Hot Cheetos is great! I joined last week and they are very nice and have been more than willign to help with J5 merc quest and other stuff.If you are not planning on going the progression guild route (TFO), join "Hot Cheetos and Takis". Our bank is stacked with gear and we power level. Everyone in the guild is an officer and can invite you.
If your characters are from FV they will have a language issue. Just group your characters and have the one who speaks common spam a macro in group chat until everyone is at 100.Got the invite for all three characters last night to Hot Cheetos. Now I just need to find a bit more playtime. Do you have to level up the different languages on this server? I noticed on two of my characters the guild chat was all jumbled, but on the third I could read it just fine. Had a blast last night going from 26-37 in a couple hours. Currently I'm in Stone Hive. Should I stay here or move to Goru'Mesa or another location?
Avoid Gorukar Mesa and most of the of the Serpent Spine expansion zones (Mesa, Steppes, Ice Fall, Valdeholm). They are way out of balance for their purposed level ranges. Mob have too many HPs and hit too hard.Got the invite for all three characters last night to Hot Cheetos. Now I just need to find a bit more playtime. Do you have to level up the different languages on this server? I noticed on two of my characters the guild chat was all jumbled, but on the third I could read it just fine. Had a blast last night going from 26-37 in a couple hours. Currently I'm in Stone Hive. Should I stay here or move to Goru'Mesa or another location?
Keep in mind, we changed the AA bonus xp quite a bit as a result of the absolute mountain of AA required for a new player to even be relevant at higher levels. This will taper off as you reach higher AA counts.Powerleveling is indeed crazy as shit now. Playing on FV and in two nights I've gone from 100 aa at level 70 to 1100 aa and level 73 in the cooling chambers place with a friend headshotting dwarves.