Sorry if this slightly derails things. I bought EQ on day 1 of its release, and like many by far my fondest gaming memories are tied to Everquest. I think back to that feeling of wonder when I interacted with my first PC, who guided me from the High Elf town to that of the Wood elves. The authentic panic I felt when we were beset by an orc pawn and then got lost in the dark woods. Great memories of sand giant trains along the beach in the Desert of Ro, being guided through Highpass hold when the gnolls all conned yellow. The feeling of rage/sadness when one died and high level clerics were so scarce you were basically facing 4 hours of quality grinding to get your xp back.
I mained a magician, who were pretty sucky when EQ first came out. Verant eventually buffed them a bit, but they still weren't desired much in groups. Though like many I devoted countless hours to EQ, I never ended up doing huge raids-- I just didn't have the time with university and all. I reached level 55 (max at the time was lvl 60) at which point I mainly found myself logging on, trying to get a group for an hour and a half (magicians again weren't really wanted), then logging off because at that point even if I found a group I'd only have a few hours to play. I grudgingly retired. Ycore Rixle on the Karana server I believe. Still wonder if my account is alive...
Played WoW for awhile, but it never held my interest like EQ did. It just felt like "easy mode" EQ, with no penalty for taking risks or dying. At least when I played EQ, if someone reached lvl 50 they did so only because they were quality players. Fuck ups died too much and rezzes weren't plentiful. This of course changed somewhat by the time of Velious and Kunark, but "retards" were well known and couldn't get groups.
So, I'm thinking of starting back up for nostalgia's sake, however I'm curious, did much change since I left (besides expansions and level caps). Did the grouping dynamic change? Soloing? Magicians ever become useful besides the one you needed for a raid because of Call of the Hero?