EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

Question for the Faceless Order stuff. I have a 70 mage I can copy over and level to 75 etc for raiding. My biggest issue is going to be gear since I am in pretty much all defiant or non-era appropriate gear. Would it be easier to just level up a new mage from a test copied FV with gear?
You can farm your own AA or burn through them. If you want to burn, PM me. Will have to PL Alias's aa too eventually


Trakanon Raider
The AA/level stuff i see no issue, I just know you can't wear defiant for raids, which would leave me pretty much stripped =P.


Question for the Faceless Order stuff. I have a 70 mage I can copy over and level to 75 etc for raiding. My biggest issue is going to be gear since I am in pretty much all defiant or non-era appropriate gear. Would it be easier to just level up a new mage from a test copied FV with gear?
Yes. It would be much easier for you to contact us about getting a gear FV test copy. Even without plvling, you can get from 25 to 75 in a week. It would take months to collect the gear you receive in a copy, and during that time you're basically a hazard at raids.


Molten Core Raider
I need a guild. I don't know if I want to raid, though. Right now I'm just fucking around, getting AA points. Don't know if I want to do the time investment to raid.

I will say that as old as EQ is, it still by far has the nicest community in any MMO. Seriously, everyone is nice. One guy gave me 500k. I don't even know what to do with it to be honest. lol


Just discussed this in server chat and said I'd post links.

There's a quest series in the housing zone Sunrise Hills that has a decent set of rewards if you chug through them including a 20 slot bag, a parcel NPC for your home/guildhouse and a Trickster Illusion mask.


The earlier quests at least (Postmasters and Taxes) are mostly just running around, Zam/Allahk has decent writeups on the easiest way to run them in order, POK is a godsend to make it faster than old school.

Trickster line ishttp://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/q...tml?quest=5523

20 Slot Bag line ishttp://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/q...tml?quest=5522

Both require the postal line linked within the quests to be done and then each has a different quest to do as well.
may consider giving that a go actually if i can ever find the time to STOP PLING or farming shit. i was in an older town zone recently doing the Paladin 1.0 i believe, and came across those old mail delivery quests for the bard guilds. would be a nice change of pace to do something like that


TLP Idealist
may consider giving that a go actually if i can ever find the time to STOP PLING or farming shit. i was in an older town zone recently doing the Paladin 1.0 i believe, and came across those old mail delivery quests for the bard guilds. would be a nice change of pace to do something like that
A couple months ago I got bored so I made a Half Elf Paladin in Qeynos and did all the old Qeynos Aqueducts quests and such. You can really pimp out a low level character fast down there (from a purely classic standpoint of course).

There are a lot of great quests which no one does because they don't reward you with some best in slot era gear. I still remember doing the Qeynos investigator quests, man that was a lot of fun.


I'm thinking I'd like to see some of the content from the last few years what are TFO's top three needed classes right now?


TLP Idealist
I'm thinking I'd like to see some of the content from the last few years what are TFO's top three needed classes right now?
I spoke to you in game about the classes we'd like to see (I'm Protocol!). To get the starter set up on FV shoot Nitsude a message on here so you two can work out the details.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Fazaanana - When you log in give the guy your standing in front of that purple box and pick your reward. The 2.0 orb is in your bag of staff pieces and your 100 alarian skill is ready to go. So go get your rk2 spells from beasts domain. Guild port to aragath, follow the wall and hit a left and head down the ramp. Head left at the bottom and hit the first door on the lower level. Will bring you to BD, hang a right in bd right after the ramp down and the spell shard guy and rk2 guy is right there. YOURE FUCKING WELCOME


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Also Faz... You should max out deaths effigy (instant fd and mem wipe) and your group heal proc aa! I was going to reset your aa but didnt want to overload you on shit you might have wanted to do yourself. Everything else looks good aa/gear wise though, that charm you will get when you turn in that box will get you to 100/max aa. I still havent replaced mine and I dont see that changing.

You will have a choice for a pretty sweet aug or shards landing clicky.... i went with the clicky because theres 2-10 augs released every time theres an expac or whatever. Up to you of course obviously! If you end up resetting aa and doing that just take it from ca/cs, you will die anyways if you make a poor choice at that level/gear so the death effigy and normal aa fd will make it a lot better if youre paying attention


Oh my, you are a superstar. Thanks much!

Grabbed the FD aa and will get RB next, it was on the list but apparently not as high up as it should have been.


TLP Idealist
Full raids with like 4 boxes. Feels good man.


It's been like this ever since we started raiding again last week.


Oh my god
Who is making those groups? A retarded chipmunk couldn't have made those group assignments worse. Just because you're doing progression differently doesn't mean you should do them badly!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Oh my god
Who is making those groups? A retarded chipmunk couldn't have made those group assignments worse. Just because you're doing progression differently doesn't mean you should do them badly!
I think they were left over from Vertigo, where we had to split people over 4 floors and have a few specialized groups.