Dyson Sphere Program


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Deuteron Fuel Rods for Mech pretty much takes care of the running out of mech power issue with around 40 GJ of power
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Anyone start building a dyson sphere? I had a little but then I noticed the solar sails have a timer so I figured I better hold off until I'm ready to really go nuts with it.

I still haven't left the first system. Biggest challenge for me has been trying to balance refined fuel and hydrogen demand, seem to constantly see saw back and forth and if one caps my refineries shut down. Have tried to build in a buffer system that is easier to monitor.

I probably need to just keep scaling up, I'm currently around 1500 iron ingot/min


Trakanon Raider
I built 100s of thermal power stations to filter overflow hydrogen and refined oil to to avoid that problem.

I haven't started expanding outside the first system yet either. I'm currently working on setting bulk production lines up with everything linked to logistics systems so that I avoid conveyors everywhere, and can build blocks way apart from each other. I've got banks of 20-30 smelters with room to expand to 100+ if needed, then in production areas I've got banks of 10+ assemblers with room to expand. Set up miners mining every node on the planet so I can basically ignore it forever and have a (relatively) never ending supply of circuit boards, processor, motors etc etc. that's the plan anyway, I'm about 50% through setting it up so far.

In my starting system I have one planet which has 12mil+ copper, silicon, stone. One planet which has 12mil+ titanium, copper, iron. A gas giant producing hydrogen and deuterium. Then the starting planet which is my source of coal, oil and water.

On this is all finished I plan to expand to a sulfuric acid planet in another system first since that is one resource which I need a lot of, which is a little annoying to produce and painfully non renewable.


Canuckistani Terrorist
I carry a stack of solar panels, wireless towers and accumulators so when I fly to a new planet I create power and recharge my mech. I tend to spend all of my energy every time I travel to a planet by accelerating to max speed and crash landing head first into the planet at 2000km/s. Makes it only take 5 seconds to get from planet to planet.

I had that problem once early on when exploring the solar system where I missed my target and ran out of energy facing out into the universe. Took me a while to work out how to turn around and go back.

Now my flight strategy is just hold down W at all times, aim the mouse (little box icon) at the target planet, hold down shift until you get to max speed, then hit the target like a missile.
I'll give that a shot, I've been making taps to correct, not hold down. Under 1k speed I'm fine, over that chances are high to bounce off a planet for me.

Once you get logistic towers working well, can just plop those down with enough power, and order all your shit in like Amazon. I noticed the patch added some stuff to towers, eager to test it all out.

I haven't used any of the advanced fuels yet, I'm still using graphite since it stacks to 100. Hydrogen fuel cell weren't very good when I tried them, and only stacks to 30.


Trakanon Raider
I'll give that a shot, I've been making taps to correct, not hold down. Under 1k speed I'm fine, over that chances are high to bounce off a planet for me.

Once you get logistic towers working well, can just plop those down with enough power, and order all your shit in like Amazon. I noticed the patch added some stuff to towers, eager to test it all out.

I haven't used any of the advanced fuels yet, I'm still using graphite since it stacks to 100. Hydrogen fuel cell weren't very good when I tried them, and only stacks to 30.
Hydrogen Fuel cells will replenish your energy much faster though. I got tired of waiting around for the graphite to refuel the tank, so I bit the bullet and made a small hydrogen fuel cell assembly. The stacks are smaller, but you get more energy and faster: 1200MJ/stack Vs. 800MJ/stack.
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Graphite is just plentiful for me now, and it's on one of the conveyor rings that circles my factory planet. It's great for endurance &building new shit on the ground, not useful at all for flying/space though. I'm just gonna make deut fuel rods I suppose, I think there's another one at end of tree, I'll have to see if I've researched it yet.


Lord Nagafen Raider
what are you guys doing for main planet power generation at mid-game / purple cube level? Having power issues at night time due to lack of solar


Trakanon Raider
Home planet I'm using a mix of solar, wind and burning excess oil and hydrogen.

On another planet I built a ring of solar around the whole planet on the equator. Generates around 100mw perpetually could add extra rings easy enough.

I am starting to have power troubles now that I'm working on bulk green cube production. May have to look in to fusion reactors.


Canuckistani Terrorist
what are you guys doing for main planet power generation at mid-game / purple cube level? Having power issues at night time due to lack of solar
"Early" power generation. Still has a couple gaps due to terrain/resources, can be much higher. That is 100% solar, belt around equator.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Shit I guess I didn't have the flight figured out. WASD works different than arrow keys, and up down works the same as space/alt. Now I'm a full blown space jockey, I feel so dumb.

Deuteron cells work great, I must have read wrong, or I would have made them up sooner. There are 7.5 GJ /500% cells, but they actually require protons or whatever from dyson swarm/sphere via ray receivers, not really motivated for that quite yet. Gearing up to mass produce green energon now, 1 = 8 warp fuel, so best way to stockpile warp fuel.

The new logistics options are great, opens up a lot of options & control.

This game & devs are awesome. Almost daily updates too.

Digitized cocaine, I have 126 hours played now. To be fair I'm often AFK, but still.


Trakanon Raider
Got my gravity matrix production up and running.. It's producing quantum chip and graviton lens faster than a 10 stack of matrix labs can cook cubes. The power drain from all of the particle colliders hurt though. Tapped into another 3 oil wells and fed 100% of the oil+hydrogen into thermal power stations which solved that problem, quick and dirty 150-200mw or so of power.

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Trakanon Raider
WTF I didn't know you could do that.
I knew they were stackable but had never found a need for it. Since I'm using logistics towers everywhere I don't have much belt spaghetti.

Funnily enough the main place I'm using lots of splitters is the same place he demoed in the video - refinery loops. Gotta keep everything moving!


Canuckistani Terrorist
Almost leveled everything I had built, and have been re-designing it.

This is mass smelting plant A, still expanding it, but it is 100% functional for my current needs. Logi imports iron/copper/titanium ingots/pure silicon/stone. Will have a site B on other side of planet as well, basically a mirror of A.

This is almost every subcombine that can be made. Still some of my old setup around, so still messy. Once complete every component will have it's own ring of assemblers/chem/smelter/ect, with it's own conveyor ring around planet as well. Everything will be tied to a logi tower, so once complete, I'll just need to throw a IS logi tower or 3 & power down on a new planet, and order everything in. Theoretically of course.
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Trakanon Raider
Just set up my first interstellar base, harvesting organic crystals and spiniform stalagmite crystals which I convert to carbon nanotubes, then shipping them back to my home system.

There's around 1.5mil of each on the one planet I went to so that will last quite a while!


Golden Knight of the Realm
For burning off extra items, this is a great link:
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JunkiesNetwork Donor
Just bought, looking forward to a weekend with a new vidya distraction.
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