Empyrion - Galactic Survival


Golden Knight of the Realm
I haven't played since last fall/winter, so I've missed a lot of updates. I've had been waiting for it to be more fleshed out before I got sick of it. It seems like it may be worth getting into now.


- Awesome space/planet exploration sandbox. I didn't get No Man's Sky because I already have this. I wanna base build, which you can do in Empyrion.
- Not only can you design your own bases, but also your own vehicles for land and space travel.
- Crafting is factory based, so you can queue a bunch of stuff up, go work on something else, then come back and your jobs are completed.
- Really active dev team that updates the game constantly.

For me, this and 7 Days to Die are the two survival sandbox games worth watching right now.

On a related note, I just realized that I have 332 hours on 7 Days to Die and it's still in alpha. FML.


<Silver Donator>
I've been looking for something to play with the kids over Christmas and finally bought this. I was looking at Space Engineers (one kid already plays it) and Astroneer. After some research, I decided on E:GS. I liked that it was more of a survival challenge.

It has really been a nice surprise. I don't know how I went this long without knowing about this game. It has a rich crafting system, base building, ship building and survival. Less complex machine building than in SE, as I understand it, but still a lot of fun.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
On a side note, if you decide to bring your cap ship to different planets with hostile aliens, be sure you have backup parts on you. I flew my crappy capship to a lava planet and came under fire. Escaped and I'm thinking "ok, no sweat". Do my mining/etc, fly into orbit, select warp target and get message "you need a warp drive to jump". I run downstairs and see a giant hole in the hull and a giant empty room where the warp drive was. Luckily my constructor wasn't damaged. I used the multi-tool to scavenge the ship of parts until I luckily got enough components to rebuild a warp drive and get home.

Basically, if you go into space, be sure you have enough critical parts/power supplies on you to get home ;p


<Silver Donator>
I'm still learning the game at this point but I tried raiding a fortress last night since we were starting get decent tech. First, I tried tunneling in but when I got close, I was either inadvertently exposed or the guns shot at me through the ground and I couldn't get my stuff back. So, I went to my first SV and made some runs at it with my missile launcher but it didn't seem to do much damage and I got blown out of the sky.

I think we're going to restart now that we have learned lots of lessons.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This game can range from super easy to unforgivingly brutal depending on a few factors, yea. My brother and I recently started it up for our 2nd or 3rd time after months of updates, and we were breezing along until we explored a shipwreck on the moon and drones fucking wrecked our ship stealthily while we were away from it. So we're on the MOON with fuckall for backup resources because this was our beginner SV we cobbled together to go get moonrocks.

We had dug out a good part of that shipwreck so we ran back, set up a ghetto constructor and generator from salvaged parts, and eventually salvaged/found enough resources to rebuild an SV core to escape. Meanwhile we had almost no food and I used up all my spare O2 tanks, my brother managed to find a couple somewhere in the ship and ran them to me literally as I'm losing health from lack of air.

It was a long, arduous and largely unprofitable adventure, but goddamn it was an adventure! After that we took extras of EVERYTHING everywhere. I made a huge, double-thick armored CV with scattered storage and auto turrets and made an SV super armored up as well and small enough to keep close. What's crazy is in the couple months since all that, there's big a couple more big updates and arguably we could start over again. It seems like the game updates both a lot but also slowly... the core game has hardly changed but the Minecrafty-ness of it keeps growing.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Biggest change with the new patch (which wiped server...pissed me off because I was almost done getting resources for my 300k iron ingot super star destroyer CV) is auto-miners are being limited. Not sure if you can recoup the T1 cores to make T3s...you only get 10 and apparently can only get more from POI...which sucks because on a server with any type of population, POI will get gutted. Then it means people will manually drill the mining nodes, which actually is less efficient than auto-mining it and ends up destroying the nodes...which makes it so the server has to be reset more often and in turn kills my desire to play because fuck having to start over constantly lol


<Silver Donator>
One tip that I read is that it can be helpful to place your first base underground to help defend against drones. I don't know; that seems like a lot of work and the drones on the first planet stopped after about 4 or 5 waves.

We're going to restart this weekend and we'll definitely focus more on getting our food supply established earlier. We really never did and then we had to go hunting every time we were about to go do something.

We were also held up on whatever mineral it is that you need for advanced CPUs. Not sure if it is on the first planet but I don't want to read too much on strats because I don't want to spoil the process of figuring things out.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just something to bear in mind, you NEED warp to get to other planets, but not out into orbit / asteroids / your moon. Technically you don't need warp I think but it would take a colossal amount of travel time and I'm not entirely sure it actually lets you do that.

As far as the resources go, it's a pretty linear progression of explore -> gather -> explore farther -> gather shinier -> repeat like 3 times, although unlike say Terraria the new resources don't replace the old ones, you still need tons of old ones most of the time.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Advanced CPUs and all the T2 shit needs exotic materials not found on Akua, Omicron, or their moons/orbit.

One comes from Lava planets, the other comes from the Alien planet(s). Word of advice: Protect your Cap Ship. Losing your warp drive -really- sucks, esp for the lava planets because they're full of Zerg and drones from hell, there is no water, and there is also not enough mineral types to rebuild one from scratch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was trying not to be too spoilery :p most everything you can find in the guide or wiki if you need to. I tend to park my CV in orbit and hop in a docked SV down to the surface. Way more fuel efficient and tends to be easier to save / maneuver.

Protect your ships no matter what though. Make them responsive enough to where you don't feel the need to leave them behind too far while exploring, cause shit will happen.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm not sure what happened, but I went to one planet and left my CV in orbit and took a SV to surface. Then I came back to orbit after I was done and my CV suddenly vanished off the map while I was flying. No debris, no nothing to be found. It's a good thing I had a shitload of resources in my blueprint factory and I was able to make another T1 CV to get home lol.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sounds like a bug. Drones and such will always aim for the core of a ship/base so there should always be framework left. Although if drones wiped out the core, the "ship" won't be a ship anymore and won't have a marker on your map, and since you rarely get into orbit the same place you entered, it's possible you just missed the frame.

I usually have 2-3 turrets on the CV and that should handle any roaming drones, barring freak occurrences, as long as you leave the ship powered on enough to power them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They're similar but different. Similar enough where I probably wouldn't be involved in both at the same time, but different enough that I may feel one over the other.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I picked this up during the sale and so far really enjoying it. Just getting started on it though. What's neat is it's only alpha and there is a ton of potential in there.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I finally figured out the trick to defeating some of the NPC POI spots. I beat a drone base and found an epic assault rifle, so there is unique loot you can score that cannot be crafted.

I came across a Xeno fortress with like 20 guns, though...that one is a bit trickier lol


> Than U
Man they are really on top of the updates. I got it on release of EA instead of Space Engineers ( I own both now ) and it has come really far.
I can't get over they still have not added whitelisting yet. Makes it hard to set up when you admin for a group of large streamers to limit access to subs only via password. It just gets leaked.
If they ever add whitelist by ID and fix the ever increasing bugs such as a few weeks I got on my motorbike and was launched into deep space and it saved me like that and the other day I pussied out and built a t4 factory base which I unloaded everything I had into and when I went to plant a tomato the whole base blew up and lost that 10 hours of progression. Those sort of bugs didn't exist back on EA release or if they did I never encountered them.

When it comes to building/space building though I feel it is quickly becoming #1. The amount of block shapes/types is staggering.

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Trump's Staff
I'm jonesing for a seamless space/sci-fi game like No Man's Sky (never ended up buying it since I won't pay more than like $10 or $20). Is this the go-to one? I've heard people talk about Space Engineers which looks very similar and Astroneer which just looks more cartoony.

Is one better than the others?