What do people think about giving your Fianc? a family ring?
That was an extremely tough decision for me to make.
My first wife I fucking hated, and we only got married because we had a kid together in college with pressure from both of our families.
I bought her a really nice ring which I'm sure shes pawned by now.
My 2nd wife, we lived together for 5 years before getting married last year. She's pretty much my little girls mom since I've had full custody of my child since I divorced my other skank of a wife.
My Parents are super rich, and have a family ring that could pretty much set anyone up for life.
For Monthes I couldn't decide If I wanted to buy her a really nice ring from myself, or give her the family ring.
I ended up giving her the Family ring, because it proved that I trust her more then anything in the world.
Still in the back of my mind I wonder If I should have just bought her a new ring. I may just do that anyway for our First year anniversary.