EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Tranny Chaser
If we're not going to use our imaginations at all with these they should divide up Teek and Tormax to Mischief with relaxed truebox and Mischief with total FFA boxing. That's going to give people more what they want than Mischief + Aradune.

Does anyone even really remember what Aradune's ruleset was? I'm skeptical Daybreak refreshed their memories -


I'm pretty skeptical that Tormax is going to have a dedicated GM and suspend anyone caught playing more than two characters.
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TLP Idealist
If we're not going to use our imaginations at all with these they should divide up Teek and Tormax to Mischief with relaxed truebox and Mischief with total FFA boxing. That's going to give people more what they want than Mischief + Aradune.

Does anyone even really remember what Aradune's ruleset was? I'm skeptical Daybreak refreshed their memories -

View attachment 524512

I'm pretty skeptical that Tormax is going to have a dedicated GM and suspend anyone caught playing more than two characters.
It’s definitely not the server that’s going to need extra GM support lmao


Blackwing Lair Raider
I am just wondering if we see any movement on these rulesets. I’ve gotta assume they can tell already that Tormax is not looking great with two guilds advertising for it meanwhile Teek is going to be bananas. I feel like the player base is relatively quiet this year because Teek is still a win, but I am really worried about this login queue if we don’t get a simultaneous Teek clone launched.
The one thing that should help with Teek is the Kunark launch. They manually adjust the amount of people that can login on release and slowly increase it as people move to other zones to help balance the zone loads. With the Kunark launch it almost double the amount of starting zones and should help get the server to its max capacity of 4-5k people way quicker than normal.

Even with that though, even if the server is stable, the queue could be a really big issue for far to long.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I am just wondering if we see any movement on these rulesets. I’ve gotta assume they can tell already that Tormax is not looking great with two guilds advertising for it meanwhile Teek is going to be bananas. I feel like the player base is relatively quiet this year because Teek is still a win, but I am really worried about this login queue if we don’t get a simultaneous Teek clone launched.

They need to just make Tormax a Teek clone and be done with it, nobody is asking for an Aradune clone.

If that happens, I vote we all jump ship on Teek and go to Tormax instead just to be on a server with a name that doesn't suck.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Honestly, it's already too late. Thornblade was announced late and it's not like the guilds then evenly distributed. Most still went on Mischief because that was the one that was out first.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I feel as though its unfortunate that Tormax and a login queue for Teek is so predictably bad, that people are more preoccupied with that than they should be with how lazy of a ruleset copy/paste that Teek is. Something as simple as faster exp or hot zones would make me so fucking happy. Instead of dreading leveling another character, I'd look forward to it.

If Teek were a fast exp server like Selo (+50% exp rate IIRC) that would be amazing. I'd like to go to Live on a TLP again finally, especially with a second chance at Mischief, but at this point in life it would be much easier to stay current / on top of the wave with a fast exp server.

They could get creative with it too, like having the fast exp move around via hotzones. +50% bonus but only in specific zones, and the zones change around every month. Usually targeting underutilized zones.

First month could be Everfrost, Runnyeye, Oasis/SRO, Dalnir, Karnor's Castle, Skyfire. Next month rotate in Steamfont, Blackburrow, Lake Rathe, Splitpaw, Kaesora, Howling Stones.
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Tranny Chaser
Name reservation is Wed April 24th. If they were going to make any changes to the rules they don't have a ton of time.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Name reservation is Wed April 24th. If they were going to make any changes to the rules they don't have a ton of time.

Do you have to be currently a subscriber for the name reservation thing?

And when does the login bonus (EXP potion) end?

Guess I'll burn a krono to get this stuff.


Molten Core Raider
DId they post how the name reservation works? I don't see it. Would they count a character with the same name on multiple servers and add the days or just take the highest playtime of that name? Doesn't really matter I suppose just curious.

Anyway, I'm pumped to be a casual. Bought the bags, got a year of sub time. I'm ready to roll. It's too bad I'm busy that weekend, gonna miss a lot of the extra xp but oh well, will still be fun.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I would actually hit the 200 days played if they did it across all servers with the same name. Otherwise the closest I have is 149 days.


TLP Idealist
I would actually hit the 200 days played if they did it across all servers with the same name. Otherwise the closest I have is 149 days.
The funny thing is having lost my name for the last like 10 servers, I have zero days on the name Zaide. FML.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The funny thing is having lost my name for the last like 10 servers, I have zero days on the name Zaide. FML.

You are basically screwed in reserving your name by the very thing the name reserving is going to supposedly help against.

Thankfully I am not famous/infamous enough to have people doing that to me over the years.


Trakanon Raider
The funny thing is having lost my name for the last like 10 servers, I have zero days on the name Zaide. FML.

Set a bounty for your guild to reserve it, seems counterproductive but better to have a guild member snag it and hand it over for a reward than have some petty douchebag snipe it out of spite and never log it on.


TLP Idealist
Set a bounty for your guild to reserve it, seems counterproductive but better to have a guild member snag it and hand it over for a reward than have some petty douchebag snipe it out of spite and never log it on.
I think when you reserve it you lock it to your account for one year or something so it’s totally locked out of transferring to someone else. Maybe you can release it since it says “up to”.



Trakanon Raider
I think when you reserve it you lock it to your account for one year or something so it’s totally locked out of transferring to someone else. Maybe you can release it since it says “up to”.

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I was referring to just old school offering a krono or 2 for somebody you know to get it at server launch, if you have dozens of guildies trying to get it when servers come up you increase your odds compared to just yourself trying to beat all the snipers. It will cost you at least a name change, guildies might not even take the bounty.

I doubt anyone that sniped your name on previous TLPs played it for 200 days to be able to reserve it before launch.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I think when you reserve it you lock it to your account for one year or something so it’s totally locked out of transferring to someone else. Maybe you can release it since it says “up to”.

View attachment 524756

How do you get this window? I need to check and see if I have 200 days played (doubt it). 100 or even 50 would be a lot more reasonable, but eh.

So if I'm understanding this correctly, you can only reserve a name if you've already played under that specific name for a huge amount of time. That means nobody else can reserve your name either. Issuing a bounty for it before the server itself comes up would probably work.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

Rummaging around in boxes. Here's what I got when I returned to the game in 2004 after a 3 year break. Kind of crazy that OoW was $20 at launch, which is when this was. Always had a soft spot for OoW and Epic 2.0s and kinda feel like those are the pinnacle of weapon design in EQ.

Ranger 2.0 is missing from the poster entirely which is unfortunate, but at the time the Ranger 2.0 was in the midst of being re-designed at the last minute. It was originally going to be a bow.
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Trakanon Raider
Is playing with SEQ and MQ2 a pre requisite these days? Or at least SEQ? I haven't played a TLP since like 2016 or 2017 at the latest. I used SEQ and MQ2 a lot way back in the day, but I'm super rusty and am not sure I care enough to get them going again. So to box you need another pc/laptop? Until what expansion?

How do picks work these days? Are they exploitable? Are they well managed (i.e. they spin up new pick at 20 players in lguk instead of 50?)

Basically what are the big things that have changed in the last 8 or so years of TLPs that someone coming back would want to know? Are the Chinese botters as bad as some people say?


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Is playing with SEQ and MQ2 a pre requisite these days? Or at least SEQ? I haven't played a TLP since like 2016 or 2017 at the latest. I used SEQ and MQ2 a lot way back in the day, but I'm super rusty and am not sure I care enough to get them going again. So to box you need another pc/laptop? Until what expansion?

How do picks work these days? Are they exploitable? Are they well managed (i.e. they spin up new pick at 20 players in lguk instead of 50?)

Basically what are the big things that have changed in the last 8 or so years of TLPs that someone coming back would want to know? Are the Chinese botters as bad as some people say?

Everyone and their brother use SEQ. The old people use the untraceable linux box over a hub or something, but the lazy new generation just throw it on the same PC they play EQ on. WoW recently cracked down on bots, so you just never know when it'll happen in EQ. (likely never /shrug)


Trakanon Raider
People overstate how widely used SEQ is, most casuals don't use it, less than half of people in "top" raid guilds use it, if you just raid and don't need to track targets or pull you don't really need it.

PLers and Krono farmers of all persuasions typically do though.

When you use it it's pretty obvious who around you isn't using it, like you can watch competing groups pullers running around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for mobs more often than not. Every time someone does a "camp check" that's a group of casuals that most likely have nobody using it.

Never know anyone to eat a suspension for just SEQ as long as you get it from the Sourceforge link and not somewhere else like Redguides
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