Lies and slander. I'mso gladI rented that first. Man, I remember the camera spinning after every battle and just being perpetually 64 was top 15 OF ALL TIME
As far as I know there were some other developers, not sure if they are still working on it though. For some reason it seems quite difficult to get developers to work together on such an old game, not exactly sure why that is -- the code you write for this isnt going to gain value stashed away somewhere. Open source = more devs = more word of mouth = bigger community, period.How many people are working on this, is it just this Yealight person?
Taking a long time? You fucks are gonna be in nursing homes by the time he finishes this shit.The number of devs isn't really the point. Grasp of the issues at hand and ability to focus is. YL and co seem to be doing fine, even if they're taking a long time to do so. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing EQ as it was back then, right down to the client.
By the way, Kegz, you realize your server and his product are about as different as apples and sparkplugs, right?
Wiz had Melwin/Zodium working with him from pretty early on. By late 2006 Xeldon had also started putting in some major work. Either way, WR/SoD was, is, and will remain one of the best emu servers out there, regardless of my personal opinions of current dev decisions/focus.2 devs aint bad, especially if they put in a lot of time. One of the best games (happened to be an EQ Emu) I've ever played, was Winter's Roar / SoD which was made by one guy, mostly. But I bet he worked on it 24/7 and never ate or slept.
Code? Prob not, DB? Prob. What you contributing to the community other than your idiocy?Im sure he thinks he could offer / accept code that would legitimately work by copy and pasting.