<Silver Donator>
Man I heard some good news today. I hope it’s legit.

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Man I heard some good news today. I hope it’s legit.
The first wave of anti-cheat is in. There is an automated system that boots and blocks people detected warping under certain circumstances.
It's about fucking time.The first wave of anti-cheat is in. There is an automated system that boots and blocks people detected warping under certain circumstances.
Its already been busted in our testing. It was implemented so fucking lazy that cothing people directly under an agro mob will get them "blocked". Not to mention once you realize how its being detected the work around is literally effortless. This changes nothing sadly.The first wave of anti-cheat is in. There is an automated system that boots and blocks people detected warping under certain circumstances.
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Found this in my /claim window. What's it do? Believe it's one of the Vaniki raid achievement rewards.
It summons a LDoN merchant. I think it sells aug removers? I forget.
Until I hear word of perma-bans, none of this shit really moves the needle for me.The first wave of anti-cheat is in. There is an automated system that boots and blocks people detected warping under certain circumstances.
war+dru is pretty easy to fit into any group that has two slots and is easy to make a new group. You'll be fine.Curious how folks that start at launch boxing feel about leveling the boxes. I'm considering going with a welfare warrior with druid box potentially. I'm super casual so not going to do a static.
Is it going to be a pain to keep the two grouped the whole way or can I build my own groups to victory easily enough? Only ever rolled boxed later
This should be fun. If it works.The first wave of anti-cheat is in. There is an automated system that boots and blocks people detected warping under certain circumstances.
They could just pay someone a pittance and pretty easily find the majority of warpers just by watching. Let the automated system flag and then have someone monitor and you could take care of 95% of the worst cases pretty much immediately.
AI isn't some magical monolithic MacGuffin you can plug in anywhere and it just magically works, even if it was free and open source.'Sounds expensive, how about we spend nothing and hope for the best.' - Darkpaw Games
When A.I. is free and open source, we may see some monitoring.
This info is a little out of date. 3-4 years ago they did seem to be pretty reserved with real bannings, but now that I've been running a live guild since 2021 I see a lot more of the big picture.Krono accounts with no real cc trail or bag purchases have been banned for warping, but I believe "real" accounts they basically just chain 3 week suspend. Some people I know spent more time banned than not, but it was never permanent bans on their mains. They reserve those for true scumbag behavior like claiming lampposts.
And that sounds expensive.The cheating was so flagrant on Oakwynd all you needed was one human, one eyeball and some proactive observation and you would have caught a ton of people.