Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Anyone here going to start a new fresh game? (Or is that even possible without losing your main character in NG+4?) I forgot.

Maybe I'll just run through NG again to get brought up to speed on everything. I was respeccing a lot after I Platted so I will want to respec again back to my greatsword build for the DLC.
Having played all prior FROM games and their DLCs to completion, I am just now stating a fresh game with no twinking. Might have to shelve it when DD2 lands, but at that point I should be midgame enough to be in the right zone for the DLC. Resisted as long as I could but it was either this or another BG3 run. My old characters who completed at least one play are till there if I want to play a different build later.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I am SO ready for this, just hope its like 40+ more hours of exploration / crazy boss fights.

The overland map is bigger than Limgrave, without counting dungeons/areas. 10 bosses total.

It's sizable. I'd say you could get 40 hours across all that.
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<Gold Donor>
Lodi Lodi & Rajaah Rajaah can you both come to my house on the 21st and explain what any of that lore means? I read it as a word salad. All I see is SMASH!!!!! Lol

I waited for a sale on the original game since I knew I wasn't great with these games. This time I'm day one-ing this DLC, Hell I may even pre-order it.
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Potato del Grande
Lodi Lodi & Rajaah Rajaah can you both come to my house on the 21st and explain what any of that lore means? I read it as a word salad. All I see is SMASH!!!!! Lol

I waited for a sale on the original game since I knew I wasn't great with these games. This time I'm day one-ing this DLC, Hell I may even pre-order it.
I don't think that anyone actually knows what the Elden Ring actually is lol.

An alien slug god blessed a family with the power to rule as long as they fed all the corpses to a giant glowing tree. An unfortunate series of half murder-suicides and tranny self incest causes death to stop working, so now most people are zombies while different types of alien gods try to take over. You decide who wins via your waifu choice.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If you aren't rerolling and playing something new for the dlc you're gay.
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Trakanon Raider
I'll need to pick it up on PC, gave my ps5 to my nephew before he got shipped out, haven't bought another yet either.

probably play thru it again a couple weeks before hand.


A nice asshole.
Star Trek Spin GIF


Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
I just started a new pyro playthrough which pretty much guarantees that everything in the expansion will have uber levels of fire resist


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm having a ton of fun with a Greatsword (actually a colossal sword) with the Lion's Claw weapon art which does an amazing forward summersault that does like 3x weapon damage and staggers almost everything but the flip tends to avoid most enemy attack animations too. If you run out of mana you can still do the summersault but damage will be 1x weapon damage which is still pretty nice.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
if anyone collects plastic shit

Not a fan of that statue or the general design of Messmer. Guy looks like he's rocking some mean AIDS. Also kinda miffed that Miquella isn't the bad guy. Like if this design belonged to Miquella I'd probably like it just fine because he's presumably all malformed from being in Mohg's egg.

I wonder how they'll balance ng++++++ sweatlords steamrolling the content with their maxed out characters vs new rolls needing to grind to do DLC without sacrificing how important stats are.

Been wondering about that myself, and also whether it's better to go into the DLC with my NG+++ character or start a new one in NG and do that. My NG+++ character is incredibly strong, but also in NG+++ you have enemies basically 2 or 3-shotting me and I don't really want to get destroyed all the way through the DLC. I could probably get a character to 60% of my current strength in a fresh NG without a lot of fuss, and the game itself would be at like 20% of the threat level that it is in NG+++.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Also kinda miffed that Miquella isn't the bad guy.
Could still be. The way the narrator talks at the beginning it sounds like Miquella's goodness is kinda of a cover. I could definitely see us going through all of this only to find out what Miquella wants isn't all that great.

Pure and Radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men.

There is nothing more terrifying.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Could still be. The way the narrator talks at the beginning it sounds like Miquella's goodness is kinda of a cover. I could definitely see us going through all of this only to find out what Miquella wants isn't all that great.

Pure and Radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men.

There is nothing more terrifying.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
-C.S. Lewis

“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”
-Aldous Huxley
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