because ponytail was concerned with money. This was a money game to him and he knew the relevant points to enhance to get more money from investors. This is what he probably did with the other games that he worked with previously and why he was brought on to milk eq/eq2 for money. I think about how he made his game free to play, which increased the amount of station users considerable, which ponyfail probably used as a point that the station IPs were improving because of his efforts. There was alot of people playing on extended server for free because of this ( and to be honest most free to play people usually sucked bad at this game) so there was probably a decent profit from the cash shop because of the subscriber influx, but obviously it didnt end up being as consistent. This happens right at the time during velious (which was the last time that the game was challenging really, even though it was a broken challenge) was slowly being finished, so alot of people bought velious thinking they would get what velious entailed in eq1. So he sold us the feature expansion, that was filled with bullshit to spend more bullshit on, another expansion with loot pinatas and very little AI development, and the other half of velious was sold to us ( even though we already payed for velious). So basically ponyfail bullshitted both sides to get as much money as possible in a short period from both customers and investors from a near dead game. He took a lackluster creative team that couldnt finish ideas, and with them turned velious into a 100$ per person purchase. He claims that he doubled original numbers and tripled revenue for each game, but he fails to mention that his method of growth was a scam, and had no longevity. He took a consistent group of subscribers, and bastardized a good portion of them to the point where they left and all that remained was a short term satisfied players accustomed to free to play that didnt have to purchase or invest in the game to enjoy it anymore.
So for the company and the people at the top, ponytail took something subpar and milked it for more money which to them is considered a success. Now DBG is doing it. Maybe south korea or china is next?