Who was banned? Me? I'm not the IB leader.
For the first time in a decade and a half of EQ I played around with MQ on your server, because it is so fucking broken it was unplayable without. And MQ use is rampant on sleeper. Everyone is using that shit.
After being in groups that magically succored out of a wipe and I was left with a CR for myself for two hours, it was time to cash my chips. Broken fucked content, two years with zero testing having taken place, and zero CSR for blatant server related issues... I was only mad at myself for not cottoning on sooner and cheating since day 1 (outrunning SoW speed mobs, getting across sections of the world where a cloudy potion would suffice on EVERY server ever made, except yours, etc.)
Let's face facts. We helped you with informative and detailed reports, anecdotal evidence and plenty of candid nature conversation about he nefarious actions of many. You ignored everything that wasn't as per your memory. It's a very clear cut and distinct lesson that if you didn't play EQ as an avid, elite and attentive player for a decade, you shouldn't have a crack at running an Emu without support.
Lets recap in under two minutes on an iPhone some of the game breaking bugs that existed, and those I reported to you.
NPC's do not assist their pets.
Unlimited y axis corpse drag.
Effective no aggro on buffs.
LD player despawns charmed pets.
Mobs running at high speed seemingly at random.
Whole dungeons on incorrect factions.
Entire zones not itemised, spawn tabled, pathed or stable.
Zone pausing effect with no PC's inside.
Totally fucked NPC regen too high.
Raid mobs with no regen.
Zero effective research drops above level 24.
NPC mobs casting out of content spells.
NPC mobs with insane mana regen out of combat.
NPC mobs chain casting spells as a set cast list.
Client to server miscalculations on mana, AC.
Multiple quests not rewarding anything, missing completely, missing faction.
Now that's just shit that I personally sent or told you.
Multiple PC's caught cheating (I turned a blind eye after I realized why they did).
Multiple EMU related dupe, hacks and shit attempted to be made functional on your server and pointing out those people's names.
So before you start having a dig at Friday, look back through your logs and have a check to see how much him and I did report shit to you. We started here wanting a fair, honest and fun server with an open minded admin and a raiding community that exists in harmony. What we got was multiple occurrences of knee jerk reactions, absolutely zero consideration to experienced player testimony, and you yourself said that the game was beta tested with out of content buffs, and gear.
Kegz favorite quote to me was "we tried a few dragons in tov, but couldn't kill them so they must be balanced". That is second only to "cazuc Thule zone was perfect, I made it by hand, its absolutely classic and was beta tested for weeks and folks with no twink gear, just crafted, cobalt and Lamentations had no problem". This is after giving him (one of many) zone wide fault lists from exploratory/experience groups.
All this had of been fine too, if you took the time to answer for the fuckups. But your only answer to date on any subject has been a shady and ill conceived attempt to refute evidence and argument, based on your obviously limited experience at the game.
Dozens of people left here in the first few weeks, some of those players were some of the best to have ever sat in front of a keyboard and played eq. You're own GM mate sat in mumble and made himself look like a fucking moron by incorrectly explaining a game mechanic to a group of hardcore eq vets. Embarrassing is an understatement.
Friday is right. Epic EMU/sleeper is an absolute classic reproduction of Everquest from the point of view of a complete moron who didnt understand the game. The gameplay speaks volumes about how certain mechanics were always a mystery to you on live or your eq history. The way drop rates are, how fucked casting rules are, where loot drops from etc.
There was some pearler displays of this misunderstanding. Your wife argued with me that "those haste gloves drop off any random spider in velks".
This is a classic example of how your or her eq experience was spent sitting in a bottom or zone group in velks while some poor cunt pulled named from the top floor for you and you paid that little attention, there was no realization it was a rare mob?; and as such all that loot was random drops.
Same goes for Mithril arms/legs from all random fire giants, not skarlon.
Same goes for all rubicite.
And then there is your argument about manastone drop rates. Because you never saw one, they must have been super ?ber rare.
Anyway I'm happy I'm banned now, for something legitimately against the rules, and not banned later for something grey and obscure you had to make up on a technicality in typical Kegz fashion. Before I put in a few hundred more hours dealing with broken content and hit some serious raiding scene. You caught me red handed. Good luck with the dozens of others I've seen.