Epic Seven


Lord Nagafen Raider
if u have aux lots with enuff speed to go first, and the Taeghel(sp) artifact at least lvl 26/27, it doesnt rly matter (as far yer kise is geared enuff) cause she ll basically destroy everything s2 > s3. ATM am using lots with taeghel 27, jkise with joker (dont have anything better, ill switch to tonfa once i get some), vildred with ddevil (just there for speed imprint) and Challenger Dom with the new crit artifiact ( so my kise is 100% crit). IF my aux lots goes first is always 100% win.


Molten Core Raider
Depends on your rank honestly and where you like to pvp (if speaking arena).

Kise is by no means a free win in chamion 3 and below what so ever. Its very common so 70% of teams are built to counter her. Kise + ludewig is pretty much strongest damage output you will get plus greatness that is invuln on S2 if you run with Iseria/Tam. But even then some pretty insane teams up top that can take some damage.

As far as your team, if you have Ruele i'd pay Ruele and ML Ken. Puts a really tough spot on TAM/Isiera cleaves because you need ruele dead but that means ML ken smokes cleaves.


Buzzfeed Editor
Depends on your rank honestly and where you like to pvp (if speaking arena).

Kise is by no means a free win in chamion 3 and below what so ever. Its very common so 70% of teams are built to counter her. Kise + ludewig is pretty much strongest damage output you will get plus greatness that is invuln on S2 if you run with Iseria/Tam. But even then some pretty insane teams up top that can take some damage.

As far as your team, if you have Ruele i'd pay Ruele and ML Ken. Puts a really tough spot on TAM/Isiera cleaves because you need ruele dead but that means ML ken smokes cleaves.

I hang out in challenger, I can get into champ but its not worth it to stay there, at least it wasn't until I got these MLs, now I want to try and climb. But yeah, even in upper Challenger, Kise with 4k attack, 230% crit damage 100% crit with attack buffs hasn't been dropping anyone outside of other cleave teams. Right now I'm looking to start climbing into Champ and enjoying guild wars, so ideally would like someone who works on Offense/Defense in those areas.

I have Ruelle, Sage-B, Aux Lots, Judge Kise right now. I also have a Ludwig but not sure if I want to build more into cleave or I can just use my built up BBK, with some speed boots to finish off what Kise leaves. ML ken/Ruele/Momo or Krau/Seaside might be a nasty defense team I think and it might work well to take out annoying Dizzy tank teams if I could do the effect resist ML ken build, but not sure if I have the gear yet for that.

Right now, I'm leaning toward Ken just because he does work better with Ruelle, and it would let me have a tank team for taking out more annoying teams (Can run him with a Bellona that I have tanked out pretty nice or I also have a Violet/Ass Cart). Don't know though. On the other hand Vildred is nice because he's so easy to gear, and he can follow up a Kise cleave with his own without a real risk of being shut down--and where I am right now, Vildred's cleave will kill whatever is left, but its already really close and I'm sure as I go up in Champ Vildred's cleave won't be enough (And he's a wet noodle once he blows his load--having Ruele won't help).


Buzzfeed Editor
In the guild war this morning, was the guild we fought against really high rank? I could only draw 3 times =-/ My 180 Resist ML ken and 150 resist Ruelle got armor broken and debuffed easily, so I figured they must have pumped everything into effectiveness but the damage of the opposing team was insanely high still. Not sure if it was just a massive gear gap or I should change tactics, its my first time trying my bruiser comp.

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Molten Core Raider
What was their guild name?

My guild's had it rough the last week or so. We fought Hellgate, who was in the top 5, and we lost but not by much, but for some reason their egos couldnt handle a "lowly guild" like mine competing so closely with theirs and they broke up. Was weird.

Then we fought Veritas twice, who is another really high ranked guild, and lost, but they're good guys so it was fun. Todays guild war is against some asian guild that is confusing the shit out of me. Two of their fortresses have gold/rainbow framed players, so they rank high in the arena and presumably good at pvp, yet their guys are walling on some of our members with less than awesome defenses. They blew 30 attacks just to open one fortress.


Buzzfeed Editor
What was their guild name?

My guild's had it rough the last week or so. We fought Hellgate, who was in the top 5, and we lost but not by much, but for some reason their egos couldnt handle a "lowly guild" like mine competing so closely with theirs and they broke up. Was weird.

Then we fought Veritas twice, who is another really high ranked guild, and lost, but they're good guys so it was fun. Todays guild war is against some asian guild that is confusing the shit out of me. Two of their fortresses have gold/rainbow framed players, so they rank high in the arena and presumably good at pvp, yet their guys are walling on some of our members with less than awesome defenses. They blew 30 attacks just to open one fortress.


Wish they would let us see the whole guild rank list or at least look guilds up. =-/. We're ranked 169 right now. These guys are absolutely trashing us though. Which puts me a little at ease, because it means my build probably isn't junk, I just didn't have the gear to make it work against people so tuned (Or I got REALLY unlucky).

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Molten Core Raider
I think they are somewhere in the top in the top 50. Some people in my guild are friends with folks from all over, spy network I call it. One dude said he'd seem them pop into the top 20 before but I cant attest to that. Consensus says they're higher ranked thank 169 though so you just may be getting out-whaled.

edit- if there's a dude named SkyKing in that guild, then they're top 25
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I don’t see a SkyKing in their guild but they’re definitely pretty good. A little more geared and better organized than us. We also have some slackers that need to be replaced.

Our core is doing really well, just have a couple who consistently lose all of their defenses and either don’t attack at all or lose most of them.

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Molten Core Raider
Having a successful guild war defense is very difficult compared to winning your guild war attacks. There's a counter or bait for pretty much everything. With this being a mobile game it's tough to fill a guild with people interested in doing the work/thought necessary to win consistently


Buzzfeed Editor
Having a successful guild war defense is very difficult compared to winning your guild war attacks. There's a counter or bait for pretty much everything. With this being a mobile game it's tough to fill a guild with people interested in doing the work/thought necessary to win consistently

Yeah. Offense has a huge advantage. In this case, I would have normally used green counters but I wanted to try out my new toys and ended up paying for it. =-/ Last few weeks baited me into complacency, since most of our matches I've sailed through and figured my Ken/Ruelle could wipe the floor with an SSB/Dizzy (Since they both usually resist everything). Didn't resist a single debuff, though...lol. Not one. Second that happened I was like "well...shit."

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Molten Core Raider
Ouch, bad rng. I swear it seems like defense gets such a boost to hit, land debuffs, etc. Ive been trying to rework my guild war defenses the last week or so, trying new stuff out (much to the annoyance of my guild leader). Ive tried weird shit, like Kitty Clarissa (didnt work) and Chaos Inquisitor (did work). Ill tell ya, that Chaos Inquisitor dude is amazingly awesome and when the 3* changes go in, you'll see him a lot. Those defenses that run Krau and a green unit like Violet or Charles, Inquisitor is tailor made to absolutely wreck it. Once I can get a better lifesteal set put together, Ill use him everywhere I think


Buzzfeed Editor
Ouch, bad rng. I swear it seems like defense gets such a boost to hit, land debuffs, etc. Ive been trying to rework my guild war defenses the last week or so, trying new stuff out (much to the annoyance of my guild leader). Ive tried weird shit, like Kitty Clarissa (didnt work) and Chaos Inquisitor (did work). Ill tell ya, that Chaos Inquisitor dude is amazingly awesome and when the 3* changes go in, you'll see him a lot. Those defenses that run Krau and a green unit like Violet or Charles, Inquisitor is tailor made to absolutely wreck it. Once I can get a better lifesteal set put together, Ill use him everywhere I think

Speaking of defense. What your defense win rate in Arena?

I've really struggling in Champion. My defense win rate is 15% and I'm pretty much being rolled by either Dark Corvus teams or Tama cleaves. I think my comp is working well enough though that those are the only two teams really challenging (Have only had 60 attacks this week so far, down from like 140 before I swapped).

Right now I have ML Ken, with 160 Resit, 3100 attack, 220 Crit Damage and 16k HP/1100 armor. (His speed and crit are crap, he's purely there to counter). And then I have Seaside Bellona with 12k HP 1100 armor and 200 Crit Damage/3200 attack, 192 speed. Then Ruele/Krau, both have north of 18k HP, Ruelle has 150 resist, krau only 70 but he's got like 1800 armor (Wish I could dump more into his HP but I just got a shit ton of armor rolls on certain pieces).

I'm thinking my weak point is probably Bellona. But even if I slap the damage reduction artifact on her, I'm just not able to get my win rate up. Since a lot of these teams are green based (Most use Vildred), was thinking of swapping Bellona for Fire Corvus or Regular Ken. But not sure.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Honestly the arena rarely factors into my day to day playing beyond the 5 entries for the daily. I usually sit in Challenger and let my defense rack up points. It's got above an 80% win rate consistently for weeks now, but...Challenger. I accidentally ranked up to Champ 3 this weekend though, it's won 4 times and lost once since I hit Champ.

Looking at your numbers, your SSBell isnt beefy enough to run on defense I dont think. You look like you're building her fast and that's costing you hp and damage which makes her an annoyance, not a threat. In my opinion the best SSBells are slow, beefy fuckers with huge attack numbers (and decent'ish crit damage). The S2 counterattack needs to be as dangerous as possible.


Buzzfeed Editor
Honestly the arena rarely factors into my day to day playing beyond the 5 entries for the daily. I usually sit in Challenger and let my defense rack up points. It's got above an 80% win rate consistently for weeks now, but...Challenger. I accidentally ranked up to Champ 3 this weekend though, it's won 4 times and lost once since I hit Champ.

Looking at your numbers, your SSBell isnt beefy enough to run on defense I dont think. You look like you're building her fast and that's costing you hp and damage which makes her an annoyance, not a threat. In my opinion the best SSBells are slow, beefy fuckers with huge attack numbers (and decent'ish crit damage). The S2 counterattack needs to be as dangerous as possible.

Yeah, I was gong to swap SSbell's boots for a pair of HP boots with nice crit/attack rolls. Wanted to leave speed initially because I felt like getting the healing negation up before most healers would go was important; but that's useless against a Tama cleave if she's just getting nuked.

What comp are you running? My old team was 70% in Challenger, but that was Sez pre-nerf, no idea how this team would do.

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Molten Core Raider
F Ceci, Ruele, Arb Vildred, and SSBell (it was Dizzy up until this week, but the win/loss rate doesnt seem to have changed much). Ill probably drop back down to Challenger next week, fights are too much of a slog in Champ


Buzzfeed Editor
F Ceci, Ruele, Arb Vildred, and SSBell (it was Dizzy up until this week, but the win/loss rate doesnt seem to have changed much). Ill probably drop back down to Challenger next week, fights are too much of a slog in Champ

Yeah, its frustrating.

I'm starting to believe what you said is true, there is some kind of bonus for defenders. Once more, I got zero resists against the defending team. 170 resist on my Ken, out of 7 attempted debuffs; all 7 landed from an enemy Dizzy (Was counting because I'm testing). It was a counter/stun dizzy, so I figured she must be loaded on effectiveness, but damn that is frustrating. Wanted to make this team to counter Dizzy specifically and the couple I've run against haven't been phased by effective resist at all.

Will probably just swap ML Ken to a pure bruiser build once the new fire tank comes out, the whole stun meta is long gone anyway, and Ken having 20k HP with 3500 or so attack seems like it would just work better than 15k HP with 3k attack and 160 resist, especially if the new tank can cleanse the stuns off and dual attack him in.


Molten Core Raider
Hey question, we have a few fohers who are competitive looking to join another competitive guild - you guys have any openings or wanna come join the discord to talk?

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Molten Core Raider
You posted this two days too late :( My guild just filled three slots, we do have one slot left at the moment but Im not sure that would work if you guys are looking to move as a group. If anyone wants more info on the guild though or who to talk to, shoot me a pm.


Buzzfeed Editor
Hey question, we have a few fohers who are competitive looking to join another competitive guild - you guys have any openings or wanna come join the discord to talk?

Did something happen to the FOH guild? Noticed we didn't join the guildwar today.