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Mage and bard is a pretty good brain dead boxing combo. Basically pull with bard, kill with mage and let bard melody. Add a wizard to kill things super fast, or a shaman for harder stuff (better slows). I was able to box pretty much all level appropriate group stuff pretty easily. If shit ever hits the fan bard can fade and pop a cleric merc for rez. Not saying this is best combo but I was able to box just by tabbing, no fancy macros, etc...So, I have been reading up on multiboxing combos. From what I have gathered, mage and mecro pets can tank like champions.
I have also read something about Shamans being able to buff pets so they get this huge damage proc (1kish).
So, with this unconfirmed knowledge, I was looking at quad boxing, Mage, Necro, Shaman, Bard, 2 cleric mercs...thoughts?