EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The biggest advantage is that you can set items to be automatically looted/not looted and you don't even have to have the window pop up. Takes a small amount of time to set up if you're in a new area, but otherwise very convenient.

It confuses people who aren't used to it so you'll hear a lot of new people complain about it, but it's actually really good once you get it going.
Yea, most of the bugs and crashes were when it was implemented (right around TLP release). It has since been fixed and once you have your loot options set up correctly, it is flawless. It is a great addition to the game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
i have not figured out how to have stuff autolooted.
There's a tick box for AN or AG (Always Need or Always Greed). Select one of those (usually greed) and it will set that item to roll automatically forever. You can go back into loot settings later and change it if necessary. Likewise, you can select the "Never" box and that item will always be declined.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It should be clarified, this AN, AG, or Never is based on a per item type basis! If you come across an item you have never seen before, it will give you the prompt asking if you want to do.

The full options are:
Need = You are selecting just this once to roll as Need for the selected item
Greed = You are selecting just this once to roll as Greed for the selected item
Decline(?) = You are declining the item just this once
Always Need = For this and every subsequent time this item comes up, you will roll Need for that item type
Always Greed = For this and every subsequent time this item comes up, you will roll Greed for that item type
Never = You will ALWAYS decline this item type.

Bone Chips for example, set to AG (always greed). You will automatically roll vs anyone else greeding them forever. If you don't want them, select Never and you will never see a bone chip ever again. If someone else has selected Need, you won't even bother with a Greed roll and it will be given to that person. If more than 1 person Needs, then a Need roll is made to determine who gets it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You just have to be mindful of stupid people (usually greedy people feigning ignorance) in dungeons like Seb. In PUGs you sometimes run across someone selecting "Always Need" on gems like Diamonds and Blue Diamonds. Then you call them out on it and they act like they "didn't know". Never really had an issue with guildies.


<Bronze Donator>
There's a tick box for AN or AG (Always Need or Always Greed). Select one of those (usually greed) and it will set that item to roll automatically forever. You can go back into loot settings later and change it if necessary. Likewise, you can select the "Never" box and that item will always be declined.
does the leader not have to initiate a roll still? have not figured out how to get away from having the leader in my boxes need to initiate all loot moving...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Your group leader is being a lazy and / or incompetent shitbag.

The group leader has an additional option to initiate the roll, BUT he also has an option to "Auto Roll". Once that item is selected to auto roll, he never has to fuck with it again. If you are constantly having to remind your group leader, its because they haven't ever set the auto roll option on for that item. They literally only need to do this once ever and it will fully automate from then on. This auto roll is persistent for any groups he leads.

Problem is, you change group leader and that new person also needs to make sure they have the Auto Roll selected.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It is a good system, once you figure it out and manage the nuances of it. It definitely helps with inventory management and you never miss out on loot because it is buried under a stack of bodies. It also gives a fair and equal share of loot to everyone, versus the one greedy person in the group that loots 2 out of 3 bodies that hit the floor.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Can't seem to get the larger image to load here at work. You should be able to make it out though:



Blackwing Lair Raider
Wow....badass. I mean, in all fairness it's a fairly elegant and welcomed addition to what we can all argue is a mundane and shitty loot system to begin with. And that's not a jab at EQ, other games still released today have this right click/drag and drop system instead of a more automated alternative. Why inventory management is still a thing is beyond me /rant off

How is it "all controlled" behind the scenes? Locally or server side ? Like are there pre-made files in whatever format the config is stored, available for download? If you set something to ALWAYS IGNORE or whatever can you change it later if you need it for a quest?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How is it "all controlled" behind the scenes? Locally or server side ? Like are there pre-made files in whatever format the config is stored, available for download? If you set something to ALWAYS IGNORE or whatever can you change it later if you need it for a quest?
You can hit the "edit filters " button to change something you have previously saved.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Couldn't get MySeq to load on Test this evening, wouldn't display characters or zone or anything.

Do people still use MySeq a lot, or is MQ2 really the way to go? What I enjoyed about MySeq was that you could run it on a laptop separate from the computer you're playing on and see the map and all next to you. I honestly don't know if MQ2 can do that as well, never have used it, but looking at the MySeq forums they're fairly dead.

Also didn't realize <Server Police> was still up and functioning on Test. Haven't logged on in probably a year and a half or so. Was just gonna funk around some, kill stuff.


Silver Knight of the Realm
MQ2 + 2nd monitor is the way to go
Thanks, doing that. Or would be doing that if Test would be up at all. Had some time to play over the last couple days and it's been down. Ah well.

I've got a character on FV with 100k plat to keep transferring over, but that's taking a long time. Does anyone happen to have a crap ton of plat to copy over and share? I'd give tuconets or some other random kindness. The character I'm probably primarily going to play is Aelask.

I guess I could throw in there if anyone has any lvl 85 SK gear available, I'd not turn it down.

Thanks in advance!


<Bronze Donator>
Anyone still playing live or test? 99% of EQ discussion here lately is about Phinigel and damn has that server not hooked me despite many tries.


Molten Core Raider
I always played a few months a year but I haven't touched it since they nerfed head shot, SK damage shields/mass pulling etc. How long has it been since then ?

The devs just never understood what players liked about the game and kept trying to push people into the latest content.