Epic Seven


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Silk is another solid DPS that you can get through connections. Starting on Lorina's class change as soon as you can is definitely highly recommended though. It takes a long time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
ok i have no clue who tho to 6 next.

My pvp setup is Haste-(ang)/CDom/Luna/Mlken
My pve Setup is generally based Around Luna/Cdom and i rotate Mlken/tama/Ang/Haste/(Cidd/Bellona too but rarely now) depending on what i need, or what im doing.

now i can 6 either:
Lidica - can use in guildwar/pvp/some abyss/raid
Sol - seem so good for pvp specially for all of those Buff set up comp
Dizzy - i still dont have the artifact so im not sure how valuable she is without
Shadow Rose - she would fit rly good on pvp ae team (CR pusher togheter Cdom and Aoe break on my ken---> haste will murder everything). I also have aurius.
Vildred - well i would have to invest into it, he couild fit on my aoe team BUT, at this point unless i got a way to push his cr, and i dont unless i use shadow rose + Cdom, he is kinda weak, and haste is imho better for aoe dmg.
Dark achates - would need heavy investment she is bare.

What u guys think? i was thinking between Sol and shadow rose, id put dizzy into it as well if i had artifact but i dont....


Molten Core Raider
Tywin + Angellica is a huge start to build on. PVE wise they can be a foundation. You need Aurius as soon as possible, spend Mola on Tywin's S3 to get 100% def break and get Cool Down on Angelica. Those 2 combo'd togehter will help you on the vast majority of PVE content in the game especially W11 when you get there.

PVP wise both are really solid for newer player to build a tanky team. Tywin's def break is 1 of best in game for AE + 100% w/ mola, also gives him def buff. His S2 is great for pushing your dps w/ 30% CR and attack/carit so you can build them really strong damage focus and then push with Tywin.

Then just need 1 good dps to throw in there and you are rock solid. If you get Sol + Dizzy thats actually a pretty nasty 4 man team of Sol/Tywin/Angellica/Dizzy. Just need to build Sol really damage focused. That team will carry you for vast majority of the PVE content in the game so you can really focus your resource on setting them up. Few pve fights that are green you will need other people but as a whole those 4 will do probabl 85%+ of pve content.


Buzzfeed Editor
ok i have no clue who tho to 6 next.

My pvp setup is Haste-(ang)/CDom/Luna/Mlken
My pve Setup is generally based Around Luna/Cdom and i rotate Mlken/tama/Ang/Haste/(Cidd/Bellona too but rarely now) depending on what i need, or what im doing.

now i can 6 either:
Lidica - can use in guildwar/pvp/some abyss/raid
Sol - seem so good for pvp specially for all of those Buff set up comp
Dizzy - i still dont have the artifact so im not sure how valuable she is without
Shadow Rose - she would fit rly good on pvp ae team (CR pusher togheter Cdom and Aoe break on my ken---> haste will murder everything). I also have aurius.
Vildred - well i would have to invest into it, he couild fit on my aoe team BUT, at this point unless i got a way to push his cr, and i dont unless i use shadow rose + Cdom, he is kinda weak, and haste is imho better for aoe dmg.
Dark achates - would need heavy investment she is bare.

What u guys think? i was thinking between Sol and shadow rose, id put dizzy into it as well if i had artifact but i dont....

Don't do Sol, by the end of the event you should have enough copies to 6 star him for free (We'll have 4 extra copies at least, I have 3 total copies now, and there is one more for main quest reward and one more for tournament hard mode reward...so it will be extremely cheap by next week even if we don't get another copy somewhere. Bu I have to imagine we'll get 5 total, like they did with the other 5 star free) So def do NOT do Sol, hold off next week and build up your copies.

I'd do Rose, Lidica or Dizzy. Rose probably, since she's really versatile, good in PvE and PvP, she pushes back on CR AND pushes your team forward. Plus she can use aurius and serves as another defense break (It will dramatically increase uptime on it, even if you have Ken--having 2 breakers in a comp is so much better than one.) I'd go Rose overall. But any CR pusher would be good--Rose is just the most versatile, she fits almost everywhere.


Molten Core Raider
Just finished my new defensive team and anti-speed team for arena. Most teams are tanky in Champ 3 thru Legendary for defensive so my Iseria/TAM/ML Ara/ML baal team just smokes them but occassional speed team can cause problems and cant use them for defenisve since iseria AI is too stupid.

ML Kitty - 194% Eff. Resist w/guantlet artifact, 180 speed, around 14k hp. Abit low hp but goal will be to resist the million of ML baal/ML ara's debuffs and cleanse rest of team and laugh
Krau w/ 170 speed and 1800 def/19k hp >>> get def buff off and make team fucking beefy as fuck. His S3 is amazing to pretty much 100% get a shot at 1 shotting someone for 20k
Kayron - 134 speed, 3600 attack, 90% crit, 278% crit damage w/ new 20% damage artifact....main dps on team to 1 shot any dps and immortality to get off his damage
SS Achates - still picking gear but will be beefy. Rez option in some crazy way Kayron gets immortal and killed before he gets damage off or ML kitty gets focused. Her cleanse + dispel + forced DA is super good especially with some big damage coming from Kayron. Probably go vial on her but have to experiment, maybe go rod OR M. Tomb

Could switch ML cart instead of kitty but i think ML kitty both AI and anti speed attack team will add alot especially since she should be almost undebuffable and gets immunity on S3 anyway. I usually run 120% effenciny at most on my ML Ara/Baal so doubt most people will run too much higher even high up so she will be pretty strong to resist.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
ok i have no clue who tho to 6 next.

My pvp setup is Haste-(ang)/CDom/Luna/Mlken
My pve Setup is generally based Around Luna/Cdom and i rotate Mlken/tama/Ang/Haste/(Cidd/Bellona too but rarely now) depending on what i need, or what im doing.

now i can 6 either:
Lidica - can use in guildwar/pvp/some abyss/raid
Sol - seem so good for pvp specially for all of those Buff set up comp
Dizzy - i still dont have the artifact so im not sure how valuable she is without
Shadow Rose - she would fit rly good on pvp ae team (CR pusher togheter Cdom and Aoe break on my ken---> haste will murder everything). I also have aurius.
Vildred - well i would have to invest into it, he couild fit on my aoe team BUT, at this point unless i got a way to push his cr, and i dont unless i use shadow rose + Cdom, he is kinda weak, and haste is imho better for aoe dmg.
Dark achates - would need heavy investment she is bare.

What u guys think? i was thinking between Sol and shadow rose, id put dizzy into it as well if i had artifact but i dont....
I use my Dizzy as CR pusher, start with s2 and push them back, need high speed though.

Got to Challenger just by using Dizzy to boost my team through. Dizzy pushback, Bellona AoE and pulls C Dom to the front. C Dom Pulls Sez to the front and he S3 finish most of the team.

Also got past 81 abyss with Dizzys help.

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Lord Nagafen Raider
do u have undine artifact on dizzy tho ? yes u do, i just checked the picture. I dont that is why i m undecided to ward dizzy. ARtifact on her really push her up a notch.
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Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I dont think Dizzy really needs the artifact. She has been extremely potent for me using the Violin artifact that debuffs people since she can potentially debuff everyone on the enemy team with one single aoe. The artifact will be extremely useful on big damage aoe units like Celestial Mercedes though.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yea I don't think the artifact is what's helping me right now, could probably use anything. I got 2 copies of C Mercedes but I'm not sure I got any gear left to try her out.

What does cmerc do better then other heroes?

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
C. Merc's S3 will give her 20% combat readiness for every crit she lands, so if she crits on everyone in the enemy team, she gets 80% combat readiness and almost guarantees an immediate second turn (the Dizzy arti, if maxx'd would give her 100% cr in this example). Her S2 is another aoe that does damage based on enemy max health. C. Merc is a crazy big aoe damage unit and can lay waste to enemy teams. Build her with high crit damage (and crit rate), pair her with someone like Aux Lots to push her to the front of the line and watch the fireworks.

Her downside is that her S2 and S3 have extremely long cooldowns (5 turns each if mola'd), so if stuff isnt dead or dying by the time she blows her wad, you may be in for a fight.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Thanks for th he advice everyone. I got lucky and pulled dizzy. Now I just need to fill my last spot
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Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Guild war matchmaking has to be the most ridiculous, backward system this game has. Two wars last week were against top 15 teams, Fridays war was against a guild so far down the rankings that they only scored 200 havoc against us the entire war, today we're against the #7 guild....wtf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Beat floor 81-85 now with Dizzy carrying. And summoned Blaze Dingo today from ML.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ok next question is what to skill up first I have read a lot of conflicting stuff on whether to do Angela tywin or dizzy.

I'm grinding sol atm with plans he will round out my team. I'm running Karin atm till then


Blackwing Lair Raider
Dizzy just needs +6 for -cd, unless you really want to try and make dps work on her. I think she's best speed/effective/tanky though. Same for Angelica, get the -cd. No clue on Tywin. I tend to use my mola mainly on dps outside of -cd and %effect chance, have Baiken and C.Domi +15 each and they're both monsters.


Buzzfeed Editor
Ok next question is what to skill up first I have read a lot of conflicting stuff on whether to do Angela tywin or dizzy.

I'm grinding sol atm with plans he will round out my team. I'm running Karin atm till then

Uriel has it spot on, imo. Skill up support for lowered cool downs if you are actively using them, then DPS for lowered cool downs, then DPS for damage is usually how I prioritize. (Caveat being that some DPS its a waste to lower CDs on because of various factors, its rare, but like Violet its kind of a waste to do his S2--so watch for that)

Molaing Angelica so she has -1 turn on her S3 is essentially, it makes her A LOT stronger. Beyond that, she doesn't need any.

Tywin really needs +5 into his S3 for 100% chance and -1CD, this is essential for him, and I'd say after Angelica, this should be your priority. It will substantially increase your DPS more than any individual DPS gains (It will make it so your uptime on Defense break 25% (With non-application and 15% hard check resist factored in), all the way up to 43%. It nearly doubles the effectiveness of his S3.)

S2 also significantly increases the uptime on his buffs and CR pushing, but where it only affects him and one DPS, its less important. (I'd put this as a strong priority after Angelica's S3, Tywin's S3 and Dizzy's S3--this should be your 4th investment, imo.)


Lord Nagafen Raider
I decided to lvl Dizzy instead of S.Rose, after a bit of struggle. I needed a debuffer, and all in all i decided i would use dizzy lot more than S.Rose. My Aoe team became a beast with her (having dizzy/MA ken/C.Dom/Luna or Haste depending on the number of healers and elements). IF dizzy start first i will basically win, cause every of my unit will hit twice before enemies, thx to synergy betwene CR/Aoe/Crit and cdom.

Quite happy with dizzy (didnt have any good artifact on her, so i gave her The tome that give souls at the start, that allow my cdom to SB nuke when its her turn and its GG with 60k+ dmg on w/e Target unit i choose)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Ok next question is what to skill up first I have read a lot of conflicting stuff on whether to do Angela tywin or dizzy.

I'm grinding sol atm with plans he will round out my team. I'm running Karin atm till then
Get Angelicas S3 cooldown reduction for sure. Then maybe work on Dizzy's cooldowns. Usally people invest a bit into a farming unit at first (6 star) so you can level fodder etc easier when it's time for that.

I would give the tip to not invest molagorasall over the place. Try aim for a core team. Sol Dizzy Tywin and Angelica is probably pretty solid.


Lord Nagafen Raider
oh wow, after much disappointment, and 0 5 star pull, i managed to pull a ml baal from the mystic summon. Now my pvp team need reshuffling! Oh man that was satisfying. Also pulled nother dizzy, no undine, but well im so happy with baal that doesnt matter !.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Ok got my core 4 to 50 and finishing grinding the event for tourney win. Who should be my first 60?

I pulled a dupe dizzy.

My core is Angelica tywin dizzy and sol