Edge of Tomorrow (2014)


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Jesus I'm glad I don't think about all that shit when I watch science fiction movies. I don't see how some of you people are able to enjoy anything.


Log Wizard
Movie is based off of a book though which is where I am coming from. Plus tachyons aren't pusedoscience. The best science fiction out there often places it's roots within a feasible scientific concept. It is when we stretch and stretch and sttrrreeccch those roots that suspension of disbelief starts to fail. The fewer the ideas you have to accept to accept the premise the easier to buy into a story.

For the tachyon premise to to work you would at most need

1. An advanced alien species (no problem accepting that one)
2. Advanced nano technology capable of teraforming (again not a huge stretch given what are still learning in the field)
3. A power source capable of sending a directed tacyhon pulse back in time a few days
4. That the pulse in #4 can interact with the human CNS

Of those 4 only #3 and #4 requires a significant suspension of belief for the story. Do the same for a blood borne time traveling mechanism and I can't even see where the roots might touch any scientific concepts if they even have any. How do they power the ability to go back in time? The power required to theoretically travel in time is infinitely larger then the power required to generate a tachyon pulse and if you had the power to go back into time well h-o-l-y fuck have you just unlocked a can of worms. But ignoring all the possible fails left open with such an OP ability how they hell does it link with human blood? What concept has anyone heard of that isn't written in the Holy Book can explain why nano -> human blood would suddenly and instantly transfer time control power to a human? And even assuming that were possible how would such a power be maintained after the first event? Did his blood go back in time too? Did it somehow pump through and spread itself through his entire body at the instant of his death so the ability would take all of his person back in time? Where is his original self? how does he generate the power every time he dies?

I love reading science fiction but good science fictionalwaysplaces it's roots behind reality based concepts. Sure some of those get turned over as we learn more and advance science forward but sometimes we get true masterpeices because you don't have to think up weird any crazy shit to have a good story. The real world is weird enough.
Nanites that create tachyon pulses that bind to cell receptors, OBVIOUSLY. /uppercut


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nanites that create tachyon pulses that bind to cell receptors, OBVIOUSLY. /uppercut
.. Because alien nanites would have any reason whatsoever to bind to cell receptors. And even if they accidentally could they would also be able to do so instantly? Over his entire body or brain? And then somehow stay stuck to him endlessly? And then a blood transfusion could un stick them"


Jesus I'm glad I don't think about all that shit when I watch science fiction movies. I don't see how some of you people are able to enjoy anything.
How can you stand the shit fiction they try to shovel down our throats? Especially if you have ever read anything decent? Sure as a kid Superman Prime was the shit but then you get older and wonder why anyone evil would ever do anything as long as an invulnerable time traveling hero was there? Have you heard of the show Heroes? If you are lucky you have never seen that abomination but if you have you may remember a character named Peter. Peter had the unique ability to permanently gain other heroes powers by touching them.

This kind of stupid shit happens when you have wild ideas and nothing firm to stand on.


Log Wizard
.. Because alien nanites would have any reason whatsoever to bind to cell receptors. And even if they accidentally could they would also be able to do so instantly? Over his entire body or brain? And then somehow stay stuck to him endlessly? And then a blood transfusion could un stick them"



Tranny Chaser
The one thing I really preferred to the book is that in the book they both had infinite lives and both were eventually alien killing whirling dervishes that won the impossible to win battle before breaking the loop.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No actually if you read the book you know that he wasn't living infinite lives because they were only memories or visions of the future. He was living full visions of every day as though they actually happened. Scientifically (or mathematically) it makes sense if you can have particles which can travel back in time.

Phoenix Prime_sl

So is the 3D on this movie worth it? Im gonna see it tommorow and dont know if I want to wait for the evening 3D showings vs cheaper earlier 2D showings.


<Gold Donor>
So is the 3D on this movie worth it? Im gonna see it tommorow and dont know if I want to wait for the evening 3D showings vs cheaper earlier 2D showings.
It depends on if the 3D is able to show the tachyon beams accurately enough.

Seriously though, I saw it in 2D so I can't answer your question, sorry.

How can you stand the shit fiction they try to shovel down our throats? Especially if you have ever read anything decent? Sure as a kid Superman Prime was the shit but then you get older and wonder why anyone evil would ever do anything as long as an invulnerable time traveling hero was there? Have you heard of the show Heroes? If you are lucky you have never seen that abomination but if you have you may remember a character named Peter. Peter had the unique ability to permanently gain other heroes powers by touching them.

This kind of stupid shit happens when you have wild ideas and nothing firm to stand on.
Because sometimes real science fiction is boring as fuck. People on this board recommended a "horror sci-fi" book last year called Blindsight. That book was smarter than I have any hope of ever being. And was terrible as fuck to read. One of the worst books I've ever read in terms of entertainment.

Unless you have that rare person that can blend the two together (science and storytelling), which we all know is practically nonexistent, sometimes a sacrifice needs to be made for the sake of making something enjoyable. I know, your argument is that it wouldn't have been that difficult to work your tachyon theory into the movie, because it was apparently in the book after all, but given that 99% of theater-goers wouldn't know the difference no matter how much time you wasted explaining it, it was easy to just say "a wizard did it" (or in this case, the blood) and move on. It wasn't like it was some egregious misrepresentation of science like a lot of other shows, this was purely made up shit along the lines of "Tony Stark invented an infinite power source, deal with it", so who cares?


Molten Core Raider
Michael Crichton was a master of blending science with storytelling.
Wish he was still with us and writing more books.


So is the 3D on this movie worth it? Im gonna see it tommorow and dont know if I want to wait for the evening 3D showings vs cheaper earlier 2D showings.
Are there examples were 3D is worth it? The only things I can think of are some animation movies and some art house films made with 3D in mind (Wenders' Pina, Greenaway's segment in 3 x 3D).


Life's a Dream
The 3D in this was very similar to "Avatar" in that it gave the movie depth, as opposed to shit popping out at you. I thought it was neat how the whirling dervish aliens looked in 3D, but you really aren't missing much by seeing it in 2D.


I just hate wearing glasses, they annoy me to no end. I'm always adjusting them constantly since I'm not used to wearing them.

If 3D could do away with that I would probly enjoy it more, but otherwise It's a shitty gimmick.


Gunnar Durden
.. Because alien nanites would have any reason whatsoever to bind to cell receptors. And even if they accidentally could they would also be able to do so instantly? Over his entire body or brain? And then somehow stay stuck to him endlessly? And then a blood transfusion could un stick them"


How can you stand the shit fiction they try to shovel down our throats? Especially if you have ever read anything decent? Sure as a kid Superman Prime was the shit but then you get older and wonder why anyone evil would ever do anything as long as an invulnerable time traveling hero was there? Have you heard of the show Heroes? If you are lucky you have never seen that abomination but if you have you may remember a character named Peter. Peter had the unique ability to permanently gain other heroes powers by touching them.

This kind of stupid shit happens when you have wild ideas and nothing firm to stand on.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It depends on if the 3D is able to show the tachyon beams accurately enough.

Seriously though, I saw it in 2D so I can't answer your question, sorry.

Because sometimes real science fiction is boring as fuck. People on this board recommended a "horror sci-fi" book last year called Blindsight. That book was smarter than I have any hope of ever being. And was terrible as fuck to read. One of the worst books I've ever read in terms of entertainment.

Unless you have that rare person that can blend the two together (science and storytelling), which we all know is practically nonexistent, sometimes a sacrifice needs to be made for the sake of making something enjoyable. I know, your argument is that it wouldn't have been that difficult to work your tachyon theory into the movie, because it was apparently in the book after all, but given that 99% of theater-goers wouldn't know the difference no matter how much time you wasted explaining it, it was easy to just say "a wizard did it" (or in this case, the blood) and move on. It wasn't like it was some egregious misrepresentation of science like a lot of other shows, this was purely made up shit along the lines of "Tony Stark invented an infinite power source, deal with it", so who cares?
Point taken. I've had enough experience reading shit science fiction to understand how hard it is to find the good stuff.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd have to put it in font of both X-men and Capt America as my movie of the year, so far.


Watched it yesterday , enjoyed it and my only complaint was ever so small, why did Warrior angel need a cloud sword? The mech suit weapons seemed much more useful.