedy, not idiocy.
Ridley Scott never made Ripley a badass. It wasn't a war movie. It was a gothic horror in space and she was the stereotypical last girl.Au contraire, I was just thinking about how well he is going to fit in with takes like the above.
What about Alien (dir Ridley Scott) when the female character was the only one to survive?
Does it not make sense for a movie set in 2122 that advances in military tech such as the M56 smart gun wielded by Pvt First Class Vazquez allowed women to effectively serve in the United States Colonial Marine Corp? It was a heavy machine gun with automatic targeting capability mounted onto an m56 combat harness with an advanced infrared tracking system