Ehh I give a shit about people trying to better their situation and people in power trying to fuck them. It makes it even more cringey when it's a major company capitulating to a government that isn't even their home soil. Have some back-bone, chinese are more dependent on us than we on them. If you cut off all the shit from the US to China it would make one of the biggest black markets for common goods ever seen. Shit you see it even now with dry baby formula entering from outside of China because trust in Chinese companies by actual main-land Chinese is always super low.
In the case of Blizzard, their SJW shit has been running deep for years and it's been apparent in their products for a while (from my seat). I stopped buying into their shit and stores around the time of 2ish patches into legion. Overall the message hasn't really seeped into WoW but the game just feels bland and tired. Other blizzard games and their social media presence? Oh hell yea the message is loud and clear.
From the article:
So basically he's doing a citizen arrest of land, kinda like California is doing with their wildlife refuges surrounding the Bay Area. The intent of that was to keep the Bay Area looking amazing, so far it's working...if you look at the hills around the bay area it looks stunning but you better watch where you walk or you'll hit a needle or step in human shit. Sure it's unlikely that in North Carolina they will have a multi million dollar swing on home prices within a 2 decade period so all I see is some asshole swinging his dick around for accolades.
Also, lets just say a logging venture bought the land for harvesting. Logging in the states was into the area of sustainability a LOOOONG time ago.
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Nothing in the states is logged and burned, it's all harvested in such a way that within a few years that same section is back to being harvested. The area I posted above is filled with logging camps, some are obvious and others aren't. With engineered wood coming along developers and sellers don't even mind having scrawny trees in their harvest.
So in my opinion, Sweeney isn't being altruistic, he's being an egotistical asshole, yet again...