Log on Hopeful of a fun night (they do happen!)
Check what hotzones are active and decide where to go tonight. Look for a port, don't find one. Start hoofing it, running is fun anyway, get to see the world and makes the world seem bigger.
Arrive at dungeon with my usual group. Start killing, exp is slow but it's fun to grind. Get named spawn, kill it, no loot. Fight some more. Various deaths occur due to being unable to resist a spell from a light blue mob, or from being unable to land a spell on a blue mob. But that's fine, that sense of danger is what made EQ fun, frustrations like that make the achievements that much better.
Kill a few more nameds, no loot. Decide to try somewhere else. After some time getting there and getting back from the usual afks, we start killing. Here nameds drop loot, yay! But resists still out of whack.
Get a tell from friend they are quitting the server due to (exp, loot, resists, bugs, population, etc.)
Wrap up grinding and decide to try a quest. Find and kill mob with quest item and loot it, YAY! Go to turn in item but find quest guy not spawned/faction wrong/quest not working.
Decide to do some tradeskill grinding. Complete 80 combines for 4 skill ups.
Log off frustrated.