Saw this in the theater with some old friends. Being caught off guard by the fat dragon was probably the hardest I've laughed in a long ass time.Closest I got to D&D was EverQuest. Totally loved the movie and wish it made more money, but lazy people like me that waited are the reason so I can’t complain. Felt like a guardians of the galaxy fantasy and I support it.
Themberchaud scene was pretty great, really hate this movie didn't make more money. I now need to watch fatty do barrel rolls againSaw this in the theater with some old friends. Being caught off guard by the fat dragon was probably the hardest I've laughed in a long ass time.
Saw this in the theater with some old friends. Being caught off guard by the fat dragon was probably the hardest I've laughed in a long ass time.
This is a fun movie, but c'mon now.This is Dredd all over.
This movie was actually insanely well done by the writers, cinematographers, directors. It's a better watch time"He's gonna keep going straight, isn't he?"
Yep. lol
Apparently the actor didn't hear the "cut" and kept walking.I don't know if true but my friend said the scene where the badass warrior dude walking away in a straight line over the rock was not scripted . That was maybe one of my favorite parts of the movie