In case you missed the announcement:
As some of you already know, I reached out to SoE in February with a partnership proposal, which exchanged full liability and monthly subscriptions for the rights to possess and distribute their intellectual property (IP). Although the deal was entirely in their favor (I would have essentially been an unpaid slave), they ultimately said no. I believe I have made it quite clear in the past how critical legitimate data is to me (there is no close; you either have it or you don't), so it should come as no surprise when I say I have zero interest in hosting a server without it. Plus, despite what so many others will have you believe, it is unlawful to distribute SoE's IP without their consent--you cannot argue against this.
The longer I am away from this project, the more excited I get about returning to it. Although I mentioned my motivation to create a completely original world was questionable, I am now anxious to jump into it. Everyone here certainly misses classic EverQuest, but I do not believe the classic EverQuest experience is achievable until you are thrown into a world you know nothing about.
The only type of server I am willing to be involved with is an original (custom) content server, but there are a few directions to go with this.
The simplest creation would use the classic EverQuest rules and be populated with original content (NPCs, items, quests and lore); nothing about the game's core would change.
I would prefer to take the customization a bit further, though. The number one thing I would like to change is the spell file. The spell file contains a majority of the game's spell data and it comes with the client software. Since the server does not distribute any spell data directly to the client, we have absolutely no room for customization, including adding new spells for NPCs or effects for items. Below are a few of the benefits an original spell file offers:
- Additional spell types
Unique spell sets for each class
End-game spell incentives
Appropriate class spells for end-game NPCs
Simplified stacking rules
Balancing the game around the existing spell file would be an obnoxious, daunting task. V.I. dropped the ball with hybrids and a custom spell file will go a long way in achieving balance between the classes. The existing spell file also limits the end-game reward potential for casters. Due to the absence in variety of end-game spells for PCs, end-game incentives for casters would remain as acquiring clickies and additional raw mana--/yawn. Also, end-game NPCs casting PC spells is an absolute joke.
A new spell file does not mean everything about casters has to change, either; the utility and expectations of each class can remain the same. Other than removing PC caps (weapon DMG, haste, mitigation AC, etc.), there is not much else I would plan on changing about the game. It would be nice to place experience into something other than levels, but I have not given this much thought yet.
I plan on returning around November and I am hoping we have everything squared away with the client software by January. The earliest we could start with custom content would be Q1 of 2014, so please use this time to offer your feedback, concerns or ideas of your own.
I understand that a custom content server is not what most people have been patiently following the project for, but I am either involved in this or nothing at all. No one is thrilled with our remaining options, so please spare us the complaints.