Servers down for the second part of CotF to be patched to love. Due back in a couple of hours.
Going back to the Bow of the Destroyer I've owned the Dagarn (and Vulak`Aerr while I was at it) spawns for the last three weeks. Got bows for both my rangers \0/
Anyways thought I'd let you guys know spawn times I've proven in case anyone else wants to have a shot at them :
The named throughout are on a 3days + 0-12 hours respawn timer. The trash is on one hour respawn. Respawn on Dagarn went : 74 hours, 74.5 hours, 74 hours, 78 hours, 78 hours.
If you haven't been in NToV for a decade you might not be aware that quite some years back SoE changed Vulak`Aerr from being an event to a regular mob (still spawns in same spot). To spawn him you have to kill one of five named mobs while Thylek of Veeshan is up. Thylek of Veeshan is a static non aggro mob that cannot be attacked which spawns exactly to the minute three days after the last Vulak`Aerr was killed.
The five mobs whose death will spawn Vulak`Aerr are : Aaryonar, Lord Kreizenn, Lord Feshlakk, Lord Vyemm and Lady Nedaria. None of Lord Koi'Doekn (the sea dragon), Dagarn or Lady Mirenilla will spawn him (only read that these mobs won't spawn him, not proved it myself). Thylek will despawn once Vulak spawns and will respawn exactly three days after Vulak dies.
Map here :
EQ Map Preserve: Temple of Veeshan
Thinking about trying to get some named mobs in Vex Thal. Anyone have any info or a handy link on getting through the zones and what keys you need these days ? (I think the zone itself is no longer keyed (Sceptre of Shadows defunct) but you need keys inside the zone - been so long since I've been there I can't remember.