These tests are always frustrating because you never really know if you're supposed to answer the question based on the reality it defines or if you're supposed to go a level down and try to apply the parameters to the real world first.
A great example is, "A nuclear bomb has been planted in a city and you have in custody someone who knows where it is, is it morally acceptable to torture them to try and get the bomb's location?" The level 1 answer is yes, of course it is, because in the reality defined by the question, you know for sure there's a bomb and that this guy knows about it. The level 2 answer, on the other hand, is that it's not acceptable, because in the real world you're never sure there actually is a bomb, you're never sure the person actually knows where it is, you're never sure whether the torture will result in useful information, and most importantly, you don't know if your government is telling you the truth about all these things.
The same goes for something like, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." The level 1 answer is of course you want this, because in the reality defined by the question, you're actually going to get both of things and have a utopia, because the question says you will. The level 2 answer, of course, is that you don't want it because in the real world human nature applies and you'll never actually implement that for real.