Become a Tester
- Created by Yeahlight on Apr 16, 2013 -
Initial testing started April 5th and we are already looking to increase our testing pool. If you would like to participate, please send an e-mail to
[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--
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Forum account name
MD5 checksum of eqgame.exe
Area(s) of expertise
Operating system(s)
The eqgame.exe file is typically located in C:/Program Files (x86)/Sony/EverQuest Trilogy. Please use the following program to generate an MD5 checksum: You will be notified if your checksum does not match the correct client software:
Please limit areas of expertise to game mechanics; we are not concerned with content (NPCs) at this time. For example, "I played an end-game warrior for X years and I know everything there is to know about NPC positioning, balancing push and mitigation," is acceptable, while, "I spent X hours in Lower Guk and I know the drop tables of every named NPC," will be ignored.
The focus of testing is on game mechanics and not database content. It is difficult for many to understand the role a database plays, so--to eliminate any confusion--we have created original content. The only intellectual property (NPCs, items, quests, etc.) a tester will be interacting with is our own.
The client software uses libraries and techniques that are ~15 years old, which conflict with a number of today's software solutions. If you do not have experience modifying startup programs (msconfig.exe) and services (services.msc) in Windows, please do not apply for testing at this time.