Eden Rising - Supremacy (Co-op Tower Defense)


Mobile Game Hunter
Eden Rising is a game that I've been trying out which was recently released to early access on Steam. It describes itself as a Co-Op open world tower defense game which intrigued me. I didn't see a thread about it so here's my impressions!

Platform: PC (Steam)
Price: $14.99
Release Date: Early Access (Q4 2018)
Players: 8 per server - 16 at launch
Store Page: Here


The gist of the game is you have a large open world with fungus-like enemies and various hubs and outposts dotting different bios. There isn't a leveling system and your improvement comes from unlocking new gear by completing defenses and leveling up your existing weapons / armor. The central hubs have multiple sieges that can be performed and the outposts tend to be used to unlock new tech one time. You may deploy defense and attack towers along with bombs and traps to assist you with your missions as well as during your open world exploration.

Currently you may only choose a female-ish character and customize it from there with color schemes, but your armor will be covering you like CNN on Trump so you wouldn't notice if that's the sort of thing that bugs you. The Devs recently posted a nice roadmap of features and they do frequent Dev Streams which is reassuring.

I really like it. It's hard and can be frustrating at times, but it's satisfying to roam the world unlocking new crafting recipes and doing the various defense zones with a few of your buddies. Servers can be public or private and are persistent. The host of the server can also run it in "Headless" mode if they want to leave it active while they're not playing for other people to use. Difficulty scaling can be done on the fly which is nice because this game is HARD. You will die a lot! Thankfully the bugs are fairly mild and you will mostly rage about getting stuck or not having enough inventory space.

Overall a great game to play with some buddies or play on random servers.
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