Dune: Part Two (2023)


<Silver Donator>
In the world of retardery, there's a lot of fun types of retarded. Bug-smashing retards, funny quotes retards, counting cards retards, googly-eyed retards, etc. Ossoi is not one of those types of retards.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
In the world of retardery, there's a lot of fun types of retarded. Bug-smashing retards, funny quotes retards, counting cards retards, googly-eyed retards, etc. Ossoi is not one of those types of retards.

No, I'm just the type of retard that shut you and multiple other retards out of this forum for more than a year lolol 😂
  • 1Garbage
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<Silver Donator>
So delusional retard it is!
He thinks we've been doing battle for years. In reality, I just put him on ignore and only remember he exists when I post a movie thread and it takes me to a post he made already. Sad little cringey retard.
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<Gold Donor>
Rewatched part 1 and glad I did. My memory of that movie was way off. Anyway, went back watched it and then watched part 2 in theaters and I have to agree this is far and away one of the best if not THE best sci-fi movie in a very long time. I'm going to have to take the wife to see it now hahaha
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<Bronze Donator>
No, I'm just the type of retard that shut you and multiple other retards out of this forum for more than a year lolol 😂
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Rewatched part 1 and glad I did. My memory of that movie was way off. Anyway, went back watched it and then watched part 2 in theaters and I have to agree this is far and away one of the best if not THE best sci-fi movie in a very long time. I'm going to have to take the wife to see it now hahaha
Third act/battle was so fucking good, me and my friend are going to see it again in 4 hours
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<Gold Donor>
What I love about this movie especially with that final battle is the CGI actually pulls you into scene not take you out of it. However, Walken took me out of it a bit. He seems an odd cast for Emperor.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
What I love about this movie especially with that final battle is the CGI actually pulls you into scene not take you out of it. However, Walken took me out of it a bit. He seems an odd cast for Emperor.
The memes though.

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Trump's Staff
*insert Fry squint meme*

You fuckers are actually going to make me go see this movie. I'm thinking with current Hollywood the only good thing about this movie would be the popcorn bucket but seeing the reviews here... I might just go see it.

First movie I've seen in the theater since 2022. I regrettably missed part 1 in theaters.

Fucking amazing. Some strong emotional moments.

Excited to see what ends up happening with the 2nd book adaptation.
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<Bronze Donator>
I didn't mind my Dbox seats, they just vibrate and leaned with the planes and have their own surround sound kind of. You can turn the shit off so not a big deal

I'm wondering if I should see it again in the 4D then. Did it have dry desert smelling air and all that shit going on?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
No they arent those crazy 4D seats like they have at theme parks. These seats are mainly just for explosions and stuff. Just got back from my second viewing, only $12.50 a seat on tuesdays for the fancy seats

Top Gun Mav would have been awesome to see in these seats


Blackwing Lair Raider
Saw it on IMAX, liked it a lot. Better than part 1 because it showed way more Gedi Prime which was my favorite bits.

My theater also had something called 4D and while it sounded interesting I passed on it. Any of you watch it in 4D with the wind , vibrations, smells and stuff?

What I missed was the spacing guild. I wanted more (or any) of them and more of the Sadukar (besides being chumps knifed and gunned down). The Imperial forces landing on Dune and setting up their battle camp was pretty epic though.

Basically I find all the factions OTHER than the Arabs to be more interesting....
We did, the guy next to me kept trying to drink his beer every time there was a fight scene and kept getting a jet of compressed air in his face and was spilling beer everywhere.
  • 5Worf
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<Silver Donator>
Basically I find all the factions OTHER than the Arabs to be more interesting
That's kind of odd to me. The fremen are the most appealing to me (disclaimer - I never read the books, so the movies & random OCD wiki and YouTube deep dives are all I have to go on). I guess maybe that makes more since if you know I spent my 20s vagabonding and that I'm all about that rural life because I hate cities. I can't think of any faction I'd rather join than the fremen. Atradies seem the closest to modern livin'. Harkonnens seem like serving in hell. Sardarkaurs seem like joining the Marines. Bene sisterhood seems like a 40yo sorority of backstabbing cunts. Spacing guild and the Ixlgjsjwfn nerds seem like incel cults, and i only know about 3 sentences worth about the smugglers. Who's a better choice than the fremen or atradies? (And when it comes to spelling mistakes, eat my ass. I'm tired of looking up how to spell these fuckers)

Now I'm curious though. Everybody else here, which faction would you join? Let's say you're joining as a low to mid level officer. Nobody of import.