As I'm sure everyone's aware, RRP is now a Veteran (+15%) MU. That means new slots cost 20G to add, and likewise every existing slot is worth that much. We would like to finish it out to 50 slots because new people trickle in faster than old ones quit (which is a good thing). It also means that when a new person donates 5g and their referrer donates 5g, there's still a 10g void.
Most of you have paid 5G total, plus whatever your referral kicked in, so we're going to ask that everyone send the MU another 5g to keep things fair going forward. If you sent 2g or whatever around the time of the upgrade you just need to send the difference.
Darkclaw - Paid (32.25G + 200krw)
Squeakster - Paid (20g)
Sancho - Paid (20g)
KurganAU - Paid (15g)
Randle - Paid (10g)
Fealorn - Paid (10g)
Bruen - Paid (10g)
Baraz - Paid (10g)
Loftish - Paid (7g)
Eyashusa - Paid (7g)
Amarame - Paid (6g)
Valos - Paid
Wynt - Paid
Vinlorin - Paid
Azist - Paid
Dokomo - Paid
AngryGerbil - Paid
Haru - Paid
Timberline - Paid
Harfle - Paid
Dokomo - Paid
Animalevic - Paid
Maganese - Paid
Apostolos - Paid
J rob - Paid
Skjaybe - 2.14g
KPax - 2g
Restless - 2g
Sanrith - 2g
Hootie2 - 2g