Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Was it specifically said it was a Game of Thrones title? GRRM does more than just ASoIaF.

I would imagine the publisher had something to do with GRRM's involvement, though. Sekiro was a title done with Activision, and Bloodborne with Sony. Demon's Souls was Sony/Bandai/Atlus, and the Dark Souls trilogy was with Bandai/Namco.

Its stated in that interview btw, that apparently there was TWO From Software games expected soon, so I'm curious what they're going to reveal.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Was it specifically said it was a Game of Thrones title? GRRM does more than just ASoIaF.

I would imagine the publisher had something to do with GRRM's involvement, though. Sekiro was a title done with Activision, and Bloodborne with Sony. Demon's Souls was Sony/Bandai/Atlus, and the Dark Souls trilogy was with Bandai/Namco.

Its stated in that interview btw, that apparently there was TWO From Software games expected soon, so I'm curious what they're going to reveal.

Only reason why I theorize ASoIaF is simply because I just can't imagine someone as awarded as GRRM who is king in both Literature and Screen would want to "stoop" to writing a video game story/lore from scratch. It's an absurd position to hold, but dude won't even use a modern computer to write with, so I just believe dude would look down his nose at the prospect of doing an all new story for the gaming medium and with a quirky Japanese studio that is just a hair out of niche range. I'd imagine the extent of his writing credit will be work/outlines he has already hashed out and passed it on to From with a "I don't see how this would hurt, easy money."


Trump's Staff
FROM can make an entire game from a conceptual, singular sentence. You guys think they can't make it work if George doesn't finish his novels? They could make games for 20 years based on what already exists in his world.
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A nice asshole.
Next game From Software make will be Dragons Dogma 2.

Ignore that for some reason I thought Hideaki Itsuno was working for From Software now.


Trakanon Raider
Would be cool, have FROM just build out whatever world/info they want into the game, then give it all to GRRM and write out the story, who say's it has to be "ASoIaF"


Millie's Staff Member
Martin has already sold out to a terrible clicker mobile game, it would be nice if he actually gave the license to a developer that could actually make a good game as well.

One can hope.


Dude, I absolutely need more viking games

and to play this loudly while playing it



Potato del Grande
This is probably just a negative for the game.

They'll spend less money in the actual gameplay and rely on having a famous writer they paid millions for.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I still say all GRRM is going to do is lay out the outline and help build the lore. Hopefully they go back to the more RPG elements of the other games, as I read somewhere that they are considering this the successor to Dark Souls. Very excited to see what they have to show us next month.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
They will probably make 5/8th of this game good then phone it in for the last 3/8th going from an amazing concept to an utter shit product.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
They will probably make 5/8th of this game good then phone it in for the last 3/8th going from an amazing concept to an utter shit product.

This is why I'm hoping it is exactly as GRRM describes: he's consulting. If he is directly writing this, they will have a million characters, and From's games have been very minimalist in that sense (at least the ones I've played) and I like that approach better. His and From's world and lore building skills are what I'm really looking forward too. And while it feels like there are a ton of games set in the Nordic setting now, I hope they really take us into their mythos and go wild.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
They will probably make 5/8th of this game good then phone it in for the last 3/8th going from an amazing concept to an utter shit product.

Luckily From games usually rely on vague ass stories where you have to fill in the shit for yourself. So if they lean back on that it'll be fine. Like Dark Souls, the fan supplied argument that the item descriptions are the thought of the player actually improve the overall lore and story experience. Since it really is a bunch of weirdo jap shit and they don't explain any of it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah this is nothing more than GRRM getting paid a huge licensing fee to use his name and offer up a quick idea he had while taking a crap.
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Toe Sucker
I'd assume it's just them using GRRM like Kingdoms of Amalur used R A Salvatore?
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